Sorrow’s Furnace
Show us your Mesmer!
Sorrow’s Furnace
My Dragonball Champion…
Dendro Azureus
I miss Dragonball T_T
Human Cultural/Zodiac/Scarlet Helm
Deep Glacial Teal/Enameled Sacrifice dyes
Vella’s had a little bit of an appearance change again, dressing up in the lovely Luminescent armor and sporting Copper Red hair. The dyes used on the armor are Pyre, Flame and Charred (on the metals). Her eyes are now Celestial, which goes well with the Necromancer’s Wraith Masque. I really like this “new” armor, with how it pulses and glows.
Seafarer’s Rest
Here is my Mesmer, after a long break from Guild Wars I returned and revamped her from a blonde to a chocolate brunette – I think she looks pretty awesome now.
My main character that I made at the game launch, Neomarica. Appearance changed a bit over the years though. Mostly the hair style.
Airwolf – it has been a looong time since I’ve seen an actually good looking mesmer in this forum. You are one of them. Mind if you tell me what silver dye this is? Cinders?
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Airwolf – it has been a looong time since I’ve seen an actually good looking mesmer in this forum. You are one of them. Mind if you tell me what silver dye this is? Cinders?
And its standard silver actually. Divinity’s Reach’s lighting just makes it look a lot darker. So that is why one of the images is from character select because the lighting there is neutral.
My mesmer, in full glowing blue/winged theme.
Vella’s new hybrid (Dire+Berserker) style. Aimed for a bit of an angelic look.
Decided to go for an angelic look again (I know, very original, right..) on Vella’s Berserker set, using the glow of the Luminescent skin set (Silverwastes), boosted further by Sunrise (well, during daytime anyways), the Light of Dwayna (Recipe, check Trading Post) and the Wreath of Cooperation (Gem Store). Minor difference from what I currently had, being mainly dyes, though it has a rather drastically different feel to it (at least in my opinion). Using Pyre-, Electro Peach- and Celestial dye on the armor. For the laurels I use Green Apple- and Illumination dye (I know a part is technically metal, but it’s hard to see so I’m treating it as shading/highlights on the leaves). Celestial hair- and eye color. The halo is from the Selfless Potion (uncertain if that can be obtained again or not, haven’t checked NPC’s in LA). I believe that should cover any potential “Hmm.. what is—”, regarding what is what and colored how, if a newer player should look at it and like something but not know what things are. It’s not going to be everyone’s taste of course, that’s ok. Note that the dyes look rather drastically different with the Luminescent set than on other armor skins, due to how it glows in its pulsing manner. The hairstyle and face (as well as the Celestial color for the hair and eyes) are unique to the Total Makeover Kit (Gem Store). The face sliders has been tweaked. She’s Human. Uhm.. that’s it. I think.
Seafarer’s Rest
my mesmer’s evolution; which one do you prefer??
What are all the armor pieces in that last outfit? Absolutely in love and would love to use it on my own!
my mesmer’s evolution; which one do you prefer??
What are all the armor pieces in that last outfit? Absolutely in love and would love to use it on my own!
That’s the Carapace armor set, or the Luminescent skin set which looks the same, but that glows in a pulsing manner (—you get that for collecting every Carapace piece, for every armor weight as well as a few other items in Silverwastes). You can get 3 parts easily by repeating Episode 5, 7 and 8 of Season 2 in the Living Story/World across 3 different characters. The body is from the culmination of the large meta event in Silverwastes. I believe it was gloves you can get out of the chest within the Labyrinth and boots are from the Treasure Chests that you dig up elsewhere in Silverwastes (or open at the end of the over-arching meta event, and you get 3 keys for those, as well as a key for the chest in the Labyrinth from that event. I may be remembering what comes out of what type of chest wrong). You should also be able to finish the sPvP Reward track for Silverwastes to get the gloves (non-repeatable I think), and there is one step in the Story that you can obtain them from once (not repeatable across different characters). Alternatively, should you have terrible luck, you can farm up Bandit Crests to buy a box of Carapace boots/gloves/etc. at a vendor in Silverwastes, but note that you will need some Ascended accessory (that you do not get from playing through the Story/getting Achievements), so you already need to invest some Bandit Crests for that, as well as for extracting body parts from the Mordrems. Note that the boots in that last outfit looks like they are from the Phoenix Light skin which you can get from the Gem Store. The set that Kasmeer uses. Those are not the Carapace boots.
Seafarer’s Rest
(edited by Absconditus.6804)
Not the shiniest, but meh.
The armor sure doesn’t seem suited for battle, but isn’t that, what we all like about MMO’s?
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Not the shiniest, but meh.
The armor sure doesn’t seem suited for battle, but isn’t that, what we all like about MMO’s?
RPG logic for female character’s armor, the more skin shown, the more it defends. (If only that was true with our Mesmers T-T) Nice color synchronization. Fits well with the hair color too!
Seafarer’s Rest
Itzala Egia “The Shadow Of Truth”
That looks awesome… Could you please share the dye combo you use?
@Wyn.5724: Impressive use of color and armor selection.
Maelwro, Child of the Fall, Reborn in Flame
This is my Mesmer “Mestriss”. Granted I don’t play her much but I do enjoy the time spent on her, and her look! She is a condi/damage hybrid with Rampager armor!
Gw2 ~ Engi main, with many… many alts.
Kitten World Domination [Meww] :3
Decided to make a new Mesmer…hopefully I’ll keep this one, and my first Charr!
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Decided to make a new Mesmer…hopefully I’ll keep this one, and my first Charr!
I love this! :o
Got away from the spellcaster-Mesmer to a duelist/blademaster-Mesmer. Decided to play my headstart Mesmer again for a bit. Here is Tara Airgetlám again!
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
(edited by vanensang.1389)
Decided to make a new Mesmer…hopefully I’ll keep this one, and my first Charr!
I love this! :o
Ty don’t like manly female charr, cute little kitten is what I was going for
, undecided on the robe itself, so just went for an outfit for now till i can find a suitable one.
@Wyn.5724: Impressive use of color and armor selection.
Thanks! I have toned the blue down just a tad though.
Decided to create a japanese schoolgirl inspired look for my mesmer because I’ve got bored of all the either uber-elegant or uber-skimpy mesmer human/norn girls running around… 8D
Might find a better headset still;
My 2nd mesmer, K Ki, has a new jacket. Because she is one of the smallest Asura around you may not see her until it is too late.