[Video] WvW Am i Viable?
I’m curious as to why you went 25 points into domination? Surely you could find a better use for 5 points than to take a trait that does pretty much nothing?
25% Power Line = 25% Condi Dura.
Food is = 40% Condi Dura.
25% + 40% = 65% Condi Dura. Rounded up for Criple from iZerker from 1,65 into 1,75. For more Criple Hehehehe…
Should this build be called “Am I viable?” Or “Am I viable with a guardian and warrior for support?”
Someone been watching Helseth’s video “mesmer not viable, I am”.
Huahahah guess some people missed the point. You see.. I’m not really good giving name for my Video so i just give it “Am I Viable?” because Sword #3 nerf earlier, Other Roamers Build and add some sarcasm to it.
For the answer.. Well it depends on the Viewers. Can’t force my playstyle. I just share the Vid. Hehe…
Indeed anything is viable when carried by a guard and a warrior. :< Would love some solo play instead of Coordinated trio vs Blob of pvers.
I don’t know ur definition of Carry. But for me it’s from MOBA like Dota or LOL (I Played LOL a bit). Someone who have highest damage Output in your team and Carry gonna carry the Game into Victory. Either DPS Carry (A Carry that relies more on Auto Attack, Normally medium damage but have Short CD) or Burst Carry (A Carry that can unleash a huge amount of damage within a Short of time but have Long CD). But if u have 5man it’s good to have 2x Carries in case 1of them screwed up or got Focused. If u don’t want to use mOBA Term. Just think Carry is Hitter Role.
Pretty much it’s more like I Carried Team coz i offer higher damage compared other Members and probably the highest damage in Group formation except for the Last Fight coz we had 2x Carries. DD EL is simply so safe Pick. Higher damage = Faster kills. While my Guard and WA provided Peel/ Body Blocking. Even i got focused Hey we are a Mes, We don;’t get focused that easily. Sadly when i got ignored. It makes my job easier to snipe them down.
There are some classes that good at 1v1 but become bad at team fight.
There are some class that bad at 1v1 but become good at team fight.
There are some class that good at 1v1 but become better at team fight.
All lies! Everyone got carried by the sexy D/D ele!
I don’t know ur definition of Carry. But for me it’s from MOBA like Dota or LOL (I Played LOL a bit). Someone who have highest damage Output in your team and Carry gonna carry the Game into Victory. Either DPS Carry (A Carry that relies more on Auto Attack, Normally medium damage but have Short CD) or Burst Carry (A Carry that can unleash a huge amount of damage within a Short of time but have Long CD). But if u have 5man it’s good to have 2x Carries in case 1of them screwed up or got Focused. If u don’t want to use mOBA Term. Just think Carry is Hitter Role.Pretty much it’s more like I Carried Team coz i offer higher damage compared other Members and probably the highest damage in Group formation except for the Last Fight coz we had 2x Carries. DD EL is simply so safe Pick. Higher damage = Faster kills. While my Guard and WA provided Peel/ Body Blocking. Even i got focused Hey we are a Mes, We don;’t get focused that easily. Sadly when i got ignored. It makes my job easier to snipe them down.
There are some classes that good at 1v1 but become bad at team fight.
There are some class that bad at 1v1 but become good at team fight.
There are some class that good at 1v1 but become better at team fight.
Carry as in playing as two and a half player, because the third is just tagging lootbags.
All i meant is the title is misleading, in no way it shows that you’re viable or anything, you just get carried by two heavies against an unorganised bunch of door hitters. A video where you show your solo abilities is much more welcome.
(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)
Carry as in playing as two and a half player, because the third is just tagging lootbags.
All i meant is the title is misleading, in no way it shows that you’re viable or anything, you just get carried by two heavies against an unorganised bunch of door hitters. A video where you show your solo abilities is much more welcome.
Oh my …A Half Player and only “Tagging”. So much disrespect to Support Role. What a harsh World.
Well like i said it’s not i;m asking my build is viable or not, it just basically a sarcasm after got Sword #3 nerf but i still use Sword MH. Yes i do admit i;m not good with giving names to Video Title. If that Video title is misleading then i;m sorry. You can’t please everyone
So coz i had 2x Heavies. U said Those 2 Heavies Carried me. If enemy had 5x Heavies. U said They are just an unorganised bunch of door hitter. I… Confused…
Go Home Riko. U are Drunk.
