Hey Azo =),
sry but i can´t remember duelling u. The only duels (/bow before started) i´ve made agaisnt pu mesmer the last month were 2 days ago in sanctum. I fought severel player naked cause i was curious about how it ends (got all on fraps). Were u one of them? I can´t remember u pls help me out or at least tell me how your cha looks like if it was no official duel (/bow).
However if u had really won and didn´t mixe up me with my guild mates ( all asura ) than i would be happy for a revanche on our next match up to make sure i won´t forget u again =).
I shatter f1,f2 for dmg f3 is more an utility to me if i guess he might heal i use it if i guess he won´t heal i don´t use it to spare it for important interrupts. F3 is no part of my rotation! it might look like but it´s a expenisve CDand i try to use it just when it´s necessary. Sometimes this includes the shatter itself and sometimes it doesn´t.
I sadly can´t open your links they are not available in germany (gema music protection).
cheers =)
@ Lavra: /sing
But okay, have fun with your shatter builds and lets just keep it as underpowered as it is now in solo roaming.
So, you have a problem with him pulling of a spec that you believe is underpowered.
Imagine that. He takes something that is not fotm and he makes it work. What a great crime indeed.
Besides: Why does this matter?
Where did he say that this is the only roaming build?
Where did he say that he thinks all of us should run this?
The answer is that he never did. He said people should play what they find fun, and he provides a video that shows us how he plays. He explains why he likes the play style of this particular build. He explains why it works for him.
Buka is well known for their arrogant behavior as I’ve gain that reply from almost everyone I asked if they knew buka. The most positive reaction I’ve gotten was: ‘’They are decent players…’’
I try to be polite on this forum, but in this case, I cannot.
What kind of argument is this? “I asked people.“
It says nothing about the build, it says nothing about Vash. It does however say a lot about you.
Why do you feel the need to hide behind other people?
Are you afraid to state your own opinion, and openly admit that this is in fact your opinion of the guild?
Do you think that claiming support from these unknown people makes your argument any more valid?
You are spreading rumors about a guild on the forum, without any purpose at all, other than some sort of hidden agenda of yours.
I get that YOU clearly have a problem with this particular guild. How you feel or not feel about his guild is hardly relevant for anyone.
I’m not saying vash is one of the arrogant people in buka, but I’m amazed he doesn’t seems to get the point that shatter lacks ability’s in roaming.
I don’t know the guild and I don’t really know Vash either. I have however asked him several questions over the past months, and I can assure you he has done nothing other than being helpful, polite and encouraging.
Besides, you have already formed an opinion on the matter. It doesn’t really matter if he explains how he sees and overcomes the challenges of a shatter build. It doesn’t really matter if he explains why he thinks it is viable. He already did that. It is not what you are after anyway.
Vash: Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to your next video.
(edited by Reesha.7901)
Nice video. Makes me want to play my Mesmer again.
I think I remember playing against you btw. If you ever happened to 1 shot a poor staff Ele (red/black Asura), that was probably me. xD
Keep up the good work and greetings from Riverside!
maybe last month it was.. between the orbs capture points.. no i didnt see naked.. and not fan with fights vs naked or upskilled guys.. maybe another asura mesmer? how many asura mesmer have u in buka? mine looks gothic beauty.. however non condi armor on photo.. condi armor mostly pink dire or rabid.. as i remember u may not power shatter.. i would like to duel anytime.. on my first roam experiance as well i didint lose any on 1v1 and mostly win or accomplish my goal with 1vs many.. 1vs4 as this 7mins match challenge can be argument.. however i remove songs on 45 mins unedited video that u can watch.. u can see shatter plays as well in that video.. however shatter builds have some cons.. as self cleanse.. or much sacrifice of health pool to more effective in shatters which is logical.. and shatter doesnt works in large scaled fights properly(there re pleanty classes builds may effect better performance than shatter mesmer).. imo pure shatter mesmer in wvw Small scalled roaming groups>duel>solo roam> large scaled goups
however condi tank solo roam> duel >small scaled > large scaled.. thats why i use condi tank for roam.. for duel i am changing my build via whom i played build class..
