Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mijo.3274


YO guys,
i’m actually on my way to finish Bolt, and the first thing that i’ll do once it’s done is to start some solo roaming as a zerker PU mesmer.
My idea is to go for a 4 4 0 0 6 build, but i’ll start with something easier, and PU is the easiest build to use.
i’ll use Greatsword and sword/torch as weapons.
I used a shatter zerker mesmer a lot in pvp, i’m actually at 100+ wins in tpvp with that build, so i can not resist a good ’ol F1 in the enemy face sometime…
I was thinking about a 4 4 6 0 0 build, but my problem is:
- what traits to choose in the chaos trait line?

Hope you guys will help ^^
Hope the PU pro haters will leave me be ^^

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pwent.2639


That is what i enjoy sometimes i take extended blink over dodge clones, but being able to shatter when needed is nice. Havent used the build post crit nerf swapped to shatter to have a higher power burst and because i was feeling risky.


Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chrhal.4983


While I enjoy shatter mesmer more, I have played a decent amount of PU mesmer.

There aren’t really any traits that goes well with PU in the Chaos trait line. However there are some good alternatives that can increase your damage output or your survivability.

Master of Manipulation (III) – increase your survivability, don’t say no to more Blink!

Bountiful Interruption (VIII) – increase of your survivability and damage – don’t say no to more boons!

Debilitating Dissipation (V) – increase of your survivabilty – clones getting killed increases your damage!

I tend to go with (III) and (VIII) with pistol instead of torch.

That being said, when you have tried shatter mesmer and are used to building up your burst (faceslam F1, F2, F3!) there is no coming back!

Welcome to the dark side!

Archiae – Mesmer
“Lol I have never GvG’d before”
Far Shiverpeaks

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ozzy.8059


because I know people will complain about my post have fun on your mesmer

(edited by ozzy.8059)

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pwent.2639


youre lucky the devs are a bit slack in this game… any other and all these terrible builds would have been destroyed by now, stealth would have had a rework this is on all classes not just Mesmer

Im not a fan of PU, but go kitten on the balance forum or in game; this post doesnt belong on this thread. Go to a different forum please.

On another note bountiful int is sweet with gs and runes of strength or hoelbrak, just remember to take might on swap. Gotta love that stuff.


Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ozzy.8059


why bother they don’t?

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: eldenbri.1059


This is what I run in WvW right now. It’s PU, but it’s a phantasm build.

I think the traits work quite nicely this way

Trait choice for zerker Pu build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mijo.3274


Thank you guys, i was thinking about takin Arcane Thievery for the reduced coolddown, but that skill miss a lot!
BTW, i could use a lockdown build with just PU instead of chaotic interruption…
Something like Sw Sw + GS…

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!