Go Home Riko. U are Drunk.
Pfft never!
So, I just watched the video. Honestly, you seem to be doing an awful lot of not much at all.
Your damage is very low. You’re staying in greatsword about 99% of the time doing not much damage. Your phantasms don’t seem to hit particularly hard, and none of your other damage is that high either. You use iLeap maybe once every other fight successfully, and your blurred frenzy seems to do about 3k damage if you hit all 8 hits of it.
You offer close to nothing in meaningful support. Your support begins and ends with mass invisibility. You don’t use glamours, you don’t strip boons, you don’t heal, you don’t boonshare, you don’t really offer any of the support that mesmer can.
Honestly, the only thing you do is follow along and tag enemies, while I guess being another red name on the other guys’ screens. Viable? Hardly. I’d take a warrior/guardian/ele/necro/thief over you.
Honestly, the only thing you do is follow along and tag enemies, while I guess being another red name on the other guys’ screens. Viable? Hardly. I’d take a warrior/guardian/ele/necro/thief over you.
Or a ’Sin specced mesmer.
Got to admit it’s the first thing I notice too, you’re in a group with a Warrior and Guardian, in a video asking if you’re viable. Both professions that can deal more damage than a Mesmer, but in this case, it seems the Guardian is built more for boon support—keeping you and the Warrior alive. (The Warrior has far better burst than Mesmer.)
Seafarer’s Rest
Nice insight Fay. Let me try to reply
Your damage is very low. You’re staying in greatsword about 99% of the time doing not much damage. Your phantasms don’t seem to hit particularly hard, and none of your other damage is that high either. You use iLeap maybe once every other fight successfully, and your blurred frenzy seems to do about 3k damage if you hit all 8 hits of it.
Yes of course i;m staying in GS. I;m Marskman Role. I only go to melee when i feel no pressure/ Got ignored/ See opportunity for wombo combo/ After summoning iZerker with my Allies. Are u suggesting i;m making damage with Sword #1 Instead GS#1 Beam?
2nd is.. My damage is low…. Of course it’s low..
1. I transfer some of my Offensive stat to become 2300 Armor
2. Most Glass enemy died coz my Guard and WA Initiation. It’s still initiation Phase. Not even the “battle Phase”. When in initiaiton Phase coz everyone has their CD Ready. Burst > DPS and sadly i;m DPS Based.
3. My Phantasm doesn’;t hit hard. If enemy has 15k Hp. Guardian can deal 8k, Warrior, 10k and Mesmer 10k. If the order is Guard 1st, WA 2nd, Mes 3rd. So it will be 8k + 7k + 0. U won’t see Mesmer damage coz it’s already Downed. Or are u telling me as Hitter role i should enter the battle 1st in Initiation Phase? Only when i try to cancel enemy flipping TOw/ Camp.
4. Again about my GS Damage. Not sure about that. I don’t know my enemies stat. If they are glass. I will deal higher damage and take More damage from him/her. If my damage is “Low” then probably they will deal less damage too to me. It’s their right to become full zerker, full knight, full Soldier or mix of some and whatever. But being glass is not that good for team fight. Except for next patch LB Ranger. Maybe…
You offer close to nothing in meaningful support. Your support begins and ends with mass invisibility. You don’t use glamours, you don’t strip boons, you don’t heal, you don’t boonshare, you don’t really offer any of the support that mesmer can.
Since when i said Support Role?? I never said i;m Support Role? I;m Hitter Role/ ADC. Strip Boons? The only support value i put in that Build is only mass invis and Arcane Thivery. Are u degrading a Mes that every Mes in Team Fight must become Support Role? Seems u need to understand more about Burst vs DPS philosophy.
Honestly, the only thing you do is follow along and tag enemies, while I guess being another red name on the other guys’ screens. Viable? Hardly. I’d take a warrior/guardian/ele/necro/thief over you.
For less than 3 man it’s ok. But i;m sorry for 5man GS Mesmer still have value to offer long range sniping, Continous DPS, AOE damage, and mass invis. Also some nerfed AOE Immob if use Sword. Well just kidding. U can build ur 5man dream formation with every class. Just make sure it synergies with other class.
