Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xephiare.4793


The torment on scepter 2 gives 5 stacks, and obviously scepter is a condition weapon. With a lot of condition damage, you could be dealing 4 to 5k each tick, not to mention moving ticks.

Cough 40-100 each tick, not 4-5k each tick.

Then it’s the initial damage that’s 4-5k, according to the skill description itself. And i’m guessing it depends on the condition damage. Anyway, the ticks are quite strong and another condition for others to worry about.
With 1500 condition damage, that’s about 1k per immobile tick.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Torment is decent, scepter isn’t.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Torment is decent, scepter isn’t.

Truer words have never been spoken. Torment hit’s like a truck but the block is only single target and hard to use on some types of targets (other mesmers, Engineers, pets eating it). The auto attack is just junk and the confusion channel takes way too long to charge up and feels clunky.

I would still say the scepter is 100% better than it was 1 week ago. Thats just saying how bad the scepter really was though. Now it at least has some use for condi dueling type specs.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


The torment on scepter 2 gives 5 stacks, and obviously scepter is a condition weapon. With a lot of condition damage, you could be dealing 4 to 5k each tick, not to mention moving ticks.

Cough 40-100 each tick, not 4-5k each tick.

Then it’s the initial damage that’s 4-5k, according to the skill description itself. And i’m guessing it depends on the condition damage. Anyway, the ticks are quite strong and another condition for others to worry about.
With 1500 condition damage, that’s about 1k per immobile tick.

Conditions show full damage over the course of the duration. Torment ticks more than once per second even without them moving.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xephiare.4793


Yeah, now the full duration is 5k then. And I did know torment ticks while immobile.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Hmm, with 1530 condi damage it’kittenting for about 4500, and a additional 4500 if they run.

I feel it hits pretty hard all things considered. I am really liking it I got to say, but I need a couple more days with it to really have a valid opinion.

It does seem to scale very well with condi damage almost so much so I think scepter now requires condi gear to be worth while

As a thief this frightens me. A glass thief will have 13k hp. A thief that doesn’t move equals dead thief. This condition probably hit thieves hardest (not complaining!) because we rely 90% on evading damage. If you were to hit me whit that condition you would take about 50% of my health, glad I have some condition removal! :p

I took a thief earlier tonight from 100-25% with a single application of torment.

On 5 stacks of torment? Please explain. Seems impossible.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I took a thief earlier tonight from 100-25% with a single application of torment.

On 5 stacks of torment? Please explain. Seems impossible.

5 stacks of Torment is about 6000 to 9000 damage depending on the Condition build. A GC Thief has what, 10k health?

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


How is 9k a lot of damage for a condition build?

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


A thief will likely stealth and remove those conditions.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: hardloop von edgehoven.8512

hardloop von edgehoven.8512

i dont like the idea of designing combat in games the way that u end up standing still spamming cooldowns. now, this is definitely not the case
torment seems to be a “somehow solution” on a problem which wasnt exactly defined.
question is what is the case…except the fact that they moved one trait from minoradept to minorgrandmaster (imo to force diversity of builds wihtout phantasms, while imo most of the major gm traits are still poor to mediocre).

it really reminds me of the time blizzard deleted thehybrid warlock builds once in wow.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


A thief will likely stealth and remove those conditions.

Forced to blow a stealth because of 1 condition is pretty strong imo. I was fighting a few P/D thieves and its pretty hilarious.

They range for the condi you block it putting 5 stacks on them they panic and you know whats next? Cloak and dagger you prestige or dodge it. You know what comes after that? Either blinding powder, shadow refuge, or HIS.

This is just against P/D thieves also had pretty good success running high condition build against necros of all people. Most are spamming wells and are glass. Block torment applied decoy or prestige and they either have to transfer the condition to a clone if there are any out, blow a cleanse, or use the condi removal heal.

You can stall out long enough to reapply that or confusion etc tick them down with staff etc. 1 thing I did change with these new necro’s running around was glamour skill recharge faster for null field its been a life saver so far.

VS glass thieves running lyssa or condi removal in stealth it can be a bit harder. Its better to save the block after the fight has started so they they have used up some initiative and important skills then surprise them with it.

