[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Testing new build after Fero Nerf. Lowering my Prev Defensive stat because of Fero and raised my Offensive stat to compensate that.

15 Power – Illu Damage 15%
30 Prec – Manip range, Clone Dodge, Sword Mastery
10 Vit – Condi 2x when Heal
15 Spec – For faster Decoy coz no PU.

Arcana Thievery – For condi removal
Blink – Blink
Decoy – Stealth/ Target Loss/ Repositioning Tool

Koi Cake – Total 65% Condi Dura
Sharpening Stone – Already have 47% rate unbuffed

Rune of Traveler

2200 DEF then Offensive stat all the way. GS, SP Gameplay. I consider this build is safe pick and all round. No Hard counters.

Thx for watching.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

(edited by Nevhie.6079)

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: FinalPatriot.8034


Nevhie, I love your Mesmer video’s!

Laura Seranus – Mesmer –
“Shatter Me!”
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Thx Bro!!

My new Vid. Too Lazy to make another thread. Last week in Season 2 with my new PC. better Reflexes

I must say 3s immob every 6s is so fantastic in teamfight. The moment they decide to ignore you. The Immob will punish them all!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: bookmaker.9047


sorry nev.. i’m fail to understand your new build.. can you enlighten my mind a bit?

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


sorry nev.. i’m fail to understand your new build.. can you enlighten my mind a bit?

Ok let me try…

There are 2 Core of this Build. “Become a Good Sniping Build” and “Punish people with 3s Immob every 6s if they decide to Ignore you”

Start with the 1st part “Become a Good Sniping Build”
I take GS as the weapon set for sniping. The beam doesn’t travel and can’t be blocked by reflect projectile stuff. Useful to secure a kill. All GS skills are offensive so u can spam all of them to deal a tons of damage if all of them hit. Since u are a Sniper. When u are using GS u gonna spend at 400-1,2k Range. Coz this reason, I don’t take IP. Coz it’s will be a waste if i shatter while i’m in Sniping position, Above 600range from my target. Both GS#2 and GS#4 create clone near ur target so it can make a Fast Shatter even if u are far from ur target. That’s why i;m not interested to take IP

“Punish people with 3s Immob/6s if they decide to ignore you”
So u are a Sniper. Stay 1200 range from center of fight. Normally melee Class kinda feel lazy to hit you. U are a Mes, U can Decoy and blink to repos. Sure some melee class can leap to you but with so many repos tools on Mes u won’t get killed by 1x rotation unless 3people jumped to you. GS is a Good Sniping Weapon but it’s more for Poke. Poke damage takes long time to make a kill. Then i take Main Hand Sword. A lot of people think Sword #2/ Blurried Frenzy is what makes a Mesmer Main Hand Sword but for me it’s the ability to Immob for 3s every 6s. Clearly it is the fastest in the Game with VERY High Risk to land that Immob. If u do that when enemy has so many Zoning Comp like necro’s Mark or Engine nades, it might cost ur live or a tons of ur HP because that zoning. But if u can use it at right time it’s so high rewarding. To make 40% CDR for Sword leap u will need 3point in Special for 20% Summoning skills and 2point in Precision for Sword CD 20%. Why must 6s? Because mesmer can’t spam Sword #1 AA while fighting. Mesmer can’t toe to toe using Sword #1 AA. A Warrior can crit for 3k with Sword #1 AA while Mesmer maybe only 1,5k – 2k + Mesmer body is too squishy. Even with 2300 DEF as a Carry u should not take that risk to toe to toe with another melee Class. When u swaped to Sword. U have 8s to use that before u can swap again to GS. If ur Sword Leap #3 CD is 6s. U can use at least 2x Immob within this 8s. Use it at 1st second, And use it again at 8th sec, Then weapon swap and repositioning urself coz enemy is immoed by 3s. To make Immo dura become 3s. Simply eat Koi Cake, Condi Dura +40%.

That’s 2 of my Core of this Build. Beside of that pretty much standard.
I take 3Power Line to take 15% Condi dura. 15% + 40% = 65% → makes my iZerker criple @1,75s. For the trait choise normally i take Phantasm Damage or Shatter Damage or Halting Strike. Those 3 equal in this build but just don’t use Halting Strike for team fight. Asuming ur Enemy is competitive Team, perma stability is standard.

I take 6 Precision to take Sword mastery 20%, Mani pRange +300 and Dodge create clones. Pretty much to boost my own survival and somewhat i really love Arcana Thievery. Bot hAT and Blink have 1200 range. Very good for repositioning tool so my team doesn’t need to peel for me too often. 1200 Arcana thievery range pretty much to secure a boon steal on ur focused target. With hidden buff u don’t need to “Face Check” anymore to land this AT pretty much i happy with 1200 AT even they fix the bug about 40s CD AT with Manip Range +300.

Last. I take 2Vit line to choose Using Healing skills remove 2condis. Again for my own survival. U can;t carry ur team if u are DEAD. 2condis/ 20 is not that bad also. Coz u are Carry, u need to remove all setup kill from ur enemy that put to you like Criple/ Immob.

Hope this helps. hehe

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]