Torch: source of light/invisibility

Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Emerahl.2603


I just noticed this today, since with the new changes to torch I decided to use it for some pve, when you go invisible the torch’s light effect is still visible. I was wondering if in pvp enemy players would see just a lit area moving around?

Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Funky.4861


Hi Emerahl- wht did they change on the torch? I noticed when i equipped a Charr Torch Of Force (or in fact, anything you transmute that skin onto) that my char had a noticeable blue glow on the ground, and (conveniently enough) in an area all around as far as i could jump- helped me quite a bit with jumps. My char is the one in the middle of the pic- can u see the blue glow around his feet? Also look at the uplighting under his chin and on his wrists under the sleeves; it’s also on the face of the mage to the right.


Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Emerahl.2603


The torch gives of a source of light when drawn. While using the prestige I’m invisible but the light can still be seen, see picture, which kind of gives my position away if enemy players can see it and I’m curious to know whether they can see it.

The update slightly increased the prestige’s damage and changed the phantasmal mage to give 3stacks of confusion lasting 3s.


Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: CindyBunnie.1764


Other players can’t see your torchlight, I believe. My husband can’t see it when I use the Torch in the Sharkmaw Caverns jumping puzzle. And yesterday, during one of the Fractal dungeons with the blizzard and dark forest, I couldn’t see the light from other people’s picked-up torches.

Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yes, this has been this way since the game launched, and unlike other types of light the torch only illuminates on your client, locally.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Torch: source of light/invisibility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Funky.4861


Thanks for the pics and info Emerahl though if you look again at my screenie, you can see that my torch is not drawn- it’s stowed away. Also, if it’s the case that other players cannot see the illumination, how come i can see the splash effect when other people use their (picked-up) torches to throw flames in jumping puzzles?