Got to admit it’s the first thing I notice too, you’re in a group with a Warrior and Guardian, in a video asking if you’re viable. Both professions that can deal more damage than a Mesmer, but in this case, it seems the Guardian is built more for boon support—keeping you and the Warrior alive. (The Warrior has far better burst than Mesmer.)
In term of Burst. I didn;t build myself to focus in Burst Damage. I built it for longer fight providing Constant DPS damage, Fastest GS Recharge 40%. If i want to burst probably Shatter Role is the best build for that. I just like DPS based so i create my own build to abuse iZerker with 40% CDR.
My P formation is..
Top Lane – Tank – Guardian (Initiating the fight) – Medit with stab
Jungler – Bruiser – Either DD EL or Warrior( Moving around helping Tank or Carries if they’re in trouble)
Mid Lane – Burst Build – Currently empty. Normally we have burst damage Class like DD EL.
Bottom Lane – Support – Healer Guardian (Provide Boons share, Condi remove, Heal)
Bottom Lane – Marskman – GS Mes ( Provide constant DPS)
Yes of course i;m staying in GS. I;m Marskman Role. I only go to melee when i feel no pressure/ Got ignored/ See opportunity for wombo combo/ After summoning iZerker with my Allies. Are u suggesting i;m making damage with Sword #1 Instead GS#1 Beam?
If you really wanted to do damage, you’d need to be specced for bursty shatter. That would actually do something. You’d be stripping and boons and offering heavy aoe damage spikes. See, I understand that you’re supposed to be in the ‘Marksman’ role, but mesmer does that incredibly poorly. You simply do bad damage. A staff ele would do far better, or even a rifle warrior or LB ranger.
-stuff about damage-
Right, so my point here is that your damage is incredibly low compared to other classes. You could be bringing an ele and do far more long range damage, or bring a warrior/guardian and do far more close range damage, or bring a thief for picking burst damage. I understand why your damage is low…and it doesn’t matter at all. Your role is to provide long range damage, and you’re simply not effective at it.
Since when i said Support Role?? I never said i;m Support Role? I;m Hitter Role/ ADC. Strip Boons? The only support value i put in that Build is only mass invis and Arcane Thivery. Are u degrading a Mes that every Mes in Team Fight must become Support Role? Seems u need to understand more about Burst vs DPS philosophy.
I mentioned support because your damage is so bad. The only reason you’d have to actually bring someone that’s doing that little damage is if they offered some sort of strong support, but you don’t.
But i;m sorry for 5man GS Mesmer still have value to offer
Ok, lets hear this one…
long range sniping
Ele is far better at that. They’ll deal more damage, and it’ll be aoe too! If you’re not worried about aoe, you could always bring a LB ranger, who will do more damage from farther away than you can, or a rifle warrior that will do both higher normal damage and brings the ultimate 1-shot snipe.
Continous DPS
So…damage? See my previous paragraph.
AOE damage
…wat. Mesmer has horrible aoe damage unless you’re doing shatters. Your build is not a shatter build, so your aoe damage is absolutely abysmal, close to non-existent. Pretty much everyone does better aoe damage.
mass invis.
Yes, you bring mass invis. That’s…1 5 second stealth ever 90 seconds. It’s good, don’t get me wrong…but it’s not worth hauling along a dead weight just for it.
Also some nerfed AOE Immob if use Sword.
We all know how this one actually goes.
You do poor damage long range damage, poor close range damage, have little to no burst potential, have little to no aoe potential, and bring 1 unique support ability on a long cooldown. Remind me why I’d ever want to bring someone of that description in a group?
A video where you show your solo abilities is much more welcome.
Solo videos are great for showing off and all, but, really, this is how a roaming player should operate. Note how they’re actually taking camps instead of just trying to start fights with randos near south camp (how many Youtube videos are just fighting by that stupid guard spot near south camp, srsly?) and able to move along between objectives at a reasonable pace.
Since this seems to be JQ/BG/TC (NA top tier), many enemy roamers are coordinated teams. Playing solo just to be stomped by them or run away from them is often a huge waste of time.
You do need better titles for your stuff, though, OP.
Well 1 thing for sure GS Mesmer can take care of themself better compared ur Recomended Marksman Role with 2x repos tool stealth and Blink. Most of ur Recomended Marksman offer better damage from GS MEs but more vulnerable vs Hard initiation or Focused fire. + and – from every class. It just unlucky for me in that Vid most of the time i got ignored or enemy can’t Pass my Tank to hit me and what make it worse it they got killed by my WA or Guard rotation before i can land my rotation. But i’m not gonna argue about rotation. Mesmer rotation is too short compared other class.
