Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Pretty Potent combo, especially running Sig. Domination.

Sig Of Domination, Mirror Images, Decoy, Timewarp.
2 Stuns, 6 Seconds of invisibility, Extra clones.

Makes for a very Powerful roamer Point harasser.
Not sure if I can find a team that would run me instead of a thief though…


Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: EvGenius.6208


nothing to discuss using same weapons in both sets is let’s say not very smart.

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


Not sure if I can find a team that would run me instead of a thief though…

Maybe if they want a thief with portal ^^

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Using a sword mainhand in both sets is crippling yourself.

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Np, try it out if you’re not satisfied with the current state of the greatsword.

Full Build http://www.gw2build.com/builds/simulator.php#

I’ve got about 10 tournaments(30 Matches) under my belt with this build, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt it absolutely destroys, 1v1, 2v1, 3v2

Running sword twice is actually great, I have access to Blurred frenzy at all times, with a reduced cooldown From Blade training it’s key when setting up combos.

Not only do I have a maximum of 6 seconds of distortion every 8 seconds, Extra dodges, 6 seconds of invisibility, Huge heal, I hit like a truck, Have retaliation up most of the time, can get 1k-1.2k Confusion hits.

Try it out. 2 Swords >>>>>> Scepter.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kid Taylor.5479

Kid Taylor.5479

Terrible idea. The shared cooldown on both sets for the sword forces me into melee range on a BESERKER’S AMULET. Similar trait lines with a GS/Staff is much more potent and is more efficient at a longer distance.

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Terrible idea? :/ Have you at least tried it out yet?..
I play point defense in frees/paid, I’m not going out of melee range.

This is not a BvBvB build.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


Using a sword mainhand in both sets is crippling yourself.

All cooldowns on sword skills are pretty low. Basically the weapon switch cooldown and the sword cooldowns are on par. I don’t see a big problem in using sword in both mainhands.

Pistol and torch on the other hand have very high cooldowns. The cooldowns are long enough to switch onto another weapon set and back before they are ready again.

In summary, having for example a pistol in both weapon set offhands would be outright stupid, but I see nothing wrong with two mainhand swords.

Sword/Torch Sword/Pistol

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nilvio.7941


It could work, I tried it little bit. But i still like my GS or staff over torch.

English is not my native language :)