[Video] Maim the Disillusioned in Team arena
Interesting to see.
Now I could be wrong but wasn’t it the rangers who where doing most of the face melting? Yes you did get a few nice spikes of 10+ torment but they didn’t last long and it didn’t really seem to be doing that much damage and every time somebody dropped like a sack of spuds, there where being focus fired.
The reason he didn’t specifically melt people is because 80% of his Scepter 2 blocks were wasted. You need to be sure to use it when you know you’re going to be hit.
Other than that, very nice video!! gj.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Youre playstyle is too much like pu condi. Be more aggressive with your shatter, stay closer to your opponents pop three clones around them then shatter. For example a good shatter combo with staff while your enemy is close and vulnerable would be mirror images, staff blink, shatter. If youre close they wont have time to react and they should eat 6 stacks of torment.
I noticed that you were mainly guessing when the opponent was going to attack when you used scepter block. You need to bait them into it and have good timing. One thing i like to do is open up with confusion scepter channel. Your opponent will usually try to attack with projectiles during your channel in which case be quick and hit scepter block during the channel. Rangers especially are guilty of this. Standing there with your scepter raised horizontally in the air inviting them to hit you is too obvious.
The build is fine (although you could do with more condition duration and less boon duration) but you just gotta practiceyour techniques a bit more and use skillcombos to your advantage.
Standing from afar and tickling with the staff isnt effective. Get in there shatter, get out, get in, shatter, get out, get in, shatter, get out.
May the maim be with you fellow disillusioner!
Sithu Aye! I love you. if youre a girl, if youre a guy then no kitten .
The reason he didn’t specifically melt people is because 80% of his Scepter 2 blocks were wasted. You need to be sure to use it when you know you’re going to be hit.
Yeah, I was sorta doing a perpetual facepalm in that fight against the staff ele. Literally every other skill they do is a persistent aoe, I’m honestly not entirely sure how it’s possible to miss 100% of your torment blocks against a staff ele.
Other than that, the playstyle was far too passive. I wouldn’t even play a PU build like that. In shatter you need to be applying pressure constantly. If you have clones on target and a shatter is up…you need to be shattering to keep that pressure going. Maim isn’t like a power build where you can wait for the perfect moment to unload that spike. You need to maintain the pressure from torment stacks otherwise you’re completely useless.
i stopped after 6 min
i think the main problem is ppl didnt get it how the mtd works and when it needed
but this is understandable as by now mesmer never had nice aoe condi pressure so ppl got used to the pu playstyle and the new IE staff clones that can also do nice pressure by themselves
i think after more few weeks we will see more useable playstyle
i am trying to work on tutorial for both 1v1 , 1v2 , small and big groups
Basically what everyone else said. With more practice, you should see even better results with your build. I’ll be looking forward to your next video.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I have never played PU condi so forgive me if the way I play shatter condi is similar, so the point is to brainlessly spamm shatters without waiting on a coordinated spike after the target is wore down? I play it as a power shatter. Scepter blocks are missing due to random dodges or evades, and that nobody can control or predict.
I’d be happy to see your footage then.
Oh yikes, I don’t mean to offend you in the least bit!
As Pyro said, it is not like power shatter where one or two bursts does the trick. Maim is a slow drain on the opponent, but you need to keep the stacks up in order for it to drain the opponent quicker.
No need to coordinate. Your goal is to wear the target(s) down, not wait for your teammates to do it. You’re the condi spec, so leave the bursting to the dps players. The more torment/confusion pressure you apply with high velocity, the more likely you’re to make your target panic…which is where the true strength in a Maim build lies…
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I frequently got my big stacks of torment randomly cleansed before they even tick 3 times . This is why I played it rather as a power spec, of fear of wasting my valuable condi burst and having everything on CD with the target without any torment stack.
As soon as I can log back, I will try out bursting faster and see if it does more good or harm.
I frequently got my big stacks of torment randomly cleansed before they even tick 3 times . This is why I played it rather as a power spec, of fear of wasting my valuable condi burst and having everything on CD with the target without any torment stack.
As soon as I can log back, I will try out bursting faster and see if it does more good or harm.
It’s not so much of bursting faster as it is putting out sustained pressure. Get some clones up, mind wrack, some scepter autos, now they’ve got 4-7 stacks of torment. That’s enough for cleanses. Now you land the scepter block (which you just need more practice at, it’s very possible to outplay people with that) and get a couple clones out quickly to follow up with a cry. Now they’ve got 10+ torment and are dying quickly. At this point they heal/remove conditions. You’ve thought of that though, so you’re already in the process of doing a daze shatter/chaos storm to interrupt it, and so on.
