Thanks for ruining mantras again.
They did not ruin mantras, they fixed a bug making them perform different than intended
I’m not saying 100% aggree with the mantra change
but noone ruined it, it was a fix
Lol, a fix that makes mantras worse than they were before the trait changes? Surely if this was intended, they would have given us a trait to reduce cooldowns.
I just don’t see why Mantras need the charge up time when there are tons of instant cast skills in this game with strong or stronger effects. With CD in the background it made sense but now its just another case of Mesmers having to jump through hoops to get effects half as good as other classes.
Lol, a fix that makes mantras worse than they were before the trait changes? Surely if this was intended, they would have given us a trait to reduce cooldowns.
Before patch we had a trait to reduce cooldowns on mantras, now they fix the “bug” and we lost the trait to reduce cooldowns so then…worst then before patch
They did not ruin mantras, they fixed a bug making them perform different than intended
Anything can be a “feature” or a “bug” if you handwave a little.
Working in software, I can tell you that “works as designed” or “works as intended” is pretty much a nice way of saying “this kinda sucks but it’s not worth our while to make it better.”
When you roll out a change that makes something more unpleasant to use, you really can’t hide behind “works as intended.” Because nobody cares. The flow and user interface of the old-style mantras is sooooooo much worse than the new ones. They really needed to find another way to balance them besides “make Mantras annoying again.”
Is exactly my point. If microsoft was to claim that the ability to indent by pressing tab in microsoft word was being removed because it was not designed to do that, could you imagine the outcry.
It would have been far better to reduce the number of charges of mantras and leave it as it was than this pain in the kitten .
Im Sure Anet knows what they’re doing…..NOT…
The worst part is, once anything is “fixed” enough to reduce the cries of “OP!” it just stays in whatever clunky/useless/Smiter’s-Booned state it ended up in for months or years. It takes a major major major patch to actually see anything polished back to usefulness.
Mantras are just annoying, though. They’re not useless. But, jeez, it’s such a shame.
I have always said, the biggest limitation to this games success, is the developers. They seem to delight in ruining their own game. What stupidly nihilistic behaviour.
I don’t mind Mantras as they are (albeit clunky). Personally, I would like to see them have a 2-second charge time (which is already easy enough to interrupt) and no between-charge recharge when out of combat (I’m looking at you, Power Lock) to allow for ease of refreshing.
Signet of Restoration used to have separate PvE and PvP values if I’m not mistaken, and I’d much like that for Harmonious Mantras as well. Mesmer damage in PvE is already atrocious, and 5% instead of 3% would go a long way. While I’m at it, I’d also prefer a flat +10% damage bonus from Fragility. My +damage% modifiers shouldn’t depend on other people applying vulnerability for me.
(edited by Velimere.7685)