(edited by Ruine.3519)
[Video] - Slynn T1 Outnumbered Fights WvW
Blocked in Sweden.
Blocked in Sweden.
Darn its due to one song. Fixing it now .. apologies!
Lol no worries jenzie it’s blocked in NA too
On a side note…. That one heck of an expensive guild invite O.o
Thanks guys, its up. Finally fixed it
iiiwww condi i hate fighting against that
nice video. I would end up the same because i have no condiclense
2 things i saw try to use your blast from your tourch on the target burning + dmg
and when you play S/P + staff use your duellist , that he shoots throgh chaosstorm to get more confusion
Hey! Thanks for the feedback, i’ll keep it in mind for future fights
Your opponents deserved those spankings for how they played :-p
Glad you gave them what they deserved
The thieves need their Thief Cards revoked ;-)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
awesome footage! =D
Good job Slynn
Slynn the legendary Mesmer going ham!
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist