Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holy Devastation.8203

Holy Devastation.8203

I’ve read this form for quite awhile and its always littered with WvW this and that But where are the skilled players at. The videos of mesmers from spvp with limited gear and none of those food boosts. Anyone got links to videos and/or builds spvp focused. Anyone can zerg their way through wvw. Spvp takes more than that.

Lady with Tricks- Mesmer [Yaks Bend]

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


I’ve read this form for quite awhile and its always littered with WvW this and that But where are the skilled players at. The videos of mesmers from spvp with limited gear and none of those food boosts. Anyone got links to videos and/or builds spvp focused. Anyone can zerg their way through wvw. Spvp takes more than that.

Or you could look at it the other way around… sPvP limits builds… take for instance the trinkets… Or the armor specificities… I have always viewed SPvP as a carebear arena. WvW has more variables… And it just so happens that a lot of Mesmer builds rely on those variables.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I’ve read this form for quite awhile and its always littered with WvW this and that But where are the skilled players at. The videos of mesmers from spvp with limited gear and none of those food boosts. Anyone got links to videos and/or builds spvp focused. Anyone can zerg their way through wvw. Spvp takes more than that.

Or you could look at it the other way around… sPvP limits builds… take for instance the trinkets… Or the armor specificities… I have always viewed SPvP as a carebear arena. WvW has more variables… And it just so happens that a lot of Mesmer builds rely on those variables.

the op has a point. Killing enemies without food buff and on equal ground takes skill.

Osicat is a perfect example. His wind of chaos does normally 900 damage to 1k.

To the OP, anet will try to balance the classes so it less likely to spvp videos with multiple enemies

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: drongas.4189


spvp all about who knock first from point, nothing intersting


I’m kill you’r bessies

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


spvp all about who knock first from point, nothing intersting

That’s kind of like… your opinion bro…

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


heh im going all over to help our class out…. stop making videos.. all you will do is get us nerfed. the devs cant play our class as well as the players can.. and they will not nerf us without some kind of proof. stop giving it to them .. “look at me kill 4 guys bro” no. stop it. it will only make things worse.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


heh im going all over to help our class out…. stop making videos.. all you will do is get us nerfed. the devs cant play our class as well as the players can.. and they will not nerf us without some kind of proof. stop giving it to them .. “look at me kill 4 guys bro” no. stop it. it will only make things worse.

anet cannot nerf a class based on good gameplay. Nerfing a class based on one video is a terrible idea and only makes the balance worse

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


heh im going all over to help our class out…. stop making videos.. all you will do is get us nerfed. the devs cant play our class as well as the players can.. and they will not nerf us without some kind of proof. stop giving it to them .. “look at me kill 4 guys bro” no. stop it. it will only make things worse.

if that logic is true, then we need to make video of really bad gameplay.

Look at me bro, I get killed all the time.

I am sure Anet will buff us up

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


heh im going all over to help our class out…. stop making videos.. all you will do is get us nerfed. the devs cant play our class as well as the players can.. and they will not nerf us without some kind of proof. stop giving it to them .. “look at me kill 4 guys bro” no. stop it. it will only make things worse.

if that logic is true, then we need to make video of really bad gameplay.

Look at me bro, I get killed all the time.

I am sure Anet will buff us up

I like this idea, I’ll get right on it.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: ski.4927


@Holy Devastation…

I am confused by what it is you are looking for here. How is a 1v1 fight in sPvP more challenging and skillful that a 1v1 fight in WvW. You said that food buff gives a disadvantage, but the person I’m fighting also has a food buff. So, we are still on equal ground.

What is it you are looking for?

Turkish Krul – Druid

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


heh im going all over to help our class out…. stop making videos.. all you will do is get us nerfed. the devs cant play our class as well as the players can.. and they will not nerf us without some kind of proof. stop giving it to them .. “look at me kill 4 guys bro” no. stop it. it will only make things worse.

if that logic is true, then we need to make video of really bad gameplay.

Look at me bro, I get killed all the time.

I am sure Anet will buff us up

I like this idea, I’ll get right on it.

Maybe I should do it. I’ve actually gotten very good at being at the wrong place at exactly the wrong times tonight in sPvP. Zergs all day, er’r day. Win a 2v1? Pft! s’Cool, the other 6 teammates can finish me off!

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Velkyn.5168


@Holy Devastation…

I am confused by what it is you are looking for here. How is a 1v1 fight in sPvP more challenging and skillful that a 1v1 fight in WvW. You said that food buff gives a disadvantage, but the person I’m fighting also has a food buff. So, we are still on equal ground.

What is it you are looking for?

I kinda have to agree, because in WvW your opponent could be an upscaled non-80, or someone whose gear is not as good as yours, while in PvP all of that is always equal per default.
Also my confusion hits a lot harder in WvW and that means it’s easier for me to kill people with that build, while in sPvP that’s a more challenging undertaking.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holy Devastation.8203

Holy Devastation.8203

@Holy Devastation…

I am confused by what it is you are looking for here. How is a 1v1 fight in sPvP more challenging and skillful that a 1v1 fight in WvW. You said that food buff gives a disadvantage, but the person I’m fighting also has a food buff. So, we are still on equal ground.

What is it you are looking for?

