Should I do this?

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jurica.1742


Well I’m hating my mesmer right now. It seems like I’m always doing the same thing. Using this combo, that combo, I don’t like the way it looks, spent well over 150g on total makeover kits as of today to almost 0 effect.
Another class I enjoy is engineer. They seem to be in a stable state, very few bugs.
I’m thinking of making an engineer and making it my main. Meaning mesmer wouldn’t get any play time.
I at the same time kind of feel sorry for doing that.
What would you guys say I should do? I don’t know if I really want to level another character up.. I’ve been making then deleting an engi for the past few days.
The issue to me with my asura is that it just looks ugly no matter which gear I put on it.
Human looks great, so does Sylvari. Even Charr looks better in the starter armor than in any Asura armor I’ve had so far..

Pineapples rule

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eleivo.2761


I’f your biggest criteria for choosing a character is aesthetics, there’s not much here we can tell you. Find what looks good and roll it. You can always come back to mesmer if you didn’t like it.

I will tell you leveling an engi is really, really painful at lower levels due to traits being gained at later levels now. I would recommend grabbing enough skill scrolls to unlock bomb kit at level 1. That makes leveling much easier.

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jurica.1742


I had an engineer to 80 before. tbh, all I’ll do is follow the commander in eotm and spam granades to level up.
Mesmer looks good, just not the one I have and I can’t seem to make it look good for some reason.

Pineapples rule

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eleivo.2761


There is a thread stickied in each form where people post their characters. You could possibly look through there for ideas.

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


i am not hating my mes, but i am just so fed up with the veilbot duty and the bugs that i needed a break. i leveled a necro . trust me leveling a new character can help u enjoy the game again if u are fed up with mes.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Should I do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: collinss.5017


Unfortunately, most asura starter armor is just that, ugly but once you reach level 80 it makes it a lot easier to make what you might call a pretty character. I run primarily with my asura Mesmer and this is what she looks like I hope this helps:)
