Shatter build! What im i doibg Wong ?
AoE is the Devil!, SAVE US JEEBUS!
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.
Fast question, you run IP and stay “in the face” of the enemy, or you send your clones on shatter from range?
Try send 2 clones on daze shatter, then insta cripple target, leap mirror and let a blade flurry + 4 sources mindwrack hit the crippeled and dazed target.
Fast question, you run IP and stay “in the face” of the enemy, or you send your clones on shatter from range?
Try send 2 clones on daze shatter, then insta cripple target, leap mirror and let a blade flurry + 4 sources mindwrack hit the crippeled and dazed target.
So what Osicat is saying is that you need this list of things in order to shatter and be effective at the same time:
Good positioning.
Good timing.
Use 2 clones that you have already spent time generating to daze your target
Once target is dazed you want to immobilize them to hold them in place (range on this is very short and doesn’t always work so good luck with that)
Leap to your target
Mirror Image
Blurred Frenzy
and then Mind Wrack them.
Simple right?!
Shatter spec is a melee dps spec usually with some ranged support. Get in closer. Don’t be afraid to blow cool downs.
@wise, haha put up like that its kinda amusing how complicated the 2-3 sec combo sounds. But al fair Mesmer is a more elegant and complicated class than sya Ulrich the warrior.
Ulrich the warrior has hammer!
-Ulrich has hammer, urich want to smach
-Urich smach 1 2 3 1 smach smach
-Funneh ulrish pro killing
@wise, haha put up like that its kinda amusing how complicated the 2-3 sec combo sounds. But al fair Mesmer is a more elegant and complicated class than sya Ulrich the warrior.
Ulrich the warrior has hammer!
-Ulrich has hammer, urich want to smach
-Urich smach 1 2 3 1 smach smach
-Funneh ulrish pro killing/Osicat
I hardly understand what you’re saying here but it left me smiling after reading it though. Anyway, thanks for the tips. I, too, am trying hard in mastering my mesmer toon.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
@Gallrvaghn, dw, I hardly understand myself sometimes. Anyway, for the perfect burst setup, have a look and try folow the cd,s and shatter sequence in first guardian and again later in the guardian by the vista. In general I only use this " perfect burst combo" on 1 vs 1 when im sure noone else is around. Reason is that it cost many cd,s. If its a 1 vs x save cd,s and do lest costly bursts and rely on steady dps to drag enemy to 60% before burst.
Here is the vid for how to setup the perfect bursts, 1 st fight and again guardian later is especialy interesting.
Hope it help.
Thanks for all the help/info.
Osicat i not sure what you mean by IP run?
and yes most of my clons was send by ranged and try to shatter them.
i normaly dont Do sPVP but i when in whit a friend to test it out. and out of 3 ranged send clones only 1 did shatter. and he did not fight back.
il try and me abit more melee, ant change i can get a full rotation
agian ty for all the help.. and Osicat love your vids
Good luck
@Sal, sorry “run IP” is Osicatich for " use the trait Illusionary Persona".
In general shatter spec is more effective in a mid range – mele build with juking in and out of target. They work wery good in Pve aswell ( have alook in my guide if you interested). The phantasm hybrid is a little more flexible for pve as you get the bonus phantasm dmg and on a stable boss who dont dmg your illusions can get 3 phantasm up to do steady dmg same time as it for other can let them hit 1 time then shatter em.
Do you recommend IP for a PvE Dungeon build? The GS/S range mis-match and melee risk would seem to be weighty reasons not to pursue a ranged feel. If you do like that extra 33% on shatter, how do you mitigate risk?
@HappyHubris, Yes I feel IP is wery usefull for dungeon runs aswell. Not only it provide some extra dmg but it offers a " stay out of death" free card and by have reset shatter at 50 % you can survive wery well in a spec and gear who on paper look like a fragile dmg dealer.
In some situations its just not possible to go mele thu and then you dmg with ranged shatters and phantasm etc. For this situations I carry a GS in my bags when I do dungeon runs. Thats why I simply LOVE the hybrid spec, its extremly flexible and applyable to different situations. Also the daze vuln stacking is a huge dmg boost to the whole group.
hi Osicat.. im at work atm, so i cant remember if i use the trait or not.
im running your DPS shatter build.. whit gear and traits.
but by the sound of it, it looks like i need abit more practice.
ty agian Sal.