and what u think about shatters over the other aspects.. i would more happy where as this beuatiful build how come doesnt work on other aspects as it should be.. than u could ask why BF nerfed? and is it fair mesmer mechanic not become better available in large scaled groups.. or why not phantasm can hit alt least first attack before get 1 hit die from fields or random attacks.. from anet its ignorant questions cuz they have nothing to say.. do.. i really dont wanna op solo or roam ing with sacrifice in large scaled groups as gvg which as another competitive aspect than tpvp..
@ Azo:
Well, your condi tank mesmer has a pretty good trade off for being not as good in large scale situations – it is pretty easy to execute, very forgiving due to tankyness and the very best (apart from hybrid PU builds maybe, which is also mesmer) out of all classes to 1vX due to multiple reset target options, stealth, teleport and illusions.
I mean, it`s a pretty good deal, right?
Best regards
I lol’d.
I’d like to know, if shatter is lacking in roaming potential, what builds do you use that aren’t? Phantasm? PU condi? Interrupt? Shatter has greater versatility than all of those specs. If shatter isn’t viable for roaming, then none of our other builds are.
Really, enlighten me. I’m genuinely curious as to what mystery build you’ve been using that makes shatter look so terrible, because as far as I can tell it’s an issue of player skill. Having played Mesmer almost exclusively as a WvW roamer since day one, I’m having a hard time swallowing this news that shatter is no longer one of our most effective roaming builds. I’d certainly be amused if the response I got was “phantasm” or “condi”. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Surprise me.
Oh in case you haven’t noticed, it’s been on front page for the last… 2 months? Right,
I can see a difference here: surviving 4 hours roaming and killing 1v4’s or surviving barely 1h and killing 1v2’s. I can see the difference, maybe you can’t. But hey, I decided to quit playing mesmer till the 10th like 1.5/2 weeks ago. Playing the same build for 3 months gets me a bit bored and shatter… well.. I’m not a type of person that wanna flip a coin and hope I wont face someone who knows how to dodge illusionary leap. It’s just not the playstyle I like the most.
I like it when people get into discussions without even reading the whole discussion or barely even know what this is about.
Yes I don’t like buka, but I made that clear months ago. I’m not hiding behind people, if you want to hear it from me, then feel free to check my whole history and go through all the post that has something to do with buka.
Argument? Oh I didn’t knew you wanted that! Well lets just give you one:
These guys think they are ’’superior’’ and ‘’elite roamers’’ while I only see decent players with meta builds trolling around. They think 20v20 gvg’s is all about running after a tag and spamming, yet they barely even play together as a team. They are decent roamers with a way too big mouth, nothing else.
But enough about buka, been through this way too many times now.
Some people do actually care about the state of the game. People who are not you probably. They are buffing phantasm builds? What are you thoughts about that? Right, ‘’CRAZY ANET!’‘, have people been screaming the past weeks. But hey, no one cares right? ’’As long as we have fuuuun!‘’ Reminds me of kittening spongebob.
I loved the concept of mesmer, but it’s getting really kittening boring right now.
My first reply on this topic was if vash could show me some recent gameplay of 1v3’s and 1v4’s so it would somehow bring me some hope back. Too bad he couldn’t succeed on that part leaving me behind with my thoughts even more that shatter is underpowered. Look at the effort he’s been putting in to win 1v2 against 2 brainless monkeys. 1 good dodge and he would be dead or should be escaping. If he was fighting in open field.. well.. good luck surviving then.
Eventhough shatter isn’t the gameplay I like the most, I don’t see how shatter is at any form besides pvp with numbers higher than 10 better than phantasm.
sPvP: Doesnt really matter, but faceroll shatter & phantasm
tPvP: Don’t have a role here
Roaming WvW: Phantasm > shatter
PvE: Phantasm > shatter
Raid WvW: Shatter > phantasm, but don’t forget, the damage output we reach with this is not even close to any profession can do. The reason we’re not the 2nd rangers there is because we got veil and timewarp.
