Suggested Torch/Confusion changes
Im not sure waht but yes torch NEED to be buffed, i would LOVE to have that blast finisher from the prestige, but that is about the only thing worth anything on the torch, making it kinda bad to actually use
Phantasmal mage applies 3 stacks of confusion.
Confusion from my iMage lasts around 12s.
3s of confusion on a target for 12s, while also giving me retaliation, would be a bit over the top. In WvW, 3 stacks will do about 1k damage per activation, and retaliation is about 300-325. That’s a pretty significant amount of damage.
But of course the numbers can be tweaked in relation to duration or stacks. I think iMage would be better if they 1) lowered the CD to other phantasms (20s untraited); 2) increased the retaliation boon; and 3) moved the trait into a non-power based trait line.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –
In sPvP confusion does half the damage it does in wvw. In wvw you are kinda already running with the buff I am suggesting :P
Scepter is awesome. Clone creation. Block/Blind. Huge dmg/confusion.
Torch is suxy. The phantasm has too long a cooldown. Prestige is decent.
I think The Prestige needs to have an alternate ability once activated. Using the 2nd ability would cause the blast/fire wave to trigger and end the invisibility. It would make it infinitely better to be able to have that on demand blast finisher to combo with our awesome ethereal fields.
Aîsta & Çriselli 80 engies, Zeira Blackstar 80 Grd Meloryn 80 Ran, Vexri Crisellista 80 War
Server: Kaineng
I do agree torch needs a buff. It has two long defensive cooldowns and nothing really to benefit offense. It’s phantasm is lack-luster and clashes with the melee nature of prestige. I’d sugest swapping out its phantasm, or making it a unique weapon by removing its phantasm spawn, swapping it out with a block or invuln, and making prestige an aoe offense tool (shorter cd, but no stealth) so the scepter will better complement sword.
scepter does NOT need to be buffed.
I admittedly HATE the thing because it’s so “vanilla”, but whenever I want to solo champions, scepter/sword are my go-to weapon combo.
It certainly does less damage than sword, but that’s a tradeoff for having a short cooldown block that can be paired with a SECOND short-cooldown block.
If they were to, say, put a bounce on it’s main bolt to hit 2 more times, you would see sword get marginalized.
(edited by plasmacutter.2709)
Only thing I’ve ever used is Scepter/Torch with Staff. I run a confusion build. I know I’m biased with no other mesmer build to compare too, but whenever I see people crying about these weapons/skills needing a buff I always chuckle. Probably just to awesome for my own good
From my experience as a mesmer I have concluded that the torch ‘4’ should cause the aoe burning effect either upon leaving stealth period or on a seperate buttong that the player can press.
Torch ‘5’ should be an aoe confusion to keep the AoE theme that 4 has alread created. Perhaps increase the cast frequency but one should be done before the other to make sure its ok.
My original post was mainly aimed at PvP.
Confusion does double damage already in PvE & WvW so perhaps that is why some people think confusion builds are already viable.