Against P/D condi thieves its the lulz though since they are always trying to strafe and constantly moving.

Also against the glass engineers rofl. Block they eat the stack usually wipe go back in again you put confusion on them or whatever other condis you have. Block again then they go hit the panic button going baby mode all the while they are invulnerable they are running away killing themselves rofl.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Hmm, with 1530 condi damage it’kittenting for about 4500, and a additional 4500 if they run.

I feel it hits pretty hard all things considered. I am really liking it I got to say, but I need a couple more days with it to really have a valid opinion.

It does seem to scale very well with condi damage almost so much so I think scepter now requires condi gear to be worth while

As a thief this frightens me. A glass thief will have 13k hp. A thief that doesn’t move equals dead thief. This condition probably hit thieves hardest (not complaining!) because we rely 90% on evading damage. If you were to hit me whit that condition you would take about 50% of my health, glad I have some condition removal! :p

I took a thief earlier tonight from 100-25% with a single application of torment.

On 5 stacks of torment? Please explain. Seems impossible.

I’m rolling 0-20-0-20-30 picking up pistol and scepter trait. Sword/torch scepter/pistol Signet with bonus condi

With food and nourishment I’m at 1875 condi before might. Torment is hitting for 5500, If they move a additional 5500 is going to hit them.

Thief ran by me in wvw, I popped block, he proced it, stealthed and came out of stealth at 25%. I didn’t touch him with a single other ability.

When I get might stacks with my runes of hoelbrak and battle sigils my condi is at 2200. The only problem though with specs like this is that anyone can run away from you if they really want to. If they fight though they’re probably dying. Still a nice change of pace after 3 months of pure zerker shatter builds.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

There are loads of problems with torment on the scepter. A couple I didnt see in this thread yet are

A: It’s purely single target. Scepter offers nothing to the mesmer who gets jumped by more than one guy. Scepter 3 is great going through multiple targets, sure, but if you’re channeling that alone with 2-4 guys hammering away at you it’s not worth it.

B: Being a single target block it might work wonders against a thief. That is until he busts out his thieves guild buddies. Ranger pets, mesmer clones, random mobs all risk procing the block before your actual target can hit you. This is a design fail.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


There are loads of problems with torment on the scepter. A couple I didnt see in this thread yet are

A: It’s purely single target. Scepter offers nothing to the mesmer who gets jumped by more than one guy. Scepter 3 is great going through multiple targets, sure, but if you’re channeling that alone with 2-4 guys hammering away at you it’s not worth it.

B: Being a single target block it might work wonders against a thief. That is until he busts out his thieves guild buddies. Ranger pets, mesmer clones, random mobs all risk procing the block before your actual target can hit you. This is a design fail.

You are very correct.

Here’s what the scepter is……

A single target condi dueling weapon for 1v1’s.

It’s weak against non single target toons like engi’s, mesmer, things that can proc a block but not on target.

It does hit very hard though if you go all out condi.

Worthless for pve, worthless for zerg’s, worthless for power and crit builds.

Incredible though at 1v1 condi fighting.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Even in 1 vs 1 the Staff is superior over the Sceptre. The only thing the Sceptre has over the Staff is more condition “burst”, but even if you need it you only switch to the Sceptre to blow its CDs; then switch back to Staff ASAP.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


stop exaggerating your torment dmg number lol….

I have 2.2k condi dmg and it hits <7k standing still, <7k moving. That, I was on 25 stacks sigil of corruption full condi 300 point Illusions 20% condi duration from trait and 40% duration from food, with signet of domination and scepter trait.

almost nonexistent mobility.

I know you don’t like torment but get your facts straight plz.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loco.4561


aNet will NEVER increase the damage on Torment, because the same people who cried about confusion would cry about torment. aNet seems to cater for those lazy players who rather than not attacking (confusion) or not moving (Torment) would rather keep the ability to press 222222 until their fingers bleed.

The continual dumbing down of anything that requires any kind of thought to use or gives a penalty to a player is being removed from this game to cater for casual, lazy players. A shame really.

Are you kitten kidding me? You want it to hit harder than 11k? WTF.

