Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Hey guys. I was talking with guild members about my disappointment that ele gets this cool elite that reduces skill recharge by 25% – a HUGE reduction if you time it right – and Mesmer is stuck with Alacrity which seems… underwhelming?

I get that Alacrity is the anti-Chill – it speeds up recharge rather than slow it down – but in the small amounts we’ll have access to it, it just doesn’t seem like it’ll do enough to pick all the traits for it. (At least not in PvE.) And anyway, Chill doesn’t just slow skill recharge, it also drastically reduces movement speed. That’s really powerful in certain situations.

That’s when I thought… if Alacrity is the anti-Chill, what if it made you go really fast? Like… Super Speed fast?

So here’s my suggestion: Alacrity should give a +33% movement speed boost in addition to the reduced skill recharge. The Temporal Enchanter trait should be updated to give 2s Alacrity instead of 2s Super Speed. (Thematically, Temporal Enchanter giving Alacrity makes sense as well.) This would technically give non-Chronomancer Mesmer access to Alacrity, but I don’t think that on its own is a huge concern. (PvE Mesmers will still probably be stuck in Domination and Dueling, so they won’t be able to bring both Inspiration and Chronomancy.)

Thoughts? I feel like this is more interesting than simply buffing Alacrity.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Treetoptrickster.4205


Hey guys. I was talking with guild members about my disappointment that ele gets this cool elite that reduces skill recharge by 25% – a HUGE reduction if you time it right – and Mesmer is stuck with Alacrity which seems… underwhelming?

I get that Alacrity is the anti-Chill – it speeds up recharge rather than slow it down – but in the small amounts we’ll have access to it, it just doesn’t seem like it’ll do enough to pick all the traits for it. (At least not in PvE.) And anyway, Chill doesn’t just slow skill recharge, it also drastically reduces movement speed. That’s really powerful in certain situations.

That’s when I thought… if Alacrity is the anti-Chill, what if it made you go really fast? Like… Super Speed fast?

So here’s my suggestion: Alacrity should give a +33% movement speed boost in addition to the reduced skill recharge. The Temporal Enchanter trait should be updated to give 2s Alacrity instead of 2s Super Speed. (Thematically, Temporal Enchanter giving Alacrity makes sense as well.) This would technically give non-Chronomancer Mesmer access to Alacrity, but I don’t think that on its own is a huge concern. (PvE Mesmers will still probably be stuck in Domination and Dueling, so they won’t be able to bring both Inspiration and Chronomancy.)

Thoughts? I feel like this is more interesting than simply buffing Alacrity.

To make it fair it would have to give 66% movement speed. Giving it speed would be nice. But then, shouldn’t quickness and slow also grant/reduce speed as well?

Giving alacrity to base Mesmer is thematically justified for the trait, but shouldn’t be done. Alacrity was meant to be and should remain a Chronomancer specific buff that gives people a reason to want to take the spec.

Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Giving alacrity to base Mesmer is thematically justified for the trait, but shouldn’t be done. Alacrity was meant to be and should remain a Chronomancer specific buff that gives people a reason to want to take the spec.

I would agree with this point if there were more specializations per profession. However, since there is only one specialization per profession (thus far), it’s basically a: “everyone will be their specialization and they just have to equip/dequip their bar to remove the elite spec”

Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Also if I’m not mistaken, the Tempest Elite only reduces the cd on the next skill used, whereas alacrity applies to everything on cd while you’re under the effects of alacrity. Both useful in their own way, but I’d say Alacrity is more universally useful.

Suggestion: Alacrity should apply Super Speed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ragion.2831


Alacrity should be a boon, makes more sense that way so chill converts to Alacrity instead of resistance. Mesmers can then be given the best native access to Alacrity instead of the only access to it.

Making chill convert to Resistance when an effect like Alacrity exists lol really?