So yeah, sorry if I’m trying to convince people who seem to be pretty good on shatter that it’s underpowered. Guess that’s a crime.
I like it when people get into discussions without even reading the whole discussion or barely even know what this is about.
Aww, another aggressive comment from you. How delightful.
Some people do actually care about the state of the game. People who are not you probably.
Uh, and another one!
So yeah, sorry if I’m trying to convince people who seem to be pretty good on shatter that it’s underpowered. Guess that’s a crime.
People already know shatter has its challenges. It is old news.
People might choose to play it regardless, because it works for them.
Overall, the conclusion must be that shatter is not for you. Either you can enjoy your chosen break from the game, or you can spend your time being angry with those that dare to play an unforgiving build and dare to have fun while playing it.
Well, I am glad you see yourself as acting mature.
However, this is not my topic nor is it yours.
Perhaps you should consider promoting your own build instead and let Vash promote his.
I am done here and I sincerely hope that whatever comes after this post is going to be of a constructive nature.
@ Azo:
Well, your condi tank mesmer has a pretty good trade off for being not as good in large scale situations – it is pretty easy to execute, very forgiving due to tankyness and the very best (apart from hybrid PU builds maybe, which is also mesmer) out of all classes to 1vX due to multiple reset target options, stealth, teleport and illusions.
I mean, it`s a pretty good deal, right?
Best regards
its not trade off from large scale situations to condi tank.
its from shatter to condi tank
i just made 3 days roam.. however fairly experianced with all part/modes of game except pve..
and it was for some tro lling (fun part) from me to fight with my ex server where i hated that wvw season faks sfr with pve players for achivement.. how about que.. and … thanks to crapy season rewards.. hope pve players(pugs) ll think twice to join wvw..
i mean.. its not fair.. i mean if mesmer is op with soloing why lack in large groups? i would be nerfed with solo performance till balanced with all classes with same challenge of each other classes / builds.. rather than lacking in large scaled organized groups.. where anet always say game is for everybody but as a large scaled groups mesmer i feel i am ignorant.. what i find with endgame? or as anet: play how ever u like to play..
Tpvp already retired monotous cant be esport
pve not interested to shining things
wvw where is fair in there? killing upskilled players? or distrupted from players while 1v1 i heard there were unoffical gvgs however still unoffical..
omg as on my video full server blobs chase one guy?or killing with 25 ppl to all enemy +50 blob? where are themost competitive players.. state of game time by time..
gvg? ask a net.. The gvg u ve called cannot reach at the moment pls try again later! i came from competitive guild from gw1.. all my guild mates retired after some month of game.. cuz of no gvg(except tpvp where u bored enough while there is no end game as gvg)
and there is a book of who already retired with the same kittens..
vash i really appricate your videos.. wanted to point that shatter is one of main archtypes of mesmer.. it should be available as well in all part of game.. not just for soloing.. i am not a tpvp player anymore but i see pleanty top players ve already retired or reroll to guard thief etc.. yes all was playing shatter as well with minor differences.. i say tpvp where gw2 mechanic designed for.. example something scenerio as this from my point i would not accomplish with shatter 1vs4 as this clear.. or pleanty situations as this maybe it s an easy answer why pu.. however i am not happy with this.. or we can just say fun.. so if the topic is shatter.. so i am again complaining why BF get nerfed to evade.. ? or why izerker which is equal as other classes skills(staff ele lava, or just %8 less damage than burning speed where as burning speed has +fire condition damage etc.. etc..) that izerker can die before hitting target.. and risk reward factor?? or thief dd clock dagger and back stab is with untraited is still %6more damage than untraited except ipersona + 3clone f1 shatter.. it comes to me pleanty discussions about shatters but already tried with that.. anyway its just wall of text.. it can sound bla bla.. i usually do compare builds with their pros cons each other.. we can do that or its just shatter for roaming.. so whats roaming anyone can discribe?
