Temporal Curtain
In beta, you could stack infinite swiftness by walking back and forth over the curtain. Anet didn’t like this, so they slapped a band-aid fix on it to prevent that behavior.
Sometime between then and now, that band-aid transformed into ‘working as intended, nothing to see here, move along.’
Because coding a dummy buff to serve as the exclusion rule was too much work…
I really don’t understand why they haven’t changed the swiftness to 4 seconds superspeed… You’ll cover about the same distance as 12 secs of swiftness and it can remain non-stacking.
Superspeed doesn’t play nice with duration runes, and you cover a LOT less distance while out of combat.
Superspeed also doesnt increase your speed that much when OOC; its only significant IC.
How it was explained to me is there is a max cap on your core speed of 210 IC and 300 OC, with a 400 speed max cap regardless of whats going on.
So OOC, with 33% speed increase, you end up going 300*1.33= 399, and superspeed SHOULD raise you to 600, but because of the 400 cap, you only go 400, just 1 pt above swiftness ooc.
IC is another matter though, as swiftness puts you at 210*1.33=279.3 where Superspeed puts you at 210*2=410, reduced again to 400.
I havent really tested the IC portion, but I know the OOC portion functions as I’ve explained.
The Take-Home message here is: if you want to travel long distances out of combat, then you go with Swiftness. Want IN COMBAT mobility, that’s superspeed.
Same goes for veil and mesmer invis. I agree it’s annoying, but there are higher priorities atm (signet + inspiration line aftercast bug, mantra heal cleanse bug, warlock aim, oh sword clone bug, etc).
Superspeed doesn’t work ooc beacuse there is a swiftness cap and that’s working as intended. Ic it’s super strong, especially when chilled or crippled.
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In beta, you could stack infinite swiftness by walking back and forth over the curtain. Anet didn’t like this, so they slapped a band-aid fix on it to prevent that behavior.
Sometime between then and now, that band-aid transformed into ‘working as intended, nothing to see here, move along.’
Pity they didn’t leave this ‘fix’ in pvp and wvw. God-forbid we get to move around large, empty sections of the maps in pve quickly. I swear every possible little fun thing in pve gets gutted because ‘nope….won’t be balanced in pvp so kitten you’.
The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.