Searching for wvw template

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Hi guys!
First of all many thanks to all of you for constantly sharing your wisdom with me via this forum.

Maybe you could pool together your ideas on one of my problems:
I am searching for a viable build in wvw that should involve the focus and trying to be not too shatter-heavy.
This is what I have come up with:

I try to use the nullfield together with the pistols phantasm and try to add some mor confusion with the sceptre. Somehow I can´t really get a bang out of the sword and focus…
…any ideas?

Your thoughts would be highly appreciated.

Cheers, gandhi

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


Focus-wise, I think anything that gets the cooldown and reflection trait (at least 20 in Inspiration) is gold. There are some other set-ups that don’t get this, however I think it’s a wonderful pve and wvw trait that really boosts Focus to a whole other level.

Aside from that, there are a few builds running around that provide various additional benefits.

I personally run with a pve phantasm build (10/30/0/30/0) and swap as much out for glamours as I can. Some guildies swear by a condition-heavy 0/0/20/20/30 build.

If you’re enjoying confusion, I’d play around with some Runes of Perplexity. Pretty much any build that uses those will be dropping confusion like it’s hot. It’s a natural pair for Staff, so I’d use 0/0/20/20/0 as my base, then drop your extra 30 pts in whichever line sparks your fancy. Illusions is a natural choice, but most of the others can be tweaked well.

If you’re running with a large group of players, your individual weaknesses can be overcome with support from your team, and your team’s meta build is an important aspect to consider in that kind of play. For example, people can build their entire character around glamours and do wonderfully in large-scale wvw but nowhere else.

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Thank you very much for replying Kelthien.
I agree with you that the focus trait makes it a lot more fun.
When playing condition-heavier with the focus it truly seems like complete rubbish to ignore the staff (… kind of obvious ^^).

Then again when wanting to play the pistol in wvw (at least when going solo) you probably will need a focus or a torch in the other offhand for an easier getaway…

Maybe i´ll just stash the condition idea and try for a different set of armor and try to stick with the weapons (… with a different setup of stats).

cheers, gandhi

(edited by Gandhi.3410)

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


@Ghandi, if you are looking for a WvW build using focus, check out the chillruption build in my signature to see if it interests you. It contains a condition build using sw/f and sc/p. Focus isn’t traited but you can still use the iWarden to hide behind (since he blocks projectiles by default) and even take the masterful reflection trait since you will have greater access to F4 with a lower CD.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Thx skcamow, I will definitely take a look into your build.

Sadly I must admit that shattering might be possibly too much to handle due to my coordination deficiency.

I have come up with this:

I don´t know if this has been tried before… if not then I will probably call it the “Funsatisfactory solo WvW build”.

Definitely is not the most efficient build, but sure is heck of a lot of fun to play with! Tons of mobility and combos to try and do.

During the testrunning I switched to knights-gear with soldier runes (for more toughness) and switched the weapons to berserkers (with sigil of energy somewhere on both sets) and found the results equally “funsatisfying”.

Guys… if you don´t fancy shattering too much, and you also don´t mind being a chicken and hiding behind your warden… this is really fun!
Constantly dropping your curtain, your nullfield, and seeing what combos can be achieved while managing to get out of nearly every sticky situation really got me off. ^^

If anybody is interested I might add a video in a couple of weeks, when i have more time on my hands. I will make sure to include an honest amount of really poor gameplay by myself (want to see pros? go elsewhere!!!).

A shoutout to the whole mesmer-community! Your ideas and sharing have made me stick to this game! You rock!

Cheers, gandhi

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Is it for roaming or big fights?

I play something like this in spvp and it may work for roaming.

For big fights the only thing that work at the moment is shatter, IMHO.

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Just for roaming. The really big fights in wvw are really not mine.
It´s nothing to get excited about but playing with pistol and focus and not necessarilly having to shatter is refreshing.