Should I do this?
I’f your biggest criteria for choosing a character is aesthetics, there’s not much here we can tell you. Find what looks good and roll it. You can always come back to mesmer if you didn’t like it.
I will tell you leveling an engi is really, really painful at lower levels due to traits being gained at later levels now. I would recommend grabbing enough skill scrolls to unlock bomb kit at level 1. That makes leveling much easier.
I had an engineer to 80 before. tbh, all I’ll do is follow the commander in eotm and spam granades to level up.
Mesmer looks good, just not the one I have and I can’t seem to make it look good for some reason.
There is a thread stickied in each form where people post their characters. You could possibly look through there for ideas.
i am not hating my mes, but i am just so fed up with the veilbot duty and the bugs that i needed a break. i leveled a necro . trust me leveling a new character can help u enjoy the game again if u are fed up with mes.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Unfortunately, most asura starter armor is just that, ugly but once you reach level 80 it makes it a lot easier to make what you might call a pretty character. I run primarily with my asura Mesmer and this is what she looks like I hope this helps:)