Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Stealth Revealed Bug - affecting you?
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
I noticed it while roaming. At first I thought The Prestige was hitting ambient creatures or I was standing a little to close to someone when it burst but after a few attempt I noticed the revealed happening even out of combat. Got me killed several times when trying to disengage from groups because my Decoy and Mass Invis could no longer be chained together.
Pretty annoying if you ask me, although I’m sure they’ll find a fix soon since I doubt its intended seeing how it interacts with stealth stacking.
Its a good first step, stealth in this game has more in common with exploits in other games instead of mechanics and has no counter play. Sorry thieves, not liking stealth is as much a l2p issue as going into stealth and running off when you health drops to 30% makes you good at the game.
If this makes Mesmer even worse in PvP then so be it, its already aggressively unfun whenever the enemy team has a thief (99%) of the time.
This is most likely a bug though and due to thief tears they will completly revert it instead of looking at whats happening and seeing how it can improve the game.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
When my guild group is outnumbered, we like to chain Mass Invis to disengage or reposition more favorably.
So, yes, deeply frustrating.
Its a good first step, stealth in this game has more in common with exploits in other games instead of mechanics and has no counter play. Sorry thieves, not liking stealth is as much a l2p issue as going into stealth and running off when you health drops to 30% makes you good at the game.
If this makes Mesmer even worse in PvP then so be it, its already aggressively unfun whenever the enemy team has a thief (99%) of the time.
This is most likely a bug though and due to thief tears they will completly revert it instead of looking at whats happening and seeing how it can improve the game.
A little stealth has plenty of counterplay in an aoe heavy game. Perma stealth nonsense thieves have very little counterplay.
I dont want to see stealth nerfed in this way but i beleive some classes rely on this mechanic too much. At the same time a class like mesmer has very little disengage ability due to our low speed and lack of leap skills. This is why alittle bit of stealth goes a long way on a class like mesmer.
We dont have the crazy blinds and blocks of a guardian, we dont have the crazy evades and gap closers of a thief or ranger, we dont have the cleanse, boon, healing power, or speed of an ele or warrior, and we dont have the cc heavy, leaps and bounces of an engineer.
If anything mesmer needs stealth more than any other class for survival and while I have played plenty of theory crafted mesmer builds with very little stealth and survived alright when enemies want to focus you youre not gonna get away unless they are fools.
(edited by fluxit.8247)
Can’t use double veil for pushes anymore. GG
For small scale roaming it has been a pain, but manageable.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
It was confirmed to be a bug, fix coming soon.
i think the reveal coming out of stealth was intentional and they just didnt mention in the patch notes or ‘forgot’ because shadow refuge now works and it was bugged after this patch 5 minutes ago.
Found an old post of mine from back before PU was nerfed a bit.
Revealed applying every time you leave stealth and PU split into two traits or tuned down a bit would make stealth perfectly fine IMO.
I thought I was the prophet.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
The more I think about it, the more I like a reveal effect after stealth expires. It effects chain stealthing only and might be a good thing to when fighting stealth heavy classes/builds (looking at you PU Mesmers and D/P Thieves^^).
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
The more I think about it, the more I like a reveal effect after stealth expires. It effects chain stealthing only and might be a good thing to when fighting stealth heavy classes/builds (looking at you PU Mesmers and D/P Thieves^^).
I feel like it’s gunning for builds that use stealth for damage/sustain but mostly hurting builds that use stealth for escape/utility.
Sure, sometimes thieves chain stealth and it’s really annoying, but oftentimes they’re already sucking up Revealed because that’s how they do big Backstab damage or stack tons of conditions on you. They can use intense mobility, Blind spam, and dodging to cover that Revealed time pretty easily.
PU builds don’t need to Reveal themselves as often (since they don’t have a powerful “sneak attack” from stealth), but a typical flow is to go into stealth for boons, pop out to load up an enemy with conditions or phantasms while Prot/Aegis/&c. help you survive a bit, then pop back in for more boons. Chaining stealth on a PU build is often wasteful.
