Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
(edited by Sensotix.4106)
Hey guys here are all my builds, videos, gameplays, tutorials etc etc so you have a better overview
Sensotix’ Spike Shatter Mesmer TPvP Build:
Sensotix’ Confusion Bomber Build:
Top Shatter Mesmer Dueling:
Sensotix’ Portal Stomp Guide:
Sensotix’ Bountiful Interruption TPvP Build:
Updated Build:
Gameplay Video:
Phase Retreat Trick Stomp:
Team Gameplays:
The Build I am currently using (Stealth Shatter Mesmer):
Link to the video:
1 vs 1 Interrupt Build (for duel servers):
Link to the video:
Top Mantra Mesmer Dueling:
Sensotix’ Mantra 1 vs 1 Build:
If you enjoyed it please make sure to leave a like and subcribe to join Sensotix’ Army
(edited by Sensotix.4106)
Thank you very much!
I have to say I like this much better than all the threads you made. Don’t get me wrong you make great stuff but kitten are there a lot of threads started by you lol. I will say though as a mainly WvW guy your s/tPvP builds make me actually want to play that game mode (Had no desire to as it is hard to have Mesmers in the Current Meta.) Overall good stuff
i will stop creating new threads i realized that it escalated pretty quickly haha
this will now be my one and only thread
Nice and simple guides : )
thanks ! a lot more to come!:D
Good player, good skills, good videos, and good man
My youtube name is MKDietz btw Senso, so you might remember me
Thanks a lot for the feedback here as well and with such a huge motivation i will keep going on making videos! And of course i remember u!
It’s good to have a continued source of excellent mesmer vids
Trying my best
Btw mate, you should link this post in your sig, instead of the bountiful interruption build, since this thread can be directed towards all your builds and vids
ah yea u are right thanks
Added top mesmer dueling 3
Team Gameplays:
[Sure] vs [VG]
Link to the video:
[Sure] vs [EA]
Link to the video:
Hope you guys enjoy it more to come!
nice work putting all this together. i mained a ranger for a long time, dispite what people think its a nice class with some neat tricks..Iv done ALOT of low tier WvW and once leveled will be spending most of my time in it again.
For the server, the mesmer can port golems and hide in towers/keep for a steal
In TPvP or small skerms i guess the mesmers job is shutdown, with conditions/boon removal and interrupt/stun/confusion
But what about solo/roaming? ill be using your Confusion Bomber build as a starting point and find my way from there (because thats half the fun). As it is now could that build solo camps?
Any tips/tricks/builds primarily for WvW would be great
well i am not really playing anything else than pvp but what i have heard from talking to other players if you use runes of perplexity with my confusion bomber build you should be able to kill everything in wvw also you could try my spike shatter mesmer then i am sure you can solo camps easily gl!
i will talk to other mesmers and try to come up with a wvw roaming build that is unique in its playstyle
(edited by Sensotix.4106)
For solo roaming you have a lot of options. You can run shatter, interrupt, stealth, phantasm, there’s a lot of options. Decide what you like playing and use that. My favorite is a hybrid power/condi prismatic understanding Mesmer but it comes down to personal playstyle in the end.
indeed with mesmer you have quite a huge variety in builds when it comes to wvw
more mesmer videos will follow the next days
Also i am currently uploading a recent version of my bountiful interruption build
Added the updated build video
Great builds and videos Sensotix, really nice work
thanks a lot as always more to come!
i will be uploading my current build video soon its kinda an old shatter build with some variations
[Sure] vs [PF] (Plastic Fantastic)
Link to the video:
Bump for the sake of the mesmer community! keep this game alive and I ask you to also start doing videos ..make this game come back to life because i really love playing it! <3
The Build I am currently using (Crit Shatter Mesmer):
Link to the video:
Excellent list and a tribute to how awesome and diverse this class is!
I get bored pretty quickly with 1 build & playstyle, and it’s amazing how you can completely change your experience when swapping from say a tanky/PU Condie build, to a pure GC shatter build, but have both be equally viable & fun.
thanks a lot
a 1 vs 1 interrupt build will be added tomorrow
I gotta agree with Windwalker, you really do have great playing skills… I’ve got a lot to learn
Can you try out a signet build perhaps? :P would love to see how you’d play that :P
I gotta agree with Windwalker, you really do have great playing skills… I’ve got a lot to learn
Can you try out a signet build perhaps? :P would love to see how you’d play that :P
that’s such an awesome comment
sure send it to me via pm and i will test it and even make a review video of it if you so desire?
1 vs 1 Interrupt Build (for duel servers):
Link to the video:
i will test dietzens signet build and do a video review on it
i will test dietzens signet build and do a video review on it
Best post all day ! hehe
haha yes but not sure if i am able to make that video today
this thread is now in the sticky thanks fray
Top Mantra Mesmer Dueling:
mantra video 2 will be added today
mantra video 2 will be added today
Added Mantra Mesmer Dueling 2
Did you have time to try out the signet build?
i did and i already recorded some footage and i will try to record more before i upload it
awesome, good to hear
/15 chars
can this maybe be moved to the sticky? would be awesome since a lot more videos will follow
can this maybe be moved to the sticky?
would be awesome since a lot more videos will follow
I agree.
The mods don’t really do stickies anymore. If they did the Grimoire would have been stickied by now.
hm that’s sad tho because there are a lot of people asking me ingame about things that I have posted in this thread so they have to search the whole mesmer forum for it just to find the one video they need only because it moved to the third page or smth
Sensotix’ Mantra 1 vs 1 Build:
Sensotix has a new video series featuring some mesmer solo queue gameplay.
Also this topic deserved one bold bump.
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