Sword as Main for WvW and PvE
Sword is an amazing main weapon. I switch out GS( thank you bugs) and staff, but always have the sword/something slotted.
It is absolutely an offensive weapon. I prefer Sword/Focus for PVE because reflect just can’t be beaten for damage. That would be my main support combination.
Sword is an amazing main weapon. I switch out GS( thank you bugs) and staff, but always have the sword/something slotted.
It is absolutely an offensive weapon. I prefer Sword/Focus for PVE because reflect just can’t be beaten for damage. That would be my main support combination.
I was thinking on using S/F as main and them GS as secondary, just for when I need something ranged. In WvW can that work well. Are these weapons Condition damage or Critical damage based?
Question is for what. In PvP, I’d say Pistol is the best, followed by Sword and Focus.
Pistol is great because it is really simple and effective – #4 is a great AoEkittenbutton and #5 deals great damage easy.
Sword offhand is also pretty simple, it’s phantasm hits hard and fast and it also has AoE CC, weaker one though, however on the other hand it also a block if you let it work like that and a block that nukes pretty hard too.
Focus is a good source of Swiftness, it has an even better AoE CC, but it’s phantasm is sort of situational and it’s effective damage is terrible because it attacks once in 10 years and no one is really going to stand there near it for 5 seconds, so it lands all it’kittens.
Question is for what. In PvP, I’d say Pistol is the best, followed by Sword and Focus.
Pistol is great because it is really simple and effective – #4 is a great AoEkittenbutton and #5 deals great damage easy.
Sword offhand is also pretty simple, it’s phantasm hits hard and fast and it also has AoE CC, weaker one though, however on the other hand it also a block if you let it work like that and a block that nukes pretty hard too.
Focus is a good source of Swiftness, it has an even better AoE CC, but it’s phantasm is sort of situational and it’s effective damage is terrible because it attacks once in 10 years and no one is really going to stand there near it for 5 seconds, so it lands all it’kittens.
I’m curious as to what part of the iduelist you find to be aoe, and what part of magic bullet you find does high damage.
As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to run with sword/focus in wvw. The mainhand sword is pretty much the best weapon we have, with high damage, leap combos, stunbreaks, blinks, vuln stacking, boon stripping, and invulnerability.
The focus is the default offhand for wvw for a couple reasons. Temporal curtain is our only reliable form of swiftness, but it also offers a line aoe cripple, and then a large aoe instant pull that you can use to pull people off of walls…or at least move them around on top of the wall. It also is a light combo field. If traited, it also reflects projectiles.
The warden is a bit less useful in wvw due to it dying quickly usually, but it still has nice uses. Untraited, it destroys projectiles, and traited it reflects them. Dropping it in a Zerg has a potential to return a lot of reflect damage. It is also a whirl finisher.
(edited by Pyroatheist.9031)
dual swords all the way! I use dual swords for everything.
dual swords all the way! I use dual swords for everything.
dual swords all the way! I use dual swords for everything.
I use sword/sword and sword/pistol. The pistol is nice for ranged pulls. But that’s it. I never use greatsword, staff, sceptor or torch. I switch the pistol to focus when I’m running long distances and if I need iWarden to protect me from projectiles on very specific fights, such as the Dual Pistol boss in arah path 2.
(edited by Hot Boy.7138)
dual swords all the way! I use dual swords for everything.
I use sword/sword and sword/pistol. The pistol is nice for ranged pulls. But that’s it. I never use greatsword, staff, sceptor or torch. I switch the pistol to focus when I’m running long distances and if I need iWarden to protect me from projectiles on very specific fights, such as the Dual Pistol boss in arah path 2.
Yeah, I like that boss. I run Defensive Golem (people don’t understand that he uses Shield of the Avenger twice before he dies if he survives full duration), Feedback, Mirror, Mimic, and Focus.
On a serious note, however, you may want to switch to S/X + Sce/X in WvW.
Sword is an amazing main weapon. I switch out GS( thank you bugs) and staff, but always have the sword/something slotted.
It is absolutely an offensive weapon. I prefer Sword/Focus for PVE because reflect just can’t be beaten for damage. That would be my main support combination.
I was thinking on using S/F as main and them GS as secondary, just for when I need something ranged. In WvW can that work well. Are these weapons Condition damage or Critical damage based?
That’s a great combo for WvW, I run with a phantasm build and use S/P + GS, mainly because of the phantasms and the need for some range aswell.