Note also how both these builds are gonna have super-long-duration stealth without needing to chain, in the form of Shadow Refuge or (post-HoT) double-duration Mass Invis.
In contrast, there are a lot of times when you’re playing something like Sword/Torch shatter where you’ll want to chain stealth to get the heck out of a bad situation. Stealth is undoubtedly very powerful, but I don’t think it’s particularly unfair that if you kill someone without blowing a lot of high-cooldown skills, you can then use those skills to get away when their buddies show up.
In my view, Stealth applying Revealed doesn’t do much to stealth-spammers. Playing around Revealed is already part of their flow. If you want to discourage or tone down those builds, you need to limit how spammable stealth is, or their ability to turn stealth into sustain (like mesmer PU regen or thief Shadow Arts healing).
(edited by ASP.8093)
I actually loved this bug I had a really good time against some (usually quite good) D/P thieves^^
I wonder how this bug happened.
Equinox [EqnX]
The more I think about it, the more I like a reveal effect after stealth expires. It effects chain stealthing only and might be a good thing to when fighting stealth heavy classes/builds (looking at you PU Mesmers and D/P Thieves^^).
I feel like it’s gunning for builds that use stealth for damage/sustain but mostly hurting builds that use stealth for escape/utility.
Sure, sometimes thieves chain stealth and it’s really annoying, but oftentimes they’re already sucking up Revealed because that’s how they do big Backstab damage or stack tons of conditions on you. They can use intense mobility, Blind spam, and dodging to cover that Revealed time pretty easily.
PU builds don’t need to Reveal themselves as often (since they don’t have a powerful “sneak attack” from stealth), but a typical flow is to go into stealth for boons, pop out to load up an enemy with conditions or phantasms while Prot/Aegis/&c. help you survive a bit, then pop back in for more boons. Chaining stealth on a PU build is often wasteful.
Note also how both these builds are gonna have super-long-duration stealth without needing to chain, in the form of Shadow Refuge or (post-HoT) double-duration Mass Invis.
In contrast, there are a lot of times when you’re playing something like Sword/Torch shatter where you’ll want to chain stealth to get the heck out of a bad situation. Stealth is undoubtedly very powerful, but I don’t think it’s particularly unfair that if you kill someone without blowing a lot of high-cooldown skills, you can then use those skills to get away when their buddies show up.
In my view, Stealth applying Revealed doesn’t do much to stealth-spammers. Playing around Revealed is already part of their flow. If you want to discourage or tone down those builds, you need to limit how spammable stealth is, or their ability to turn stealth into sustain (like mesmer PU regen or thief Shadow Arts healing).
Couldn’t agree more. Also I have failed to find a person that could adequately proof stealth spam was bad for the game. You can predict where they are coming from. We have reveal traps in wvw, and in pvp being in stealth prevents point capping.
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stealth is already Nerf outside of duels because of stealth traps and capture points, and I have even seen stealth traps used to 1v1. Of course people who are too lame to spam AoE or predict stealth and cast a channel too kill the poor low hp stealthily mesmer or thief cry because they have an L2P problem with stealth.
I find stealth mechanics pretty balanced in PvP?but if you go WvW roaming it gets super strong. But WvW is never a game mode about balance anyway.
I will definitely run PU after the new specialization update in WvW. Currently I just can’t give up on IP.
Hm… you made good points there. I agree that this might actually not solve things… hm… I might have to think more about that topic.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
i dont have any stealth issue i want to fix but reading for the past year ppl qq i came up with this idea
first i think stealth should be used for attack or disengage. it shouldn’t be used for stacking if you dont wont to disengage.
i suggest the follow
you can stealth up to 3 (4) sec as now but you must attack or get revealed (like the “bug” )
if you dont want to get revealed you must stand 240/360 ft from your enemies
this way if you wanna disengage you can as you will try to be afar from your enemies
if you want to attack you got 3-4 sec to do so
so just stacking for the stack of it …no
also if your enemy used shadow refuge he has 4 sec before the icon disapear but if you manage to stand near him he will get revealed so he will must back off as i think it should be to regain hp ,ini etc and not just to have 15 sec of stealth while hovering around you