Signet of inspiration: 2nd boon combat only
Why is this relevant? They are not “wasted” if you didn’t pay anything for them. This signet actually only used to grant 1 boon, and it wasn’t swiftness, was random between all boons.
So be glad it always gives swiftness now
Going into combat with Aegis (which has about 20% chance of proccing) is pretty good. But as Eremoo said, why? Are you losing anything because you’re gaining that second boon OOC?
I primarily use this signet for moving around and so a lot of boons gets wasted because i am out of combat.
I’m curious, can you explain in more detail how you’re wasting boons? You do realize that boons aren’t a non-renewable resource, right? SoI isn’t stealing those boons from boon-deprived children in africa. It’s actually ok to get them, there’s more where they came from.
(edited by Fay.2357)
I tell you a story back in my childhood, it’s about a mesmer casually strolling in open world with SoI. Suddenly a red name mob decides to stop me from leaving!
Oh no! He’s going to make me walk in combat speed!
Thank you aegis, thank you SoI.
I’m curious, can you explain in more detail how you’re wasting boons?
Boons are valuable and they arent necessary when you are out of combat so its a waste. By definition.
Judging by his post history he doesn’t even play Mesmer. Just a troll thread guys, albeit one that doesn’t even make sense. Unsure if that’s intended or an insight into his thought processes.
Ye I was going to try and argue with him but I can see it’s the same as talking to a wall. Goodbye
I think the objection to your point is that not having the boons outside combat is effectively the same as having them outside combat. Nothing happens.
Unless you are contending that because the timer works at all times, you might enter combat and not get a boon till later because the timer already ticked before.
I think he has a point. More and more mesmers are using SoI. At this rate, Tyria will simply run out of boons. We need a boon conservation movement.
I’m curious, can you explain in more detail how you’re wasting boons?
Boons are valuable and they arent necessary when you are out of combat so its a waste. By definition.
: loss of something valuable that occurs because too much of it is being used or because it is being used in a way that is not necessary or effective
: an action or use that results in the unnecessary loss of something valuable
: a situation in which something valuable is not being used or is being used in a way that is not appropriate or effective
The boon has to be valuable. A boon that is not needed is not valued.
If you get retaliation do you then proceed to run screaming into combat taking every hit you can to get the most out of it?
Edit: Had you used a better dictionary you may have had a better argument under some definitions but not all.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Edit: Had you used a better dictionary you may have had a better argument under some definitions but not all.
gasp oh hell no, you didn’t just diss Merriam-Webster!