Staff Rework Idea...

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


Hello Guild Wars, (last time I used a devs name an got banned -_- so your Guild Wars now)

While I call myself a multi-class player Mesmer is by far my most played class. While playtime is not indicative of skill it may also be worth mentioning I’m a Legend rank PvP’er (almost exclusively mesmer season 2). All I’m trying to say there is I’m not just some rando who just picked up mesmer. I have a genuine interest in the class and with my amount of playtime let’s hope some insightful comments to make. K, moving on…

So a few things have me thinking a staff rework is long overdue:
- Thief getting so quality of life in regards to weapons/traits being usable with power or condi
- Chaos Armor was nerfed to the point it does not deserve to hold a weapon slot skill. Seriously…
- I used to love double ranged shatter, and when I say that I mean I loved phase retreat and chaos storm. Nuff said

Proposal, Replace Staff 1, & 4

Current 1
Winds of Chaos, 3/4 s (Cast-time) – Bounce an orb of energy between foes and allies that applies random boons to allies and random conditions to foes.

New 1
Chaos Cut, 1/2 s (Cast-time)
> (Chain) Chaos Slice, 1/2 s (Cast-time)
> (Chain) Chaos Tear, 1 s (Cast-time)

- The Chain would have a 5 second window to begin the next attack

Chaos Cut, ratio (0.60) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 1 stack Burn 1/2 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies 1 stack Might 5 sec
Chaos Slice, ratio(0.60) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 1 stack Burn 1/2 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies 1 stack Might 5 sec
Chaos Tear, ratio (1.15) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 3 stack Bleed 1 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies Fury 2 sec

Now because Warden uses the same particle as staff, that means that the warden would have the same animation (instant similar to necro axe).

Because of the significant buff to the auto attack this would bring I believe that staff 4 should remain a utility type skill.

Current 4
Chaos Armor (5s), 35c Cooldown: Give yourself random boons and your foe random conditions whenever you are struck.

New 4
Chaos Phase, (instant cast) 20s Cooldown: Gain Protection 3s & create a phase ( this could look like a shatterd clone, you know how they have their arms in the air, but make it transparent) that returns you to the cast position after 4 seconds and blinds opponents in the return area. Can also be cast again to return to cast point sooner.

I think this would be a great kite/utility skill that would work well with the proposed set.

edit: forgot to add the 1 stack of vuln, -added
forgot to write damage as “ratio” edited

(edited by BetterHappy.2517)

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Not sure whether the auto changes would be a buff or a nerf honestly, with how low those durations are.

I like your idea for the 4th skill, but it sorta steps on the toes of continuum split a bit.

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: desu.2514


1/2 a second of burn ticks for like 220 and the bleed would deal 1/9th of the damage of a geomancy swap approx 360-400? damage. chaos phase would just say hey im going to be right here on this marker soon so wait there to burst me plus you loose the benefit of the staff trait synergy making standard mes even more useless

changes are a total nerf. even with how staff is now. but you are right staff need a look at by the dev team.

id say re balance the burn damage on both staff and torch skills plus Balthazar rune, since hot they have not been changed to account for the duration to stacking change and has ever since dealt 1/3 of the intended damage.

solution making them apply 3 stacks restoring them to how they was

staff 4 if it was to change, id say something change it to a more utility theme as staff already has movement play on skill 2, since chaos armor grants boons or applies conditions id go with something like for the next x seconds winds of chaos copies a random boon from the caster to allies hit by WoC and a random condition from the caster to enemies hit by WoC. or something with that kind of flavor. maybe a blast or whirl with aoe boon/condi transfer or copy? the blast would be good as it would remove the need to change the staff trait as you could apply CA through skill 5 then 4.

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


Educate yourself on damage ratios. This would be a buff to the weapon, and the clones that use it. Because this has effectively no travel time your 1s burn would come from clone+self auto. Also this auto attack would be faster, and it’s a huge buff to base and ratio damage. I used a nerfed version of the sword chain.

