SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Signet of Illusions, who’s active was to recharge shatters, now only recharges the Mesmer’s core shatters, not Continuum Split from Chrono. Should it be made to affect all shatters?



Just thought I’d bring this up, since I feel like it should be consistent but am unsure of the repercussions this may have on balance. Thoughts?

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I’m not sure this is worth discussing. When it was updated, it was explicitly changed to note that it doesn’t affect continuum split.

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


Our Robert Gee did specifically mention about the change to SoI to not affect F5 due to the reason it would otherwise have allowed quadruple casting powerful skills that is way too hard to balance. xD

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


i think the reason anet decided to make sol (signet of illusions) not effect cs(Continuum split) was simply because they feared that in combination with mimic(2 sol in a row)

resulting in insane plays such as CS>time warp*time reverts*>mimic >signet of illusions (no cd) >CS >2nd time warp>2nd signet of illusions>CS>3rd time warp.

time reverts mimic is on cd and signet of illusions is on cd. but time warp is off cd meaning you can place 4 time warps in a row.
(however considering the low cd of signet of illusions and mimic in comparison to time warp or…moa morph would be more effective to not use)

^ this is just the elite plays btw. and does not take in to consideration how much dps this would give to mesmers being able to have 2-3 shatter combos one after another. complete 2-3 phantasm uptime. and other effects that just leaves it to the imagination.

overall sol effecting CS would be amazing. i beleve the name for this type of play style would be “elite mancer”. “gravity mancer”. “time mancer” …..and my personal favorite.
if using moa morph> “Moa mancer”

to be perfectly honest this idea is insane and its understandable why anet prevented it….
however this build lacks tons of utility meaning for someone with medium skill could easily take out this build by simply avoiding the massive cd elites mesmer has 1-2 times. they would have at most 1 stun break. so if you catch them before they use CS they are DEAD.

kinda sad anet did not make the change after we were able to test it…even if it was for one week…..

the Moa feathers in the air would be so….sniff….beautiful

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Our Robert Gee did specifically mention about the change to SoI to not affect F5 due to the reason it would otherwise have allowed quadruple casting powerful skills that is way too hard to balance. xD


Just had to count it.

I get that, but to perform all that don’t you have to invest 2 utility slots simply to use Continuum Shift so often with little additional benefit? I feel like the investment should justify the reward. My opinion of course, some may say that being able to moa 4 times in a row is OP[Moamancer ftw]~

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


NO. It was discussed before when Chrono was revealed. And people gave plenty of scenarios why it would be beyond broken.

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Our Robert Gee did specifically mention about the change to SoI to not affect F5 due to the reason it would otherwise have allowed quadruple casting powerful skills that is way too hard to balance. xD


Just had to count it.

I get that, but to perform all that don’t you have to invest 2 utility slots simply to use Continuum Shift so often with little additional benefit? I feel like the investment should justify the reward. My opinion of course, some may say that being able to moa 4 times in a row is OP[Moamancer ftw]~

Almost right. Try this.

Split-?-mimic-shift-SoI-split-?-mimic-shift…ad infinitum. Mimic puts a buff on you and then goes into cooldown, which means you can use it during split, revert to shift, activate SoI without a cooldown, and then do it again without ever stopping.

SoI: Should it affect Continuum?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Our Robert Gee did specifically mention about the change to SoI to not affect F5 due to the reason it would otherwise have allowed quadruple casting powerful skills that is way too hard to balance. xD


Just had to count it.

I get that, but to perform all that don’t you have to invest 2 utility slots simply to use Continuum Shift so often with little additional benefit? I feel like the investment should justify the reward. My opinion of course, some may say that being able to moa 4 times in a row is OP[Moamancer ftw]~

Almost right. Try this.

Split-?-mimic-shift-SoI-split-?-mimic-shift…ad infinitum. Mimic puts a buff on you and then goes into cooldown, which means you can use it during split, revert to shift, activate SoI without a cooldown, and then do it again without ever stopping.

That’s cool………… O_o Wait, wat?!