I got to say some of your peoples whining is just silly. I would go so far as to say you’re bad and you should feel bad for being so bad, but I’ll stop short and say you should practice more.

Serious, if these changes really keep you from owning face then that’s your problem not Anet’s.

Buff Torments damage even more? That’s insane that you would even ask that. My torment takes people to below half health already.

I’m starting to lose patience with this complaining. It’s obvious that people haven’t even tried torment yet. There is no way a rational person could be asking for a damage buff on it unless they are completely clueless.

Did you even read what I said before you went on this angry little rant? I said aNet will NOT increase torment damage, I was NOT asking for an increase in damage.

I’m starting to lose patience with people like you, not reading something and then going crazy. My point still stands, damage won’t be increased on any reactive condition because aNet wants to make it easy on casual players who don’t bother to counter.

And I had NO problem dealing with confusion Mesmer’s / Engi’s pre-patch, I use cleanses when they stack confusion or I disengage and don’t spam attacks (turn of autoattack on ability 1). It was simple to counter, but people were not prepared to put time/effort into thinking on how to counter it.

If they buffed Torment, Condition Necro’s would be pushed into the realms of OP with the DS Torment + Terror + 7 Second Fear build.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nordic Natedog.4360

Nordic Natedog.4360

I’ve been running a condition tank spec even through the time since they nerfed confusion. After that nerf, I was pretty ticked since I lost the only real ‘burst’ damage we cond mes have. With this added condition, I have tried our using scepter more (I usually preferred sword on my 2nd set) and have to say I’m liking it. As a cond mes, one of my biggest problems is my foe getting low health and running way. Now, they run with torment on them and it really helps finish them off. I have found it best to use it later in a fight although I haven’t done a lot of 1v1 with it just yet.

Mag (PA)
Figrin the Healer (Guard), Angelic Renae (Mes), Death by Figrin (Thief)

(edited by Nordic Natedog.4360)

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: ViciousVyne.2935


What I dislike about tornment on mesmers, is how we apply it. The other two classes that got the condition have an active apply, meaning, they press a button, and the enemy gets tornment. For us, however, to apply it, the enemy has to hit us first, which is an obvious animation. This is the general problem of condition mesmers in my opinion. We just lack straight forward condition Application.
And the counter attack itself is pretty awkward, since its slow and only shoots out in a straight line, but I’m experiencing alot of situations, where I block an attack, but tornment is not applied, for what ever reason.

I think they should change the whole mechanic of our skill, to work similar like retaliation, so that when someone attacks us, they get the counter-attack damage + tornment, no matter where they are standing.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Narmix.4862


Been testing Torment from a mesmer perspective and as much as I love them adding something new to scepter, I’m decidedly underwelmed. They REALLY need to increase the damage boost when targets are moving. People who get Torment on them should be terrified to move around. Instead, it’s like the slightest uptick from a super weak bleed. This won’t be stopping anyone from doing anything. Not even worth a condition cleanse. It’s the GW2 equivalent of getting a small pebble in your shoe.

How do you guys feel about Torment?

I could say the same thing for Confuse. It’s clear that mesmer in GW2 is not supposed to be anything like the mesmer in GW1; control has really gone out the window.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


Hmm, with 1530 condi damage it’kittenting for about 4500, and a additional 4500 if they run.

I feel it hits pretty hard all things considered. I am really liking it I got to say, but I need a couple more days with it to really have a valid opinion.

It does seem to scale very well with condi damage almost so much so I think scepter now requires condi gear to be worth while

What mesmer runs 1530 condition damage these days? Completely impractical after the confusion nerf. And I hate to break it to you, but no one’s gonna buy all condition gear for one torment application off a block on scepter.

Cnd spec mesmers run that much…? ;P

At 2131 condition damage, Torment was doing about 6k if not moving, 12k if moving. It hits very hard, and if not removed in time, can melt people pretty fast. I really enjoy it, as I like timed blocks & counterplay. Now I’m rewarded for it even more.

Great skill, heavy hitter too.

Torment should be called "Slight Discomfort"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Yeah, after using it some more, I really do like the new block. It does a lot of damage, actually allows us to do somewhat of a condition burst.

Now if the rest of the scepter didn’t suck donkeyballs, I’d be happy.