As Velkyn pointed out, there are other factors affecting it too. I merely pointed out food buffs being one of them. WvW is very much gear oriented, the upscaled leveling while is great for people to get a feel for pvp, makes for easy killing for those experienced. I’m not saying any of this needs changing, by all means theres a place for everything in guild wars 2. My post was just pointing out the lack of post/videos of spvp gameplay. (specficly the mesmer this time) The spvp forum itself is full of various strategies but not so much in its application and gameplay.

Lady with Tricks- Mesmer [Yaks Bend]

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


@Holy Devastation…

I am confused by what it is you are looking for here. How is a 1v1 fight in sPvP more challenging and skillful that a 1v1 fight in WvW. You said that food buff gives a disadvantage, but the person I’m fighting also has a food buff. So, we are still on equal ground.

What is it you are looking for?

Not necessarily. A lot of nameless foes you find in wvw and wvw vids are upleveled with no food buffs. And there is no way to tell if they are wearing all exotics/ascended or not.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


I would also love to see some sPvP footage! I’m not sure why the conversation got derailed about skill levels of sPvP vs WvW…

A few recent ones I enjoyed are by Team Symbolic. Here’s a link to one:

It’s often in dutch though :-/

I’d love links to some good streamers. The recent youtube selection is pretty limited for mesmers. I have no idea who our ‘pvp mesmer celebrities’ are

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


your pvp mesmer celebrities are in wvw. not spvp.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


your pvp mesmer celebrities are in wvw. not spvp.

There are many great WvW players and I adore our awesome team of helpful pros who’ve filled the forums with guides, insight, and media.

But I also think PvP has some separate mechanics from WvW, as well as its own set of players, strategies, and communities. I’d like to see some of those, as well.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: wookie.8934


I would also love to see some sPvP footage! I’m not sure why the conversation got derailed about skill levels of sPvP vs WvW…

A few recent ones I enjoyed are by Team Symbolic. Here’s a link to one:

It’s often in dutch though :-/

I’d love links to some good streamers. The recent youtube selection is pretty limited for mesmers. I have no idea who our ‘pvp mesmer celebrities’ are

While this player’s sparring ability is pretty nice, I think it’s interesting the opposing team is absolutely abysmal. Not really a fair fight I guess.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


While this player’s sparring ability is pretty nice, I think it’s interesting the opposing team is absolutely abysmal. Not really a fair fight I guess.

So true! That’s why it would be great to see some other sources with a bit better competition.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Point capping is boring, but I agree it takes more skill in spvp… mostly because of the playerbase there not so much the “even footing”.
At the same time, builds are limited heavily by the game type so you have less you need to counter in spvp.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The problem with sPvP and tPvP is that they are both so dull. Simple and boring game types, anet screwed up countless things with implementation, the vast majority of people who were serious about it quit. Wvw is interesting, dynamic, and engaging. It’s not a big mystery why it is very difficult to find serious mesmers that do t/sPvP.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


The problem with sPvP and tPvP is that they are both so dull. Simple and boring game types, anet screwed up countless things with implementation, the vast majority of people who were serious about it quit. Wvw is interesting, dynamic, and engaging. It’s not a big mystery why it is very difficult to find serious mesmers that do t/sPvP.

WvW has its strengths, for sure. Personally, I get bored with it after an hour or so. On my server, or at least on my play times on my server, it’s mostly 20-30 of us running around trying to avoid the 60-80 enemy players who easily stomp us, even at our most organized. The new leveling system has encouraged a silent agreement of keep-swapping. We take bay while they take hills, then we take hills while they take bay.

Back on topic, though, there are plenty of folks who still find PvP a quick, engaging play style and would love to see some quality footage of mesmers excelling in that area.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kavia.8249


I don’t claim to the most technically proficient, but I have been playing exclusively sPvP on my mesmer since October and have some recent footage on twitch you can view:


On the side topic of sPvP vs. WvWvW – the main difference for me is that tPvP is balanced. Success in wuvwuv depends at least in part on your ability to level to 80, farm exotics, obtain food, grind ascended gear, etc. In tPvP the teams are always even and the access to gear is the same for all players, making success more about creating an effective build, personal skill and teamwork.

Also in WvW since the matches last a full week its difficult to have a satisfying feeling of personal accomplishment i.e. “we won because of me!”

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


Thanks, Kavia! I will TOTALLY check your videos out.

Which kind of a build are you running? I’m not sure if you mention it one of your videos.

Also, I have to agree with you about a difference between sPvP and WvW gameplay. I rarely run in to any groups with fewer than 10 people in them, so small 1v1-5v5 battles are infrequent. My WvW build is also shared with my PvE build and emphasizes group support rather than personal damage/survival. They two just feel like there’s some overlap, but some striking differences as well.

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kavia.8249


In the vids from last week I am mostly running a phantasm build (anticipating a shatter nerf, lol!): http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-Ng-FR;0VPV1187sUV71;9;4JT;0J29-018;429-6-k6L;1G3G3G3G35BW

More recently back to typical shatter build: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-NZ-Fc;0VPkz027JVV71;9;4JJ;0T06-39;505AU-k66;1sV2DsV2D5BD

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Spvp Skilled Mesmer footage

in Mesmer

Posted by: wookie.8934


If you’re interested, I also tend to stream hotjoins and plan to do tPVP once I find a good team. Here’s a video of me in some randoms:


(In hotjoins I tend to spar more than anything – and yes I do realize most of this is just random fighting lol :P — about halfway through I have some good duels with another mesmer [44:20])

Let me know what you think. Also, if anyone has a team looking for a decent mesmer, let me know.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by wookie.8934)