Mesmer isn’t a burn class, it shouldn’t be burning things to death, the burn is merely a guaranteed damage add.

Also you’d gain fury at the end of you chain, which would let you follow your chain with reliable damage…

(edited by BetterHappy.2517)

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Educate yourself on base damage and ratios. This would be a buff to the weapon, and the clones that use it. Because this has effectively no travel time your 1s burn would come from clone+self auto. Also this auto attack would be faster, and it’s a huge buff to base and ratio damage. I used a nerfed version of the sword chain.

Mesmer isn’t a burn class, it shouldn’t be burning things to death, the burn is merely a guaranteed damage add.

Also you’d gain fury at the end of you chain, which would let you follow your chain with reliable damage…

So first of all, base damage isn’t a thing that exists, so you can go ahead and scrub that from your idea.

Secondly, it would be a ranged single target power attack that still does extremely underwhelming damage. It would be a direct nerf to damage because the current staff attack can hit multiple targets, already generates fury, and has drastically longer duration conditions.

Staff is a condition weapon. Your changes would make it into a crappy version of scepter.

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: BetterHappy.2517


I was refurring to the 1000 base stats players have as base. Removed it from post already to remove confusion.

These changes would make it hit roughly as hard as sword with regards to condi+power damage.

Fay, I know you love to derail any post I make in the forum that is your home. But decreasing attack speed, and increasing damage makes it hit harder. That’s how math works. Yes staff can bounce additional times but the reduced cast time, and reduced missile speed would address this. And hell if the burn was a full second that’d be swell but I’m not about to post something as from one extreme to the other, buffing it to the point the idea just becomes a joke.

Anywho, I’m out. no more input from me on this, I get banned every time I teach you math.

Just gonna mention this for the last time, instant projectile and reduced cast speed. Makes damage more consistent. Increasing the base damage (over 100%) increases damage… giving guaranteed access to fury lets you use harder hitting skills after your chain for more consistent damage.


Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I was refurring to the 1000 base stats players have as base. Removed it from post already to remove confusion.

These changes would make it hit roughly as hard as sword with regards to condi+power damage.

Fay, I know you love to derail any post I make in the forum that is your home. But decreasing attack speed, and increasing damage makes it hit harder. That’s how math works. Yes staff can bounce additional times but the reduced cast time, and reduced missile speed would address this. And hell if the burn was a full second that’d be swell but I’m not about to post something as from one extreme to the other, buffing it to the point the idea just becomes a joke.

Anywho, I’m out. no more input from me on this, I get banned every time I teach you math.

Just gonna mention this for the last time, instant projectile and reduced cast speed. Makes damage more consistent. Increasing the base damage (over 100%) increases damage… giving guaranteed access to fury lets you use harder hitting skills after your chain for more consistent damage.


But why make it a power weapon? We’ve already got power weapons. We don’t need yet another single target power weapon. There’s just no need for that. You’re saying you’ve buffed the damage on it, but really you’ve just made it go from a strong condition based attack to a weak condition based attack with mediocre power damage.

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I like Winds of Chaos as it is. They only need to buff its damage and or burn duration very slightly, and of course projectile speed. In any case I’m finding it really shines in hybrid damage, which the ideal stats can only be achieved in pve/wvw because of gear flexibility.

Chaos armour (Staff 4) can have reduced cooldown, proc aoe Chaos armour and maybe some other boons or effect right off the bat – like a 1/2s evade or something.

iWarlock is what needs help in terms of projectile reliability and giving the phantasm skill (same with all phantasm skills that aren’t Shield 4) an active effect.

I personally don’t want to see staff pushed either way towards Condi or Power – I would rather it be buffed as a hybrid damage dealer while maintaining itself as a defensive/kiting weapon compared with Scepter or Greatsword.

Staff Rework Idea...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Staff doesn’t need reinvented skills, but small tweaks.
AA with more direct damage and longer burn, fixed iWarlock projectile failure rate, Chaos Armor needs slightly lower CD and Chaos Storm needs slightly longer boon/condi base duration.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz