The logic behind GS

The logic behind GS

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


Mirror blade is arguably one of the best skills we have.
However, this skill is better the close you are to the enemy, especially with illusionary elasticity. And if you are close to the enemy, spatial surge will do less damage.

So you must stay 900+ away from the enemy to gain full effect from #1 but at the same time you must stay close to the enemy to let #2 hits 2/3 times the target

Whats the best way to use this weapon in your opinion? Would it be overpowered (or pointless) if spatial surge could do the same damage regardless of the range?

The logic behind GS

in Mesmer

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


I think the logic is, at long range Mirror Blade is intended to optimal against more than one enemy. Eg, it’s an AoE along with Mind Stab and iZerker. You can cast all three almost simultaneously for really strong ranged AoE damage on groups of mobs or players, especially if Sigil of Fire procs.

At close range it becomes optimal even 1v1. Tradeoffs.

The logic behind GS

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


You are right about the aoe effectiveness.
when you speak about 1vs1, mirror blade becomes optimal at close range (as you said) but spatial surge will do less damage. Im wondering if its worth it to go closer to cast an optimal mirror blade and deal less damage with spatial surge or stay ranged and deliver less damage with mirror blade.
Going close often mean higher risks also, the less damage on spatial surge adds to it.

The logic behind GS

in Mesmer

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


If you’re running GS + Sw/Focus and the target closes range with you, cast Mirror Blade for the Might then swap to Sword → Blurred Frenzy. Helps to carry a weapon set for both ranged and melee.