Hm let me give a little conclusion about what i´ve read and what I think about it.
-Like some of u said it´s always the player making a build viable or not! I agree
-There are builds which are overpowerd and “underpowered”! I agree but it also depends on the situation u get in. I played condi pu, too. Maybe some of u forgot thi fact and its quiet difficult to conenctrate the condi dmg on main targets in larger fights- the spread is “random” and the phantasms doesn´t survive large fihgts long enough to be that efficient like in 1on1s. I don´t say it´s not possible but u have to conentrate extremly on your timing and u have less time for your positioning – so in case its quiet difficulter to survive with shatter mesmer but u also have more space to manage this! Also condi pu mesmer deal more area pressure over time as long there are no cleans. But in spiking dmg condi pu isn´t even close to the pressure shatter deals. So the perfect team would be one PU and one Shatter =D – we could be friends !! “lol”
-Shatter mesmer is not efficient in large scale! I don´t agree it´s the player again making it work or not. In addition the problem u have with the condi spread in larger fights doesn´t exist with shatter – your main target alwyas recieve 100% of the dmg u want to deal – in addition the area dmg is almost the same like the single target dmg! And most of all u can switch targets within seconds and still deal 100% of your possible dMG. Especially in larger fights this could turn the match. The most valuable fact on shatter is: the extrem DMG without warning. And he can´t be cleaned like condi dmg!
-everybody should play what he wanne play! i totally agree this!
-Shatter is difficult! I agree but this doesn´t makes it not viable!. The first thing i´ve told some of u in the chat was always, u have to be patienced wth shatter and don´t give up. The fact that u are almost done as soon u make one mistake is also the fact that some of u don´t see it viable – becuase they calculate with their fails. But with enough practice (practice not god given skill!) u can handle it. U learn to see where to move how to move and when u should attack. And if some of u wanne go this way I´m always there for advice no matter what level u are or where u from (ingame and forum).
-one of u asked me why traveler rune> all on shatter Mesmer. Well of course this is my opinion not a law!. Why?- because u might have seen that it´s hard to surive especially on fighting against several player. The fact that u trave 25% faster infight makes u MUCH MORE harder to kill – the infight speed is almost the same like with swiftness! and when u can switch positions in stealth faster than its also a guarantee that u survive better.
pls watch this at 5:30 only this scene u don´t have to watch all if u don´t want too!!
It shows an extrem gap i´ve created and how fast they got back in range-i had no traveler rune when i´ve created that video. With traveler rune it is much more easier to come into the shatter movement – u can react 25% slower than u should be with movement decissions and u are also more dangerous in offensive moments – they can´t flee as long u have traveler! (except s/s GS warrior -.- ^^).
-btw to see me roam join my Twitch channel VashBashGW2 – it will be online soon than u can see what I´m talkin about with shatter roaming.
-Those who don´t like shatter it´s totally fine. Do whatever u wan´t I just share my experience with u and as soon u decide to become a shatter mesmer contact me or get help at some of the great guides in the forum. But pls don´t be afraid of checking it out just because some player talk bad about it!.
-u should have fun even if u play 14/14/14/14/14 with a halloween costume! I agree !
(edited by Vash.1920)
-Like some of u said it´s always the player making a build viable or not! I agree</em>
builds are using game mechanics vs player self sufficient and environment
so it seems subjective but there are objective things.. so there can be math something as simple``your damage deal + damage reduction / enemy`s = efficient``+ self sufficient(reflex timing etc.) + environment(random/unstabil effects)
<em>-There are builds which are overp….</em>
i think u try to compare shatter vs pu cond in large scale fights?
lets say large scale fight is GvG.. cuz zerging(blobing includes pugs.. and its random encounters)..
but GvG is more competitive and fair and there is a 1 goal best efficient, win(ranked)[not mean training gvg match example].. 20vs20 guild players(no pugs), deathmatch with best of 9 rounds in as obsidian sanctrum arena..
i would just ask how would u be succesful with regular shatter build?
