Staff, Scepter/Focus/Torch - Cele Trinkets?
Well, focus is a staple weapon of dungeon builds due to the aoe and utility it provides. Staff is used in maybe one or two really niche situations. Scepter is used even less, and torch is used only if you need a bit of extra stealth during a skip.
Now, I’m curious as to why you’re fixated on celestial trinkets. I’m going to tell you right now, while you obviously can use them in whatever build, they’re not going to be good in literally any build that mesmer has for absolutely anything in this game. They simple aren’t. For a condition build you want rabid/dire. For a power build you want zerker. For a tankier WvW build you want knights/cavaliers/valkyrie. Basically, celestial trinkets are just better than awful for every mesmer build.
Well, like I said, I’m talking mostly PvE. More or less soloing, not dungeons. For dungeons I can just swap to whatever weapon is needed but I still want gear that’d work for most situations since if I go ascended I don’t wanna make two sets. It’s too costly. As for trinkets, it’s because I already have a full set of Ascended celestial trinkets I rather not have just sitting in the bank.
well first of would be nice if you looking for a shatter build (ie. summons a steady stream of clone whos main purpose is to run to their “death” via your shatter skills (F1-F4)) or a phantasm style build (ie. summon mainly phantasm and keeping them alive to do a lot of dmg with their attacks)?
That’s just it, I don’t know what I’m looking to do yet. I’m asking what can be done well with those weapons in mostly solo PvE.
If you’re saying I should go shatter or phantasm, what stats for my gear would I go with because again, traits I can swap anytime.
Shatter and phantasm is basically 2 main categories that any build can be put into and is a huge difference in playstyle, and thus also in traits and stat choices, but can more of less work with just about any weapon equally well. And well since you have ascended accessories you must be lvl 80, and thus i would think you should have played a mesmer long enough to really know which of the 2 ways you like to use the your illusions most. (keep in mind even a shatter build will often let phantasm at least get the first volley in, and in some rare cases maybe even let them stay up longer because of certain circumstances, and phantasm builds will often also when the target ids near death at least take the last bit of them off with a shatter, so one style does not exclude the other but you gotta pick one to focus on really)
Yeah, I’m level 80. Still, my question remains. What stats for my armour/weapons?
Does Shatter or Phantasms really have that different styles that I’d not be able to just have one set of armour? I mainly just want to know what stats for my gear using those weapons would be best. Even a list of possible options.
Yeah, I’m level 80. Still, my question remains. What stats for my armour/weapons?
Does Shatter or Phantasms really have that different styles that I’d not be able to just have one set of armour? I mainly just want to know what stats for my gear using those weapons would be best. Even a list of possible options.
For any and all PvE content, zerker/assassins armor is best, generally speaking.
If you’re intending on actually doing stuff like soloing dungeons, then you may actually want rabid gear for a condition build, but that’s pretty particular.
Does Shatter or Phantasms really have that different styles that I’d not be able to just have one set of armour? I mainly just want to know what stats for my gear using those weapons would be best. Even a list of possible options.
Yes they are that different. There’s literally no way that you can use 1 set of stats for everything on a Mesmer. It just doesn’t work (I’ve tried pretty much every viable combination for both power and condi on both shatter/phantasm setups and it still holds true).
Your weapons are more condition oriented but can also work with power in the right circumstances. Staff has very low power scaling (unless you’re pumping illusions out 24/7 or don’t shatter your Warlock) but lots of condition application as well as boons (from Chaos Storm). It’s not suited to really any dungeon encounter though.
Scepter/focus don’t have a lot of synergy with staff (IMO). You don’t really have any way to keep people in your AOEs (irrelevant in open world pve) so that would be a big issue by itself. Torch is mainly a defensive offhand but doesn’t really provide any utility other than the stealth (and relatively low illusion summon cooldown from Mage).
If you’re going to do a power-oriented setup, you need to have more “active” (sword mainhand, pistol offhand, greatsword as main examples) weapon combinations. Condition builds are usually fine with more “passive” (staff, scepter) ones.
Power: Berserker/Assassin gear | Condition: Most commonly Rabid/Dire
Mesmer doesn’t cover enough things for Celestial to be effective.