Scepter change idea

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Skill 1: same BS speed and damage but clones can self generate. What i mean is, every clone will create a clone on his third attack.

Skill 2: Complete change of the skill. Remember Epidemic from gw1? That is what skill two should be! Spread target conditions to every enemy around it (with decent radius). This will make Confusing Images waaaaay more useful because you can spread 5 stacks of long lasting confusion in area and not just one enemy.

Skill 3: Its fine as is but casting time must be decreased because 3 sec is ridiculous. So i’d say something like 1.1/2sec casting time the most for this skill to be half decent in pvp.

Dunno maybe skill 1 may be a little too OP as i mentioned it but at least add it confusion on third attack and change skill two and three to be useful. A skill such as Epidemic is needed on mesmer me think and badly.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Animando.7956


Do you mean ? ^^ I don’t think the necros want to share that skill with us.

Scepter is not that bad. A slight buff /change to either #1 #2 or #3 should make it more appealing.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

yeah i know about necro skill but mes had it in gw1 so i don’t see why not in gw2 especially when Confusimg Images synergize so well together. You want a true condition weapon? Well that would be it because staff isn’t exactly one.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.9268


I think that greatly increasing the attack speed of scepter1 and greatly reducing the cast time on scepter3 would be perfect and make the scepter a for real viable weapon choice.

With deceptive evasion, a GS or a staff and the correct traits, we can already poop out clones faster than most champion mobs can swing their auto attack. If scepter is supposed to be the weapon of choice for rapid clone generation, scepter1 needs a big change, and increasing it’s attack speed would be a simple and cheap solution. The damage is already utter kitten, but if need be reduce the damage to compensate.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

but then this will stay the only mesmer weapon that doesn’t spawn an illusion. The 2sec of block given by skill 2 almost never creates an illusion in pve because mobs attack extremely slowly. At least if we decide to use blind on skill 2 it should spawn a clone on enemy location.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


I always thought that Scepter 3 should have been an AoE application of Confusion by itself, at 3 sec cast AoE around target of 450ish range would have been a decent AoE radius application of Confusion, and 3 seconds is a long cast anyhow.

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The scepter seems to be intended as the condition damage weapon, not the rapid clone generation weapon. Mesmers have rapid clone generation, and using the scepter is not necessary for that. However, scepter is the only weapon that applies confusion.

In keeping with this theme, the autoattacks should simply apply confusion. This used to be the case, and then was removed because mesmer + 3 clones applying confusion was too powerful. The obvious solution is to prevent the clones from applying confusion, and just have the mesmer apply it, on the second chain of the attack for example.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: My Sweet Lily.1952

My Sweet Lily.1952

I can’t see why Confusion inflicting clones were OP on land, but not underwater (Trident clones).

Nymeriali #Druid
[TLA] Desolation (EU)

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


Because they forgot to take out the Confusion underwater bit, and it is EXTREMELY strong underwater as it it. In fact, the Trident doesn’t apply confusion from your attack just the clones, and that is because they are using an older version of the trident attack ability, they didn’t balance the weapon around not applying confusion at all. . . hence it’s power based damage is so low.

Many of the issues with Mesmer are simply because they were a late developed profession according to various sources, along with Engineer and Thief they were developed later and hence had less testing time. Balancing them was harder because they wanted to get the product out there for us to play, I’m happy to play the game, but disappointed that my profession is still being tuned. To be honest it’s in a late beta phase of development for a profession in my opinion, and I’m okay with that, I just hope they tune it in one of the 15 directions that would be good in my opinion.

That said, a reduction on the power based damage of scepter and giving it back confusion on Auto would probably be fine as well. . . reduce it’s scaling with power to 0 for all it matters, clones from it applying confusion would be quite good too actually. I doubt any of this would happen, but I’d love to be wrong.

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352



Scepter 1:

Ether bolt – fastest projectile speed, lowest damage
Ether burst – lower projectile speed, higher damage
Ether clone – lowest projectile speed, highest damage and one or two stacks of confusion. No clone generation (having auto-attack clone generation is just irritating). Would need to be renamed…

Scepter 2:

Ilusionary counter – Block the next attack. Counter by blinding your foe.
Counterspell – Summon clone at target that uses illusionary counter once (on spawn) and then casts ether bolt.

Scepter 3: Not too bad actually. But either reducing initial charge or overall channel time would make it more fun to use. Could balance by dropping a stack of confusion.


Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: drongas.4189


scepter 1 skill must be sumoned clone near mesmer, no near foe


I’m kill you’r bessies

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Animando.7956


scepter 1 skill must be sumoned clone near mesmer, no near foe

So it was during the beta. The devs changed it with the release.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: WonderWoman.3785


I use a secpter and torch for my illusion build, however the first change should be that the Ether Clone that is summoned off the first skill of the secpter be able to do damage. I have watched and tested this out and only “0” in damage appears for dps when the clone casts it’s Ether Bolt. I thought maybe the text was bugged so I summoned the clone again and then stopped myself from attacking and watched as the mob’s health never went down. So, the first change to the scepter should be have the clone do damage. I don’t need a clone to cast Ether Bolt for cosmetic effect, I need it for damage.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

The scepter seems to be intended as the condition damage weapon, not the rapid clone generation weapon. Mesmers have rapid clone generation, and using the scepter is not necessary for that. However, scepter is the only weapon that applies confusion.

In keeping with this theme, the autoattacks should simply apply confusion. This used to be the case, and then was removed because mesmer + 3 clones applying confusion was too powerful. The obvious solution is to prevent the clones from applying confusion, and just have the mesmer apply it, on the second chain of the attack for example.

How can you consider a scepter as a pure condition weapon when its autos don’t even apply any condition? Skill 2 is for power/crit builds and skill three does more damage on a crit/power build than on a 100% rabid set. Scepter may be the only weapon that applies confusion but casting time/range is so bad that you need to attack an afk player to land 5 stacks of confusion.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: General Douchington.8497

General Douchington.8497

scepter 1 skill must be sumoned clone near mesmer, no near foe

I agree with this.

I also think Scepter1 should get a moderate, not too much of a damage buff, as well as a small AoE.(Would help very much for PvE).

The clone created from Scepter2 should apply confusion.

Maybe increase the cast time on Scepter3, maybe. I think buffing Scepter1 and 2 might be enough.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The scepter seems to be intended as the condition damage weapon, not the rapid clone generation weapon. Mesmers have rapid clone generation, and using the scepter is not necessary for that. However, scepter is the only weapon that applies confusion.

In keeping with this theme, the autoattacks should simply apply confusion. This used to be the case, and then was removed because mesmer + 3 clones applying confusion was too powerful. The obvious solution is to prevent the clones from applying confusion, and just have the mesmer apply it, on the second chain of the attack for example.

How can you consider a scepter as a pure condition weapon when its autos don’t even apply any condition? Skill 2 is for power/crit builds and skill three does more damage on a crit/power build than on a 100% rabid set. Scepter may be the only weapon that applies confusion but casting time/range is so bad that you need to attack an afk player to land 5 stacks of confusion.

What you have identified is exactly the problem. The scepter seems to be a condition damage weapon having an identity crisis. It can’t decide whether it wants to do condition damage or power damage, and ends up being absolutely horrendous and doing either one.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Sceptre #1: Yes, summon clone on mesmer, not target. Though there are benefits to summon on target. There’s just liabilities too.

Sceptre #2: No, don’t change it. It’s amazing at what it does. Channeled block = great counter to warrior/guardian/ele leaps/knockdowns etc etc etc. Also thief backstabs, scorpion whips, yadyada. Don’t want to wait? Hit it again for the blind and you’ll get the same effect, plus confusion if traited.

Sceptre #3: The duration is long but it’s just a matter of getting comfortable with the slower, draw out fight a sceptre provides (as opposed to a sword burst which is at the other end of the spectrum). The channel makes it a great stealth counter among other things. You can start it before a thief goes into stealth, and it’ll keep hitting after that. Also the faster the confusion stacks off it, the sooner the condition will fade. Longer attack time means stacks will draw out over more seconds overall. There are pro’s and con’s to slight variations either way with altering cast speed.

Powerful weapon in the right hands.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Sceptre #1: Yes, summon clone on mesmer, not target. Though there are benefits to summon on target. There’s just liabilities too.

Sceptre #2: No, don’t change it. It’s amazing at what it does. Channeled block = great counter to warrior/guardian/ele leaps/knockdowns etc etc etc. Also thief backstabs, scorpion whips, yadyada. Don’t want to wait? Hit it again for the blind and you’ll get the same effect, plus confusion if traited.

Sceptre #3: The duration is long but it’s just a matter of getting comfortable with the slower, draw out fight a sceptre provides (as opposed to a sword burst which is at the other end of the spectrum). The channel makes it a great stealth counter among other things. You can start it before a thief goes into stealth, and it’ll keep hitting after that. Also the faster the confusion stacks off it, the sooner the condition will fade. Longer attack time means stacks will draw out over more seconds overall. There are pro’s and con’s to slight variations either way with altering cast speed.

Powerful weapon in the right hands.

As i mentioned, i think that when we use blind from skill 2, it should spawn a clone at targets location so if we don’t need a block, we can at least spawn a clone to shatter or whatever. Because right now its almost like this weapon has no illusions at all and that is the only mesmer weapon without one.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Sceptre #1: Yes, summon clone on mesmer, not target. Though there are benefits to summon on target. There’s just liabilities too.

Sceptre #2: No, don’t change it. It’s amazing at what it does. Channeled block = great counter to warrior/guardian/ele leaps/knockdowns etc etc etc. Also thief backstabs, scorpion whips, yadyada. Don’t want to wait? Hit it again for the blind and you’ll get the same effect, plus confusion if traited.

Sceptre #3: The duration is long but it’s just a matter of getting comfortable with the slower, draw out fight a sceptre provides (as opposed to a sword burst which is at the other end of the spectrum). The channel makes it a great stealth counter among other things. You can start it before a thief goes into stealth, and it’ll keep hitting after that. Also the faster the confusion stacks off it, the sooner the condition will fade. Longer attack time means stacks will draw out over more seconds overall. There are pro’s and con’s to slight variations either way with altering cast speed.

Powerful weapon in the right hands.

As i mentioned, i think that when we use blind from skill 2, it should spawn a clone at targets location so if we don’t need a block, we can at least spawn a clone to shatter or whatever. Because right now its almost like this weapon has no illusions at all and that is the only mesmer weapon without one.

I’m down with that.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Shouldn’t the scepter clones also benefit from Sharper Images?

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Shouldn’t the scepter clones also benefit from Sharper Images?

They do.

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


They need to re-add Confusion on attack 1 chain with a smaller duration than originally and make Scepter be the Confusion weapon.

Until they do it’ll always be inferior to Sword which has a better illusion, a much better burst ability and is still second to staff in terms of clone generation.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Scepter change idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Just a thought. Give Ether Clone a very short Blind, enough to “interrupt” an attack if it goes out shortly after Ether Clone hits. By itself it would give the Sceptre a minor defensive boost: combine with the trait Blinding Befuddlement to get Confusion on Ether Clone.