-or u can just remind us that u are just talking about solo roaming than we can stop discussion about how shatters effect other parts modes of game.. yes thats true gvg needs experiance as well gw2`s game mechanic design for 5v5 structured pvp.. so as me when i see gvg its just massive kitten messy.. so ask now.. it is more challenged competitive than i saw before..
<em>-Shatter mesmer is not efficient in large scale! I don´t agree it´s the player again making it work or not.</em>
yes.. as u say..player sufficient makes it better efficient where as if u play for team? as in gvg.. where as as your personal efficient can be enough as necro war guard ele`s group efficient..
i never used cond on gvg setups and not thinking to use it as this state..
<em>your main target alwyas recieve 100% of the dmg u want to deal – in addition the area dmg is almost the same like the single target dmg</em>
%100 damage? so at this point i would like to discuss risk/reward factor and analysis of overall efficient that is it fair compare to other classes example? thats why i say mesmer is sux.. u know as well BF is evading not invul it s not protecting u while u burst so it can happens something as this when u try shatter oh oke.. oh oke so not burst front line.. spike peripheries? so why not thief.. oke at least obsidian has flat land that iLeap can more succeed.. yes not burst front than binding surge Guard gs pull not int u.. where as necros eles can freely aeo damage.. how about izerker.. before hit if its die.. ? feed back ? bah its not zvz not projectiles is flying there with zerker players.. interupts.. bah while u ve war hammers.. nullfield yes efficient.. so why not necro while he more potential than mesmer.. tw? yes nice buff for bursts.. however warbanner is not worse or other elites.. mantra? igh.. focus pull is fine however some challenged that wrong pulls can make worse.. as save enemy from burst :P veil yess we already found it.. portal yes unique skill as well.. so 1 or 2 mesmer in 20ppl gvg setup is enough as slot bot :P
(note most scenerios with challenged matches not as experienced guild vs newbei gvg matches)
<em>-Shatter mesmer is not efficient in large scale! I don´t agree it´s the player again making it work or not. In addition the problem u have with the condi spread in larger fights doesn´t exist with shatter – your main target alwyas recieve 100% of the dmg u want to deal – in addition the area dmg is almost the same like the single target dmg! And most of all u can switch targets within seconds and still deal 100% of your possible dMG. Especially in larger fights this could turn the match. The most valuable fact on shatter is: the extrem DMG without warning. And he can´t be cleaned like condi dmg!</em>
Why not frap a competitive gvg match and that u can enlighten me??
ok not as this there its not GvG as we understand its Guild Raid, zerging..
GvG = equal number vs equal (15 20 25 etc..)
numbered rounds( as best of 5 7 9)
deathmatch mode (kill all no res dead no respawn)
limited area (before south camp now as obsidan sanctrum arena)
no slacker no upskilled no buffs advantage (foods oke) not sigils, guard stacks etc..
and if match ll be more competitive it can show better details..
- in conclusion ,
yes feel free to share your experiance.. everybody should have something to learn from others..
its better to remove horse glasses there is a other side of glass.. its your pov.. its my pov.. i ve complain with archtypes of mesmer as phantasm and shatters doesnt work properly as it should be.. in organized large scaled groups as gvg setups/matches that mesmer is not desirable rather than veil portal.. and this never changed long time from my side after patch that BF nerfed.. i shared them all of them is my opinion.. maybe we need shut up and play that remember GW2 is designed for TPvP, so as large scaled groups as gvg groups can be ignorant and i should stop game as others.. or have fun it..
and whats that mean?
-u should have fun even if u play 14/14/14/14/14 with a halloween costume! I agree !
and whats that mean?
-u should have fun even if u play 14/14/14/14/14 with a halloween costume! I agree !
