Superior runes of the Centaur

Superior runes of the Centaur

in Mesmer

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


i’ve had mobility issues in WvW with my mesmer ever since i started playing due to lack of reliable long duration speed boosts.

then i was recommended that i buy Superior runes of the Centaur, and i can probably keep swiftness on me all day with it, but my real concern is my currently equipped runes (of the Undead), it gives some toughness and quite a lot of condition damage (about 240 with the toughness bonus).

so i’m here to ask this, is it worth it?

p.s: I apply LOTS of bleed, only 5 second stacks though.

Superior runes of the Centaur

in Mesmer

Posted by: Claire.4683


Centaur runes are perfect for my mesmer and have saved my life more than i can count. With a focus you can have swiftness up the entire time, as long as you’re wise with your heal that is. If you see incoming enemies then its best to save your heal for the fight. I use GS/sword focus so the only real condition i apply besides cripple is bleed from the clones so the added bleed duration is welcome. I keep it simple and only rely on swiftness so the added duration is also perfect.

Superior runes of the Centaur

in Mesmer

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


Centaur runes are perfect for my mesmer and have saved my life more than i can count. With a focus you can have swiftness up the entire time, as long as you’re wise with your heal that is. If you see incoming enemies then its best to save your heal for the fight. I use GS/sword focus so the only real condition i apply besides cripple is bleed from the clones so the added bleed duration is welcome. I keep it simple and only rely on swiftness so the added duration is also perfect.

but you also have to consider that if the bleed is 5 seconds, +15% will only make it 5.75 seconds, which is not a full second, so bleed will still only tick 5 times.

unless you have at least 5 points in domination.

Superior runes of the Centaur

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


In WvW I’m currently running the “shattercat” build (10/30/0/0/30) with rampagers armor and jewelry and superior centaur runes. The +power on the centaur runes certainly doesn’t hurt anything. The +bleeding duration I doubt has ever turned the tide of a battle (especially since I believe it only applies to bleeds from you, and not your clones) but I do run staff so it probably gets in an extra bleed tick now and then.

I would say, if you’re getting the runes for the bleed duration it’s not worth it – go with +condition duration instead.

I personally think mobility is a huge advantage in WvW. Having a fast cooldown heal (mirror) allows me (and my group) to have swiftness almost permanently without having to use a focus is huge, and that’s why I use them.