Warning! Huge wall of text. If you don’t feel like reading the entire thing read this: The Domination and Dueling lines lack options for PvE content which seems to make mesmer generally weaker in PvE. The illusion line needs massive changes as it lacks cohesion in anything other than condition damage builds.
What I mean by complement is that for some lines the the three options you have per line do not work with each other. I’ll go through all lines and explain it in detail. For your convenience you can see all traits in a nice format in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fp5wnAi0pqu-aBCkVliwKyXoYTzBvOwGUPv1lh-cclw/edit#gid=95323670
Note: This post is specifically about PvE content. This means i’ll mostly be focussed on the builds that work well in PvE, which at the moment means a phantasm build kitten
ter and Interruption based builds do not work well in dungeons in the current state of the game.
This line is best suited for shatter and interruption builds, but is almost required for phantasm builds as well.
Minor: All minor traits deal with vulnerability, and are specifically suited for interruption, but given the nature of them they will work for almost all builds anyway, so these are generally fine.
- Confounding Suggestions: Specifically made for interruption builds, which is simply not viable in the current state of PvE
- Empowered Illusions: A trait that works best with Phantasms, but works well for all builds. This trait is almost a must have for all phantasm builds.
- Rending Shatter: A trait that is specifically for shatter builds, as all phantasm builds generally do not shatter at all.
So far so good.
- Shattered Concentration: Again a trait made for shatter builds, will not work for phantasm builds.
- Blurred Inscription: A general utility trait, works well for all builds, don’t have a problem with this one.
- Furious Interruption: Specifically for interruption builds. This could be great for boon sharing if interruption was more common in PvE, but as it stands this is not the case.
Now here comes the first problem with this line: There is no great option for phantasm builds, even though these builds are encouraged to specialize in this line for Empowered Illusions. Our best option is blurred inscriptions so its not so bad yet though.
- Greatsword training: A decent trait but specifically for GS users ofcourse. As it stands GS is rarely used in dungeons as it a ranged weapon which is generally unfavorable.
- Mental Torment: Pure shatter trait, and only the damage based shatters at that. Almost completely useless for phantasm builds, but obviously great for shatter builds.
- Power Block: Pure interruption trait, is only mildly useful for non-interruption based builds.
Here is the major problem with this line: If you wants to take this line specifically for basic damage increase (which is most desired in dungeons) through Empowered Illusions and Fragility you get no viable option for the grandmaster trait unless you use a shatter or interruption based build (see note). I really hope arenanet takes a look at this line specifically and possibly include some kind of phantasm based option in the grandmaster slot. Were also ofcourse missing the old Empowering Mantras (which i’ll get to shortly). This line is balanced for shatter and interrupt builds however.
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