The key is that continual pressure. Keep them always on the defensive, always with torment on them. It makes people panic, blow cooldowns, and ultimately die very quickly.
The key is that continual pressure. Keep them always on the defensive, always with torment on them. It makes people panic, blow cooldowns, and ultimately die very quickly.
I have found this to be the absolute truth, I’ve put some time into maim now, been trying to use it since the beginning. Torment + Pressure = Player Panic = Win. Love the vid, keep posting more!!!
Nice vid, Miku.
Also nice to see our mesmer community come together and give tips for OP to improve his skills.
Nice vid, Miku.
Also nice to see our mesmer community come together and give tips for OP to improve his skills.
Us Mesmer fanatics aren’t so bad!!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I have never played PU condi so forgive me if the way I play shatter condi is similar, so the point is to brainlessly spamm shatters without waiting on a coordinated spike after the target is wore down? I play it as a power shatter. Scepter blocks are missing due to random dodges or evades, and that nobody can control or predict.
I’d be happy to see your footage then.
Sorry i hope you werent offended i was just trying to give some advice about combos of skills that could be effective. All i meant to say was try playing more aggressively with your shatters. You have 4, each with the potential to apply 6 stacks of torment, 3 stacks of confusion, 3 stacks of might, plus their other intrinsic effects. Even just 1 clone shatter puts pressure on your opponent to do something about all those nasty debuffs. And once you get to 10 stacks, thats when they start panicking and making mistakes.
Power shatter only really has 1 shatter that does big spike damage. You have 4 that do big dot.
The other thing i want to restate and its not aimed at you specifically, but shattering while your clones are spread out away from your target gives them time to dodge them. Because once they see all your clones running towards them, a good player knows they have to dodge or eat a bunch of damage. So your goal is to not give them this chance.
Picture this scenario, a hammer warrior comes within melee range and stuns you. You hit mirror images to break the stun then staff blink back leaving 3 clones ontop of the target, then you shatter. This combination is too fast for most players to react.
Now after that shatter, dont back away, go in with scepter torch, stealth up, blind, get close, torch illusion, 3 stacks of confusion and retaliation, double dodge shatter again while also applying burn from your torch.
After that get ready for the counter attack, scpeter block decoy and shatter, remembering too that f4 also applies nasty conditions so if you use f4 distortion shatter while close you can mass invis away and reset/ wait for cooldowns.
This is what i mean by play more aggressively.
A PU playstyle relies on wearing your oponent down with on clone death traits and staff clone auto attacks, but if you play with mtd, and aggresively, you should be shattering as much as possible when the target is vulnerable, not giving them time to kill your clones.
Also, id like to make a vid if my laptop can handle a decent framerate while rexording. :p
Also dont take what i say the wrong way. Im only trying to help. Ive been talking with fellow mesmers about mtd since august and playing mtd since august and have endured criticism from all the ITS NOT META twerps. Im happy to see those people have been silenced by the recent buff and glad non meta builds are recieving more attention. It was kind of boring seeing only interrupt and shatter mesmers on the battle field. So im here to share my ideas in the hopes that more people will.
Keep up the good work!
here is my vid exp from today (tpvp)
it start with 2v2 wvw versus shout hammer warrior and d/d ele – lots of heal and cleanse
tpvp (forgot to switch ie to ii)
short zerg fight periphery counter
Also since you posted about condition cleanse while i was typing my previous post, you dont want to waste your more bursty condi skills while they have condi cleanse. You want to shatter shatter shatter afyer they cleanse. The scepter is the best weapon to open with if you want to bait condition cleanses. Every skill applies confusion or torment.
Also your shatter cds arent that long so dont be afraid to use them.
Edit: cool vid messiah. I think an important trick that evertone can learn from your vid is using your torment blocks on aoes is like a guaranteed hit. For example, using it on necro locust swarm, ele fire fields, engi bombs.
(edited by fluxit.8247)
Thanks Fluxit for being a trail blazer and helping to maim the meta!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Taking note of everything, will try faster combos for pression (initial MW etc). True that F4 also applies torment, that was surprising when I first witnessed it.
That was the second match I did using Maim, most of your critics are true and I think I ended up following that later (better blocks and faster pression), didn’t record tho. After a few more matches the videos will be much better !
Yay!! Goodluck, Miku! I’ve begun saying “maimed” instead of “rekt” after demolishing people.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”