Tips for New Mesmer!

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Somehow I fell in love after thinking Guard was my main. While it’s a close second. . . I just can’t seem to want to part with my Mes.

I really need some tips. I’m new to GW2 in general so anything you guys can offer me would be amazing!

At the moment I am going zerk power shatter. Sometimes I change it up and go boonshare.

I would say I love scepter / staff / gs the most. I’m still needing practice with sword. >.<

Thanks for any responses! You guys are great. ^.^ ?

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: ASP.8093


What game modes are you playing, mostly?

Are there any particular problems you’ve had?

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


The one thing I notice is that for some reason my combos do less damage than other mesmers I fight in spvp even though we are using the same items o.o! I do everything really!

Though for pve I duo or trio with my friends. I’ve not had any problem there so far. Especially with boonshare!

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


you can contact me ingame

eu server pooff
us server mesilu sion

can give you some tips

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


I’m pretty pvp noob too (though, I guess not as bad as I thought? I’ve been winning some duels against people who should have been better than me. Maybe because I’ve played a lot of other pvp games in the past).

When I first was persuaded to try pvp by a friend, I felt the same way: I couldn’t deal damage, and everyone else could. So I ended up flat on my back, and they were barely dented.

messiah’s in-game advice is worth its weight in gold for a noob, I’d wager.
Still, as I’ve been progressing, I’ve noticed a few things in that regard:
1. Perceived damage is a combination of your burst and the enemy’s defense. Your burst isn’t any weaker, but if your enemy is better at timing their defense than you are at timing your offense, most of your burst is getting evaded/blocked/line-of-sighted/invulned/blinded. Even more common, your enemy is good at timing their condi cleanse, and you need to get better at baiting the cleanse before you unload.

2. Perception in GW2 PVP is HARD when you’re new. It’s really just difficult to get used to knowing what you’re looking at. Is that person channeling? What just hit me? Being able to see what’s going on is 90% of the battle, at first. Plugging the appropriate response into what you’re seeing is the next step, but you can’t get there until you can see it.

3. Teamwork is #1. I’m sure you know this, but you have to grok it. If you’re 1v2, it can be more than just double the difficulty, because 2 people pass boons to each other, make rezzing from down a possibility, and synergize with different ability sets. Don’t play alone unless you have a specific purpose, like cutting off stragglers, putting point pressure on the enemy team, or holding up 3 of the enemy team for 20s while your team stomps 2 points or grabs Tranquility. This applies to your hitting with pillows perception, because if your side was outnumbered in any of those fights, there’s a good chance you literally were doing less damage because of their team support.

I’m not good enough to have much more general advice, but these three lessons each improved my play dramatically.

Oh, and don’t be a scrub.
Came across a guy in hotjoin the other day who was just killing all his teams, over and over, because he hated how everyone was “zerging” him, and how his skills are just too good for us to take him one on one, so he refused to play with his team. His repeated running off alone got him killed over and over, and left his team high and dry every time.
(incidentally, I did manage to catch him in a 1v1 and destroyed him, so his skillz weren’t very good either, but his scrub attitude would have sunk him even if they were).

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


I am NA. Can I contact even though we are from different ones? o.o!

And idk too much about this scrub thing. But I stick to practice until I feel like I could better aid a real team. But I do play for fun. Winning is just icing on my cake and losing wont ruin a thing via my experience. But this is why I am not intending to be a ranked player. At least no where in the near future. ^.^’’

I’m sure my biggest issues weren’t what I thought they were (rotations) but rather usually lack of team play (that doesn’t come often in practice) with others. A lot of the time I find players who will ditch out when its 2v2 and give me all the heat. I understand I have clones but… they aren’t real people. :C please?

But I was happy to realize I am not as bad as I thought. I’m getting a decent amount of player kills. It’s just other mes that I can’t take on at all yet. Which is understandable. I’m new and they most likely are not. Rome wasn’t built in a day xD

I think the only thing personally I could really improve on after realizing the first tip I ever got was insanely wrong (Act like a clone. No. Just. Noooo! That was the worst pvp day of my life.) was the best times to use each shatter. I’m sure this is something everyone has to practice and learn about when they first play something new though. So I’m not too worried I wont catch on.

I actually didn’t find the pvp hard being new more just the class itself was a bit different from what I’m used to. My very first build was hilarious. My second build was confusing. My third had 0 synergy with itself what so ever. And now I have 2-3 builds that are great for me and pvp is finally fun because I understand what I’m doing for the most part.

Anyway ’nough of my on and on. Thanks for the info and stuff!

Edit – this was so helpful to me.

The information was exactly what i needed to understand the class a lot more. Probably why I don’t feel as clueless as when I originally posted. So thanks to Dulfy and Sanderinoa! Yay ^.^

(edited by CandyHearts.6025)

Tips for New Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Korusef.3714


Mesmer is by design +1 class in PvP, you are supposed to fly around like butterfly and sting like a bee

I am online on NA servers during PST evenings so if you contact me we can group up.