Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dancing Jesus.2873

Dancing Jesus.2873


Hey guys, so I’m running a gs/phantasm build that focuses on keeping damage-dealing phantasms alive, as well as high damage output from the mesmer himself. I’m currently geared with full berserker’s gear and accessories. I switch out utility skills depending on what I’m doing:

-If I’m in a dungeon, I usually run with feedback/signet of inspiration/null field
-If in WvW, I use feedback/blink/decoy

Offhand weapon is situational as well. I usually use staff for survivability/chaos storm and focus if I’m fighting a boss with projectiles or one that stands still. I also use it for temporal curtain for skipping mobs and running in WvW.

I rarely shatter in dungeons, only towards the ends of fights and if I’m fighting a boss that I know my clones/phantasms will die against. Like I mentioned earlier, I try to keep them alive to get the most DPS output I can. I don’t WvW too much at the moment, but I always want to keep it an option.

So my question is: what runes should I use? I’m leaning towards sup rune of the mesmer for the stats, but I don’t really care much for the 33% daze duration. I looked at rune of the scholar, but I’ve read that critical damage doesn’t transfer over to phantasms.

My current trait allocation:

Any suggestions?

Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


crit damage does transfer.

scholar or divinity is best for maximizing non-condition damage builds.

Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grave.4523


You can place ruby orbs in your armor, netting you an additional 60 power and 24 crit over divinity.

6 ruby orbs is 120 power, 84 crit, and 12% crit damage
6 scholar is 165 power 8% crit dmg and 10% dmg if your over 90% hp
6 divinity is 60 all stats and 12% crit damage, but ask yourself if that 60 vit and toughness is going to save you if you are wearing zerker gear?

Honestly for me orbs are the way to go for the GS since divinity gives you some stats that don’t really benefit you. Honestly I wouldn’t even consider scholar as eagle just seems to scale better (additional crit chance give way better gains than power).

Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Six.8051


i’m using eagle with a high power/crit/crit dmg% and it’s glorious, especially since clones benefitting from crit chance w/ sharper images = awesome!

Rune suggestions for GS/phantasm build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cempa.3645


I was about to start a simila post, so better just bump this one..Grave makes a great argument, I run a GS Phanta build in full zerker.