Shatter Cat sPvP section

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


sPvP section for the Shatter Cat Guide

As the original guide lack of room this is where I will post any sPvP related updates for the Shatter Cat Guide

1: sPvP Builds:

1.1*Non Shatter High condition build*


Based on stealth and high toughness for survival. Dmg source is a combination of power and conditions with burning and bleeds as main dmg. Deliver high burst with combo of torch blast + bleeds and blade flurry. Torment give situational pressure.

Amulet: Rabid + gem

Weapons : Sword+Pistol / Scepter + torch



(edited by Osicat.4139)

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Reserved for guide

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Reserved for guide

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Atiar.5469


Excellent, Osicat! I’m really enjoying playing with different versions based on this theme

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: tetrodoxin.2134


Great video as always, I tried almost the same thing some days ago. Survival is great, only problem I see with this is that you can’t really defend/attack points as fast or efficient as with other builds, due to all the stealth (decap happens very fast if you go invis).

It’s a quite entertaining build for sPvP, too bad that we only have conquest. This build would rock in other gamemodes.

Anet hates [your class], since [other classes] got buffs while [your class] only received nerfs.

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Given that you’re relatively low on Power, wouldn’t you be better off using Staff instead of Sword? On the other hand, if you want to use Sword, wouldn’t it be better to go for more damage from it via Rampager stats and be more Glass-Cannoney?

Also, with lower Power, aren’t Shatters weaker?

Not challenging you, I’m still learning, but this has tweaked my curiosity.

Answering my own question, I’m guessing you’d say the Toughness is necessary for a PvP context. I’m thinking though that for PvE, the changes I’m thinking of might work (switching to Rampagers’s)?

(edited by gurugeorge.9857)

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


The sword is not there for direct dmg, its there for sword clones who die close to the target in mele range every dodge. Also for the cripple, immobelice and 2 sec immunity.

For Pve Idd Rampager is good stuffs, but dont forget the bleed stacking scale on toughness preci condi gera better (critts = bleeds, toughness = condi dmg)


Also never be afriad to ask And challange me al you want, If Im wrong somewere and somone point it out its just good. This is why I test and retest everything before I add it to the guide.

Shatter Cat sPvP section

in Mesmer

Posted by: cyyrix.6105


I’ve been running a very similar build over the last week or so. It’s pretty troll, but a lot of fun.

A couple questions/comments…

Blade training? Phantasmal Fury is much stronger here if you’re running pistol on a condi build. It’s huge for stacking bleeds. Maybe far reaching manipulations if you’re roaming.

Also, why Sigil of Accuracy? My understanding is that illusions are unaffected by it. If that’s true, it doesn’t make sense for a condi build. I’m taking energy/corruption, energy/agony. I suppose earth would work too, but I hate risking an energy proc due to the shared ICD. (If the wiki is wrong about the Sigil of Accuracy, and illusions do benefit from it, I’d probably still go energy/accuracy in favor of earth).

Cyyrix | Marypoppins Deathsquad [mds] | Team Riot [RIOT] | Blackgate