This is wrong

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


I have purchased hot but find myself unable to play. Before hot you could play how you want I never did living story. Played wvw/pvp, but now I’m forced to unlock before I can play how I want and needed to pay to play pve?? Just find myself forced to do things I don’t want. Sadly this is not the same game.

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: Star.8401


…what? please explain

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yobculture.5786


How about rerolling to Warrior?

Chronomancer isn’t required to play PvE as a mesmer strictly speaking, but if you’re so mad about it, you might as well just play something that doesn’t require HoT to be at maximum potential in PvE.

Far Shiverpeaks

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


PvP doesn’t require any pve playthrough. If you have HoT, you can equip chrono straight away.
The only thing you need to “unlock” are some of the new sigils/amulets/runes, which just costs gold as it always has.

You seem to be exaggerating your problem. Maybe you could try clarifying what your problem actually IS, so we can take you seriously?

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Pvp is ok just my time was spent in wvw also. Pvp gets stale and since the release of hot in order to play the elite specs it forces you to do something. Just the force feeding of pve content I’m struggling with.

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Pvp is ok just my time was spent in wvw also. Pvp gets stale and since the release of hot in order to play the elite specs it forces you to do something. Just the force feeding of pve content I’m struggling with.

You do not have to play PvE to unlock elite specializations. You can get the hero points needed to do so in WvW as well. Look out for this item, which drops from WvW rank-up chests: Proof of heroics

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: Doug Whisper.2465

Doug Whisper.2465

After you created your PC in core game, you have to play the first story mission. The same is applied to HoT. But once you finished the first mission, you can go to any new maps without continuing the story. There are NPC vendors in WvW to convert points to randomly unlock hero points in HoT.

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


After you created your PC in core game, you have to play the first story mission. The same is applied to HoT. But once you finished the first mission, you can go to any new maps without continuing the story. There are NPC vendors in WvW to convert points to randomly unlock hero points in HoT.

I’ve been able to go straight to Verdant Brink on any of my characters without doing the first story mission.

This is wrong

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Thanks for the help advice. Didn’t know about wvw. Also probably a little overwhelmed.