If you are using a shatter build, I find that it all depends on your playstyle as every offhand has it’s strengths
For me it’s not really about the skills as it is about how cool my character looks. The main reason I use dual swords is because to me it looks awesome. I just love swords. I also love greatswords, but our greatsword isn’t a melee weapon and I can’t dual wield them. It’s important to me to have that look of a sword in each hand. So no matter what the skills were on swords, I would still dual wield them. And that’s why I always use a sword in the main hand. So even if the sword skills were terrible, I would use swords just because I like the way it looks.
I wanted to add that I actually like the torch skills, but torches look stupid. If only only I could use sword/sword and sword/sword and have the off hand sword in only one of those sets have the torch skills.
(edited by Hot Boy.7138)
in dungeons damage is so high you don t need passive defence.
SO mesmer is one of those professions that can be offensive while having defensive reliable skills
Best is infact sword 2 aka blurred frenzy paired with sword 3 gap closer iLeap
Focus is good if trated for reflections (really strong in dungeons) or sword offhand for a nice parry (that doesn t work on agony Attacks -.-)
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
For me it’s not really about the skills as it is about how cool my character looks. The main reason I use dual swords is because to me it looks awesome. I just love swords. I also love greatswords, but our greatsword isn’t a melee weapon and I can’t dual wield them. It’s important to me to have that look of a sword in each hand. So no matter what the skills were on swords, I would still dual wield them. And that’s why I always use a sword in the main hand. So even if the sword skills were terrible, I would use swords just because I like the way it looks.
I wanted to add that I actually like the torch skills, but torches look stupid. If only only I could use sword/sword and sword/sword and have the off hand sword in only one of those sets have the torch skills.
I agree, however, that really only works in open world PvE. Once you get to dungeons and WvW and PvP, trying to run S/S + S/S for kewlpoints ends up making you do and look bad (except for WvW zergs!)…
Scratch that, running S/S + S/S in a WvW zerg is a terrible idea and will make you look bad.
As for your disgust towards torch skins, there are, with any weapon type, those few, awesome, precious looking skins. It’s just a matter of finding it.
I’ve been running S/S for months now, and I’ve finally switched to S/P because…
- I’ve been working on the Quip (I personally love it).
- S/S is nice, but I needed a new build.
- I had terrible offhand sword choices (I mean, I do have my Wooden Sword of -Insert Element Here-, but it’s not really a viable choice when I have my Wooden Sword of Fire mainhand. I guess I could use my generosity sigil, but those are worth nearly 18g atm and I feel bad wearing 18g on my offhand).
The main hand sword is amazing for both defensive and offensie purposes. Blurred frenzy does high damage and gives you 2 seconds of blur each 8/10 seconds, thats a 20% invulnerability uptime traited.
I personally rarely leave home without it, no matter which build im runnig.
As for the best off hand, they all havve its uses, it just depends on your mood/situation/style.
Pistol has a high danage/bleeding phantasm and a stun, its great for setting up bursts, dtunning people while your phantasm attacks and just to give you some breathing space, also useull for catching runners at long diatance.
Torch can be used both offensivly and defensivly. Stealth and reposition yourself behind/at range to avoid damage, set up a full burst from stealth+torch explosion and burning, or summon phantasms from stealth so your target doesnt see yu and cant invuln/evade.
Focus is my personal favourite. It gives alot of swiftness, which helps with evasion, it can be used to destroy projectiles (its useable more often in pvp than you may think), and an AoE pull ehih shines most in team- and outnumbered fights.
Drop a warden on a downed person to avoid his projectile attacks/interupt, while also making other enemies unable to hit you. Drop a curtain when reviving an ally, when someone comes to finish, pull him away.
In pve and pvp group fights, you can pull enemies in a bunch, immobilize them with sword and burst them all at the same time.
You can also pull escaping thieves out of shadow’s refugee…
The focus is even used in bunker and support builds, the curtain is a light field that gives retaliation and removes conditions, traited it even reflects projectiles.
The focus is a verh versatile weapon with many uses, and the anomaly is a cool skin aswell.
The off hand sword has a high damage phantasm that may be hard for people to dodge or kill, unlike the duelist which takes seeral seconds to use the whole attack, this swordsman is nearly instant. The block does alot of damage, it also… Blocks! Usefullness doesnt need explaining, i assume.
TL;DR: mainhand sword is amazing for offense and defense, all off hands have its uses!
I also like the quip! Especially after they added the purple aura. I would get that one, if only i used pistol more often
. It doesnt really have the aoe i need in dungeons.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Sword is an amazing main weapon. I switch out GS( thank you bugs) and staff, but always have the sword/something slotted.
It is absolutely an offensive weapon. I prefer Sword/Focus for PVE because reflect just can’t be beaten for damage. That would be my main support combination.
I was thinking on using S/F as main and them GS as secondary, just for when I need something ranged. In WvW can that work well. Are these weapons Condition damage or Critical damage based?
