Staff + GS Rotation?

Staff + GS Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JeetyWeety.2948



Hi all,

I’m still leveling my cute little mesmer. He’s only level 12 now, and I’m not sure if I’m doing things correctly at that level. I’ve read somewhere to level using GS and staff.

How should I start off fights? I know rotations aren’t what GW2 is about, but any suggestions of what buttons I should be mashing would be helpful.


Staff + GS Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ButterOfDeath.2873



greatsword: 4-2,3 (shatter here if you can finish the enemy),some auto attacks,5 when the enemy is close,swap to staff,chaos storm,walk inside it while doing at least 1 autoattack,use 2,use 3,4 when your chaos shield wears off,swap to GS,4 again,2 and 3.

Meanwhile you can shatter stuff while doing so.


IMO,this weapon set always works great! i used GS from level 2,Staff+GS when i unlocked the 2 slots…and still using it at level 21.

However,i miss focus’ swiftness and reflection,so i use the feedback bubble for the reflection (and spamming confusion!),pain inveter to be used with the chaos storm,and decoy.
works wonderfully imo.

When you’ll have to deal with conditions,you can swap radiation field with arcane thievery or null field,the decoy can be swapped for the blink,and the feedback bubble can be swapped for the mimic ability.

(edited by ButterOfDeath.2873)

Staff + GS Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


I did sword/focus at low lvl really good for aoe mobs.

well I still use it, hehehe

Staff + GS Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Velladin.2578


The great sword only become much stronger at higher levels

Staff + GS Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JeetyWeety.2948


Thanks, folks. OK, so at my level, please choose the weapon combo, and if you can, please give an example of of rotation you use for that weapon combo when you fight.