My interpretation would be something like this:
It is important to have fun while you play, regardless of what spec you play.
It is important to have fun with your chosen spec while playing, regardless of what that spec might be.
(edited by Reesha.7901)
Reesha s right ^^. And azo my conclusion wans´t specific to u. It was genreal to sum up all replies in this thread from all players =) – so pls don´t feel attacked =). I have to say i didn´t understood everything u´ve wrote =D – maybe it´s my bad english ^^.
Props to Vash for showing us great examples of the triangle shatter offense. It actually bursts harder than my d/d thief. And against any zerker opponent that targets you, blink away from stun, torch 4, gs 2, triangle setup and dodge, shatter. Usually dead, if not, daze, izerker. Brilliant.
It makes a world of difference for GS as the main weapon and even makes me think about going for Sunrise now for my mes instead of Incinerator for thief…
Also I was debating with myself whether Precise Wrack or Compounding Power is better. But since this is a crazy mesmer burst build, you want to make people panic with your mind wracks.
Good job Vash!
i prefer precise wrack – why?.
I´ve been doing math about this. Based on a ciritcal DMG boost by 160% (stats+the hidden 50% from the game itself) and based on 3-4 shatter effects (2-3 Illus+XI trait).
The average delta is about +500DMG on the compounding power trait. But I still prefer the 10% cirt – because Probability math is a devil – it could happen that 2 of your shatters don´t krit even with 70% cirtchance so your dmg drops massively. It´s more important to make the shatter crits happen than calculate with 9% more dmg on not granted crits – Your whole burst goes horribly wrong if the shatter don´t crit. With the +10% krit u reach the 80% crit chance which is almost a guarantee that at least 2/3 3/4 shatter will crit. Also my weapon sigils trigger on crit which is also a reason for the crit trait. An additional problem is – if your illusions don´t explode at the same time and u might not be in range it could result in a raindrops effect and u don´t deal more dmg at all. your boost will drop from 9% to 0 witout gettin a serious advantage from your compounding power.
Thats my theory – like always feel free to use whatever u want
i prefer precise wrack – why?.
I´ve been doing math about this. Based on a ciritcal DMG boost by 160% (stats+the hidden 50% from the game itself) and based on 3-4 shatter effects (2-3 Illus+XI trait).
The average delta is about +500DMG on the compounding power trait. But I still prefer the 10% cirt – because Probability math is a devil – it could happen that 2 of your shatters don´t krit even with 70% cirtchance so your dmg drops massively. It´s more important to make the shatter crits happen than calculate with 9% more dmg on not granted crits – Your whole burst goes horribly wrong if the shatter don´t crit. With the +10% krit u reach the 80% crit chance which is almost a guarantee that at least 2/3 3/4 shatter will crit. Also my weapon sigils trigger on crit which is also a reason for the crit trait. An additional problem is – if your illusions don´t explode at the same time and u might not be in range it could result in a raindrops effect and u don´t deal more dmg at all. your boost will drop from 9% to 0 witout gettin a serious advantage from your compounding power.Thats my theory – like always feel free to use whatever u want
^That 10% crit rate adds up way more in shatter builds.
Vash, I like your videos, your playstyle and most important your manners
I have a silly question which can be straightforward or difficult to answer depending on PoV. How many times per wvw session do you die? It seems silly and you can feel free to answer the truth or not, but while watching you I say to myself “I would have probably died there…” but you survived. But I’m sure it cannot always be good… I see your sigil of accuracy is not always fully charged to 25 stacks so… you do actually die like me isn’kitten
Second. I am trying shatter again but with knight armour and everything else berserker. How do you see this?
Yesterday I had a very good long roaming session without dying (which actually doesn’t say anything, but it was fun) save for a final run vs a war which literally past through me once and I was 50% hp and past through me twice and I was dead in 3 seconds. I still do not know what happened save for a wrong dodge probably. That’s to say that probably I would have died during the first charge did I not have the knight armour :\
I have much more respect for shatter mesmers who roam solo than Blackwater mesmers.