Personally, I find that, untraited, the focus is not a good PvE weapon. The CC is good, but not terrific and the phantasm is stationary, which makes it less useful.
I’ve been leveling a new mesmer and found that I go down much less often using Sword / Sword or Sword / Pistol.
edit: But I always carry a focus in PvP.
u wanna take sword for what?
pve or wvw, if wvw for duels, group, zerg, or guild op?
I’m kill you’r bessies
Well thanks to everyone that answered my question, I’ll problably run with S/P and GS for that moment when range is useful or S/F. Still my main weapon will be Sword
If you wnat to answer this one is fine but, for the looks, what do you think is better. Human, Sylvari or Asura?
Oh and am I crazy if I delete on of my lvl 80 characters? I’m tired of them and because of them I almost leaved the game, and I want to use the name of one of my lvl 80 (I have 2) on my Mesmer
dual swords all the way! I use dual swords for everything.
LOL! If only there was some cooldown benefit for duplicating the weapon set, I might run with quad swords.
If you wnat to answer this one is fine but, for the looks, what do you think is better. Human, Sylvari or Asura?
Oh and am I crazy if I delete on of my lvl 80 characters? I’m tired of them and because of them I almost leaved the game, and I want to use the name of one of my lvl 80 (I have 2) on my Mesmer
Asura, you know you want to.
But I’m biased, and sylvari/human look cool as well.
Go ahead and delete one if you want to reuse the name – no point in having a slot used up with a character you don’t want to play.
(edited by Curunen.8729)
Well thanks to everyone that answered my question, I’ll problably run with S/P and GS for that moment when range is useful or S/F. Still my main weapon will be Sword
If you wnat to answer this one is fine but, for the looks, what do you think is better. Human, Sylvari or Asura?
Oh and am I crazy if I delete on of my lvl 80 characters? I’m tired of them and because of them I almost leaved the game, and I want to use the name of one of my lvl 80 (I have 2) on my Mesmer
Sylvari all the way. They glow at night. Nothing beats that.
I deleted my level 80 human mes to make a lvl 80 sylvari one with the same name, sooo i’d say your not crazy
Sword is an amazing main weapon. I switch out GS( thank you bugs) and staff, but always have the sword/something slotted.
It is absolutely an offensive weapon. I prefer Sword/Focus for PVE because reflect just can’t be beaten for damage. That would be my main support combination.
I was thinking on using S/F as main and them GS as secondary, just for when I need something ranged. In WvW can that work well. Are these weapons Condition damage or Critical damage based?
Personally, I find that, untraited, the focus is not a good PvE weapon. The CC is good, but not terrific and the phantasm is stationary, which makes it less useful.
that is why you have iLeap
10-12.000 damage is something sword and pistol can t dream of…and pve mobs are not mobile often.
Just staying alive one second, iWarden deals more than duelist.
I use iDuelist and iSwordman against very mobile or very stupid bosses (i.e. mossman or svanir in fractal where i can keep 3 phantasms alive all the time).
Just changing focus trait from VIII to IX (longer duration for glamour skills) when you change weapon is awesome
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Well thanks to everyone that answered my question, I’ll problably run with S/P and GS for that moment when range is useful or S/F. Still my main weapon will be Sword
If you wnat to answer this one is fine but, for the looks, what do you think is better. Human, Sylvari or Asura?
Oh and am I crazy if I delete on of my lvl 80 characters? I’m tired of them and because of them I almost leaved the game, and I want to use the name of one of my lvl 80 (I have 2) on my Mesmer
Sylvari mesmer
[Lifestory]I personally have 3 mesmers… Sylvari was my first char ver since launchday, ive had the asura mesmer since like 2 months ithink, and i created the human 4 days ago, or 3.
Sylvari is still my favourite race, but i guess i really like how humans are so “curvy”. Although, each time i made a human alt i regretted t instantly and made her sylvari instead.
So 3/4days ago i figured: i should just make my human a mesmer! That way i cant regret it and reroll to sylvari mesmer, because i already have one.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Well thanks to everyone that answered my question, I’ll problably run with S/P and GS for that moment when range is useful or S/F. Still my main weapon will be Sword
If you wnat to answer this one is fine but, for the looks, what do you think is better. Human, Sylvari or Asura?
Oh and am I crazy if I delete on of my lvl 80 characters? I’m tired of them and because of them I almost leaved the game, and I want to use the name of one of my lvl 80 (I have 2) on my Mesmer
sylvari ofc. alot of asuras play mesmer, and we all know where is real mesmer asura, but if i meet charr mesmer. its epic. i start panic ^^
about name: use rename scroll dude
I’m kill you’r bessies