Support Build Question
After the update, I actually think I’ve done more damage with the staff and Dire (though I’m considering a different one) than I did with GS and Berserker. especially with the bouncing WoC auto attack and Mirror Image. I think I’m not entirely understanding exactly how the berserker build should work or be built… and the guides haven’t been updated since the 23rd.
Before the update, I was bouncing back and forth between staff and GS. Wanted to use staff, but knew it wasn’t doing damage as well. It feels like they’ve fixed that pretty well, and I’m getting gold easily on world bosses…
If you’re going to run condition damage, at least go Rampagers or Sinister gear. Defensive stats do almost nothing for you, and they significantly decrease your overall damage, which slows down fights for everyone. Again, use your active defense instead.
Compared to sword/x, both staff and greatsword put out significantly less damage in dungeons (unless things have significantly changed since patch). Since the meta still involves group stacking, you’ll generally be fighting melee, where sword shines. Get your phantasms up ASAP, and then just melee with sword while focusing on reflects.
Sure you can provide might, but other classes can do it so much better. And yes, signet of inspiration seems nice, but again, other classes can provide boons more easily. Instead, focus on what mesmer does well: reflect, boon strip, portal, and now condi cleanse as well.
Finally, however, you should play however you most enjoy, and with others who enjoy playing the same way. In this vein, almost all builds are viable. But if you want to aim for the “best” in terms of contributing most to team and finishing dungeons the fastest, I’d advise to stick to damage/reflect and get comfortable with sword phantasm builds.
Just to get in ahead of everyone else: Berserker. For PvE, that’s what you’ll be wanting to run nearly all the time. (Technically, Assassins can be better with high reflect uptime, but Zerker gear is fine all around.) Learn to use your dodges, evades, blinds, and distortions to mitigate damage, instead of relying on vitality and toughness. It will make you a much better player in the long run, and you’ll contribute a lot more to groups with your damage and reflects.
I know it’s hard to believe at first, but group healing and boon support is completely secondary to damage in dungeons and almost all group content. And while conditions have gotten a lot better, direct damage still generally trumps it. There just really isn’t a place for “support” in PvE content.
Finally, while staff is great for PvP, it doesn’t really have a place in dungeons at the moment, as it’s damage is quite low. Sword/Pistol and /Focus and sometimes /Sword are your best friends for dungeons.
(edited by Bunda.2691)
in pve the best defense is offense
Try to deal as much damage as possible while avoiding dying and you’ll already be a major asset and support to your team
in pve the best defense is offense
Try to deal as much damage as possible while avoiding dying and you’ll already be a major asset and support to your team
But, it’s worth saying, that mesmer can provide significant support while doing that offense. The key is that the support just isn’t purely defensive and healing. You support with boon stripping, condition removal, and reflects.
Yes, you can also support with boonshare, which shouldn’t be underestimated.
It’s actually a fairly strong capability to actually share ALL of your boons with the exact time remaining.
I shared 2 times in a row my 1 min swiftness, 15 stack of might and 30 sec of regen (was with ele and war at the time)
It stack might to 25 awful quick, just give me 12-13 stack BAM 25 for everyone (except me of course)
Want your regen doubled? Give it to me, BAM double regen time for everyone
Want more retal, aegis, protection? Trait pu, use full stealth time with boon duration runes, share BAM all them boons given
Just to get in ahead of everyone else: Berserker. For PvE, that’s what you’ll be wanting to run nearly all the time. (Technically, Assassins can be better with high reflect uptime, but Zerker gear is fine all around.) Learn to use your dodges, evades, blinds, and distortions to mitigate damage, instead of relying on vitality and toughness. It will make you a much better player in the long run, and you’ll contribute a lot more to groups with your damage and reflects.
I know it’s hard to believe at first, but group healing and boon support is completely secondary to damage in dungeons and almost all group content. And while conditions have gotten a lot better, direct damage still generally trumps it. There just really isn’t a place for “support” in PvE content.
Finally, while staff is great for PvP, it doesn’t really have a place in dungeons at the moment, as it’s damage is quite low. Sword/Pistol and /Focus and sometimes /Sword are your best friends for dungeons.
After the update, I actually think I’ve done more damage with the staff and Dire (though I’m considering a different one) than I did with GS and Berserker. especially with the bouncing WoC auto attack and Mirror Image. I think I’m not entirely understanding exactly how the berserker build should work or be built… and the guides haven’t been updated since the 23rd.
Before the update, I was bouncing back and forth between staff and GS. Wanted to use staff, but knew it wasn’t doing damage as well. It feels like they’ve fixed that pretty well, and I’m getting gold easily on world bosses…
Thanks for the advice. I did notice the sword/x builds damage was higher when I experimented with it. I’m working on having a couple sets of weapons, and changing my armor too. Thanks again.
Currently the best PvE support from Mesmer comes with the Inspiration second minor trait that lets you share your distrotion with the team.
You are melee and using sword #2 instead of dodge anyway, right?
Currently the best PvE support from Mesmer comes with the Inspiration second minor trait that lets you share your distrotion with the team.
You are melee and using sword #2 instead of dodge anyway, right?
Sword 2 is not distortion, and hasn’t been for almost a year I think. It’s blur.
I leveled using GS/Staff. First character, and it worked well for leveling. I liked the greatsword skills, but staff with conditions built up was better at ranged after the update, and sword/x seems to do better damage up close. Right now I’m considering either having two sets of gear one for condition/support and one for direct damage, or just using rampager and going to staff/sword/x.