Sick of mesmer bugs

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Southerncarl.2740


I love playing mesmer. It’s by far the funnest class i’ve played in any mmo but………… I cant help getting frustrated at all the bugs associated with the class, especially in pvp where one of these bugs can mean the difference between life and death.

Illusionary leap – This is by far the most frustrating for me. Any slight slope and the clone just runs on the spot? being a shatter mesmer I rely on this skill alot as it sets me up for my dps burst. Can it not be changed so that the clone just spawns at the enemy instead of having to run over? this would fix it I believe.

Blink – This bugs out all the time, tiny changes in height of the area can mean you use it, only to see that you haven’t moved and your still in the same spot.

Invisibility skills – I don’t know much about how the invisibility mechanics work but often i will use decoy and change direction only to see that i’m still being hit by ranger arrows for example for a good few seconds after, even though i’m invisible. This might be lag maybe or bug?

Deception – Deception in the downed state is really unpredictable, half the time i use it i’ll move about an inch from where I was which is completely pointless and not deceptive at all.

My question is are these actually bugs, lag or am I the only one experiencing these issues?

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


All bugs… All been posted in the bugs forum… Few get answered.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


As far as invisibility goes, that’s just how it works in this game. You can continue hitting anything that is invisible. Go find a mob that stealths itself (panthers) and wait for it to go invisible then continue to spam your 1. Chances are when it comes out of stealth it’ll be dead.

Just something you have to remember and adapt to. It’s not like in other MMO’s where you go invisible and you are immune for a small amount of time until someone pops you out.

Otherwise I agree. Another one is Phase Retreat, randomly getting stuck in walls is REALLY annoying. Especially in a boss fight (This happened to me the other day, luckily I was able to debug myself before I died). More often than not you can’t even blink out because get game considers you on a lower plane or something.

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

I don’t think he does, but he takes the damage. It’s fair, though, because if the beam were still visible, you’d see exactly where s/he is.

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loco.4561


I’m finding more bugs, for example Arcane Thievery sometimes does not work at all and someone else has explained that channel abilities will continue to hit you when your stealthed, I certainly take full damage from the ability that’s hitting me.

I run a stealth heavy build and sometimes my stealth abilities don’t work at all, I am definitely not under the revealed buff either, I think this has started happening more frequently since the recent patch. It seems to have caused numerous bugs with the profession, anyone else feel like they are still playing a beta at times? :P

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

I don’t think he does, but he takes the damage. It’s fair, though, because if the beam were still visible, you’d see exactly where s/he is.

Well what I’m more wondering is if a ranger channeling on me when I go stealth can see the arrows still for exactly that reason? I know I can see them still, so if he can then he still knows right where I am.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

I don’t think he does, but he takes the damage. It’s fair, though, because if the beam were still visible, you’d see exactly where s/he is.

Well what I’m more wondering is if a ranger channeling on me when I go stealth can see the arrows still for exactly that reason? I know I can see them still, so if he can then he still knows right where I am.

That’s interesting, I don’t know, then.

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Almost all the bugs, and many of them have been there since release, are ultra annoying to the person that is affected by them.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake