So, will Mesmers ever get

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Because our class picture (everyone knows it, the girl with the awesome fan!) has one, and She. Looks. kitten.

Will Mesmers ever get a sweet looking fan for anything? A special model for a Focus, perhaps? Is someone going to blow my mind wrack and tell me there’s already a fan model in game?

I want to have a fan.

Do you?

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


tht would be pretty nice…reminds me of kagura from inuyasha… lol

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yeah, especially given that the icon for a Focus is a fan, we really should have access to more elaborate Foci.

  • Fans
  • Focus-Orbs
  • Regal Scepters (those stylized ones monarchs used)
  • While we’re at regal stuff, a Globus Cruciger .
  • Prayer beads
  • Chalices

And since the idea came up while I wrote that, Lanterns as Torch-models! \o/

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: StSwfx.3754


I’d like a fan, but I fear it wouldn’t look so stylish when paired with the awful ready melee stance of dual wield. A mind a rapier style sword with a basket hilt either btw.

(edited by StSwfx.3754)

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Yeah I would love some weapon models that portray the “elegant duelist” image that the mesmer has in all the art. A fan for foci, an elegant rapier for 1H sword….

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Prayer bead focus would be pretty kitten for my Mesmer.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: station.6421


+1 to fans…. I’m tired of holding cow bells or little twisted twigs… whatever the hell they are.

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arcain.9106


I like the idea of a fan being a weapon. I’m surprised with the lack of fans for the Mesmer because the Mesmer art poster shows a woman with a FAN. Why advertise something that isn’t there.
The only focus model that I like is the Krytan (sorry if incorrectly spelt). Only bceause it doesn’t look like a bell on a stick.
+1 support for fans from me!

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Maerkyrr Belle.3206

Short answer: yes. Fans would be super awesome. +1

Long answer: all the suggestions in this topic are also awesome, and I hope that in the future Anet adds more unique skins to all the different weapon and armor classes. Right now it doesn’t feel like there is quite enough variety to make your character feel unique – even with the karma/dungeon rewards and exotic/legendary weapons. And with as beautiful as things were in GW1 and are in GW2 so far I know that they have the creative ideas and execution to do it, I’m just hoping they are waiting and working on more pressing issues and will add more as time goes by.

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


ii believe i read or saw somewhere in beta responses a dev saying something about a weapons expansion or something of the sort…… either way wishlist

mesmer main hand pistol
"" fans
theif- whip