1k’ish hours on mesmer (slightly less than half my total playtime), and shatter v shatter fights is definitely the most fun fight I ever had on the class.
And blackwater is just so kitten easy I can’t bring myself to call the mesmers who play it “good”, unless they’re like Pyro and play it 5v1+.
Yesterday I had a very good long roaming session without dying (which actually doesn’t say anything, but it was fun) save for a final run vs a war which literally past through me once and I was 50% hp and past through me twice and I was dead in 3 seconds. I still do not know what happened save for a wrong dodge probably. That’s to say that probably I would have died during the first charge did I not have the knight armour :\
Well that´s what ive been talkin about lot of times. If u clearly let your opponent start the fight u are dead – the fact that a single charge “5” from warrios could deal up to 9000 dmg is real with my setup. So it alwyas have to seem like your opoonent doesn´t really started the fight, even he had u have to dodge everything important to stay alive – this is for an untraind spectater most of the time the moment to say, you enemies are bad they don´t even know where u are or they don´t even hit u.
To counter especially warrio attacks always make sure that one of thes skills are ready:
-illusionary swap
-blurred frenzy
if u have none of this skills ready no matter why than:
Dodge is always the first thing to do, making sure that u don´t useless activate CDs.
Vash, I like your videos, your playstyle and most important your manners
I have a silly question which can be straightforward or difficult to answer depending on PoV. How many times per wvw session do you die? It seems silly and you can feel free to answer the truth or not, but while watching you I say to myself “I would have probably died there…” but you survived. But I’m sure it cannot always be good… I see your sigil of accuracy is not always fully charged to 25 stacks so… you do actually die like me
Second. I am trying shatter again but with knight armour and everything else berserker. How do you see this?
I´ve no idea how often I die – the life of a shatter mesmer is short if u don´t pay attention haha. An average amount of deaths in 10h roaming are about pff maybe 10 so once an hour. Sometimes i don´t even die the whole day but sometimes i mess arund with zergs and die twice in 10 minutes. It´s difficult to say but sure i die, too ^^. Maybe i bring out a video of vashury fails =D – actually the most of them are still quiet good fights but without happy end for my little asura. I´m sure u all know those scenes fighting several minutes against X enemies and the moment u barely made it some thief pops up with 5heartseeker in a row obviously 0 skill and jumps on your dead body yelling “yolo”.
Shatter mesmer, imho – i belileve it wouldn´t be nice to play it with defensive gear because u wouldn´t deal enough dmg to make the sacrafice of phantasms worhty enough. But maybe u can roll items to reach the stats u need with cavalier and valkyr gear as long your group shares fury.
(edited by Vash.1920)
The one class that is REALLY tough on us at the moment are good S/D thieves. But that will change tomorrow when they have to actually cast their Sword #2.
Playing against Blackgate last night with the roaming GS build, I handled every class great except S/D thief, condition necros, and condition engis. I’m thinking of switching to gs/staff for a faster escape and the chaos field. Not to mention taking advantage of the bouncing staff for the fury and switching back to GS.
My gear gives me stats really similar to the one in Vash’s but with 1k more HP.
But maybe u can roll items to reach the stats u need with cavalier and valkyr gear as long your group shares fury.
Fury is crit chance. Knight and Berserker gear share same crit chance value.
By using Knight over zerker I would be missing on crit damage but gain on toughness.
I think I’ll stick to this set up for now and switch to the squishy setup once I have some hours of play of shatter under my fingers
Well it´s up to how to play but for sure u shoulnd´t miss the fact that crit dmg is way more important than survival stats like toughness or vita on zerker shatter.
Even u have 2300 toughness u are still quiet vulnerable and have additionally lost a huge amount of dmg if your kritchance and krit dmg don´t reach the mark.
Still my stats are no law but they are one possibility how it will work.
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