Shield 4

Shield 4

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


Proposing something here, feel free to add or subtract and argue below.

Shield 4 : Current
Channel block skill – blocks 1 attack -> Summons phantasm -> activates deja vu
or – Runs duration of block -> summons phantasm

Channel Block Skill – Blocks attacks for duration -> applies (Slow?) once per unique attacker (icd 2s?) / Pulse Boon/Alacrity to nearby allies (icd 2s?) -> opens up deja vu
or – Channels for duration -> if no blocks, summons phantasm

As fantastic as the phantasm isnt when it comes to PvE, i think something like this, which is admittedly front loading, would allow Chronomancers to handle front line combat a bit differently than other classes currently do; ie, using the shield to absorb the brunt of a burst and give a second wind to others nearby.

Maintaining De ja Vu at its current state to allow for the phantasm to still appear at least once.

This could also avoid over-buffing of the phantasm into beastly nerf territory or beastly bugged monster.. Admittedly the Phant probably still needs work but my focus here was bringing support from the shield directly to the player rather than to the AI it summons.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Shield 4

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


NO, the Shield skills are fine how they are now. Summoning a Illusion on Block, is a mesmer Trademark. It also help you to keep Illusions up.

Shield 4

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I like the current version. I do think a channeled block would be stronger ofc, but I imagine given the plethora of complaints, it’d come with significant nerfs to other things. And if the 5-skill gets nerfed, I’m not going to be quiet. -.-

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Shield 4

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

I would prefer a continuous block on the shield. In general I think the shield is junk for PvP pugging, but likely much more useful in a premade team that actually work together. Since I primarily pug, all off hands (except sword) are better than shield, and I won’t be equipping it as it is.