Seems what u are trying to say is “Kill ur enemy before they react!” While my playstyle is “Prepare for every situation” and most of them we let them react. We lure them to react using our WA and Guard. So our Carries can pick them easier.
Well for me the only nice AOE damage from Mesmer mechanic is either 4x Shatter Explode with IP or iZerker. I choose iZerker coz it’s safer and i Like GS. You can shatter every 10s with 30 Ip while i can iZerker every 12s with 40% CDR. Slightly weaker but Again. Personal taste. I Like GS.
I;m not disagree about what most of u said Fay. Main problem in our argument is just “DPS is sucks” and “No one gonna hit u coz u are marksman”. Combining them both that’s why u recomended me to become more “Bursty” U are not wrong. If u can kill enemy faster then why u need to put some stat into Defensive? But let me give u an example.
Burst build can deal damage 10k every 10s
DPS Build can deal 7k every 6s.
At begining aka 0th sec. Both of them unleash rotation. Burst is winning coz 10k damage, DPS is losing coz only 7k.
At 6th s. DPS is winning Coz already deal 14k damage, Burst still 10k.
At 10th s. Burst is winning again coz 20k vs 14k
At 12th s, DPS win again! 21k vs 20k
And so on..
Not sure if this example good to comparing Shatter Mes with iZerker 40% but the concept is like that. The longer the fight DPS Build will win coz already build enough damage and that what i see from GS#1. Again there’s no Golden rule for PVP. But for my team we like to have 1x ADC/ DPS Based and 1x Burst Based. DPS need to provide damage to “Scare” them in case Burst is on CD coz DPS CD is faster comapred Burst or to pick up kill if Burst damage didn’t kill the target.
T1 roaming need fast kills. If u can’t kill fast enough. Ur enemy will multiply. Most T1 roamers must balance between damage and Escape mechanism.
And yeah i sucks at giving Video titles… Huahahah My Bad T_T
Well 1 thing for sure GS Mesmer can take care of themself better compared ur Recomended Marksman Role with 2x repos tool stealth and Blink. Most of ur Recomended Marksman offer better damage from GS MEs but more vulnerable vs Hard initiation or Focused fire. + and – from every class.
Well, that’s certainly true for staff ele and ranger, but you can toss a greatsword on that warrior and they’ll suddenly be more mobile than you, and more inherently resistant to damage with higher armor and heal sig.
Seems what u are trying to say is “Kill ur enemy before they react!” While my playstyle is “Prepare for every situation” and most of them we let them react. We lure them to react using our WA and Guard. So our Carries can pick them easier.
I’d advocate building burst (shatter) on the mesmer because that’s what it does well. You’re trying to shoehorn mesmer into a role at which it’s absolutely horrid.
Well for me the only nice AOE damage from Mesmer mechanic is either 4x Shatter Explode with IP or iZerker. I choose iZerker coz it’s safer and i Like GS. You can shatter every 10s with 30 Ip while i can iZerker every 12s with 40% CDR. Slightly weaker but Again. Personal taste. I Like GS.
iZerker doesn’t do damage even remotely close to what shatters can. It’s not even a valid comparison. Additionally, you’ll still have the use of GS and iZerker in a shatter build, you just get even more aoe.
-stuff about burst vs sustained-
In a team situation, burst is generally stronger than sustained damage. There are multiple reasons for this, so I’ll go through a couple.
Bursts from multiple people can be skillfully coordinated to kill someone before they can react to it. This will avoid a fight, or end one rapidly. Sustained dps from multiple people doesn’t have this capability.
Bursts can be skillfully aimed to avoid active and passive defenses. The protection that the guard shared to everyone is going to lower your sustained damage by a lot, but burst damage can be timed as the protection wears off, or just after (during with shatters) a boon strip.
Sustained dps is countered by healing. Since you don’t kill them quickly, they have time to make use of whatever healing mechanics they have. Burst dps doesn’t have this weakness. When used properly, it doesn’t let healing take place.
Now, that’s not to say that some type of sustained dps isn’t good in a fight. However, good sustained dps is….conditions. This is because they provide utility and damage that isn’t affected by the same defense as power damage, sorta like not wanting to build a full team of AD carries, because that’s all countered by thornmail.
Now, does it take more coordination to bring bursts together and make that work? Yeah, I suppose it does…but you should be striving for the best, and if you don’t want to do that, then chuck the mesmer and get something that does sustained dps better.
T1 roaming need fast kills. If u can’t kill fast enough. Ur enemy will multiply. Most T1 roamers must balance between damage and Escape mechanism.
Sustained dps doesn’t produce fast kills. It leads to drawn out fights. You want coordinated burst to down a target instantly, and then clean up the rest.
Again, the way you’re playing simply isn’t optimal in any sense of the word. Mesmer does actually have strong roles it can play in a small roaming group…but you’re filling absolutely none of them.
Not gonna argue about Rifle/ GS. It’s annoying Build for sure.
- Team fight stuff -
Before we begin. I never recommend Full burst or Full Sustained DPS Carry/ ADC. I prefer at least 1 ADC and 1 Burst.
Condis Got countered by Condi Removal.
Protection counter Burst and Sustain DPS (Any Power based)
The main question is simply. After u burst. What will you do?
If u refer on my timetable Burst every 10s vs DPS every 6s. After u burst. For next 10s u are vulnerable. Assume u are not allowed to bring any Sustain damage. What will u do?
1. If at initiation phase u got a downed from enemy side= That -1 from enemy side. Whatever initiation is fine. Face to face, or ambush or Ambushed. Assume u got 1 from enemy side.
2. Depend on enemy numbers. For sure now they are starting to react to ur team. Now Ur burst is on CD. But enemy burst is not.
3. Enemy counter with their burst. How will u react?
If u have sustained DPS. This role gonna fill ur team damage while the Burst Role buying time for another Burst. Poking is a tactic. If enemy start a fight without full HP that means u did a nice Poke. And only marksman role can poke. Coz if u poke using Melee class It’s a Punch. Not a Poke.
If u don’t have Sustained DPS, depend on enemy size. If u have bigger number just keep going and clean them up assume none of enemy burst can make a kill until ur next burst CD. But what if not? Most of the time Burst Build doesn’t have good Tools to stay in battle. If it’s open field sure u can hit and run. Hit and run is where the burst Build shines most. While Staying at same position like Capping Camp/ Tower is where sustained shines most. U are forced to stay at Circle. If u leave = U lost. That’s why it’s called “Sustain”
Summary about Burst:
1. Often Secure a kill with combination of ur team
2. Normally need Set up kill
3. Somewhat Obvious and easy to read aka “Dodge their head!!”
4. Somewhat over kill.
If u want to kill 20k Target. 1 Burst is 15k. So if u send 2x Burst it’s 30k damage. Wasted 10k damage.
5. Super Strong in Hit n Run.
iZerker vs IP Shatter
IP Shatter sure will deal better damage. While in my Build i build it for more Safety. Again u are telling me having damage is better and enemy not gonna react. Go to melee with IP Shatter is risky but high risk high reward thou. Also if IP Shatter + GS is allowed. That mekittenhould count my “Long Range” Shatter GS#2 and GS#4 then shatter. Well except IP Shatter can take boon removal. That’s a huge plus too for Team.
T1 roaming need fast kills. If u can’t kill fast enough. Ur enemy will multiply. Most T1 roamers must balance between damage and Escape mechanism.Sustained dps doesn’t produce fast kills. It leads to drawn out fights. You want coordinated burst to down a target instantly, and then clean up the rest.
Yes it is. Then? Did i say something? Did i recomend Sustained DPS for t1 roaming for this guy? No I didn’t…
Also I Never doubt Shatter Build for Burst Playstyle Role in team fight. It’s good. It just i wanted to try to be more “Sustained” Damage esp in Team fight + Marksman Role. Fay only see situation where enemy can’t react. If enemy can’t react, Burst is always be superior coz they are letting them “Buying time” for next burst. Also i like GS.
Again i;m not saying Burst is bad. I just want to make sure people understand there’s a place for sustained Damage which normally Marksman Role has.
Why are you even comparing Guild Wars 2 to a MOBA? There are no Top-Mid-Low lanes in a WvW-fight, you’re always going to be there as your whole team in those engagements. Nor are there any jungles to get stronger on monsters in.. you, as a whole group, are roamers, harassers, or.. junglers.. if you insist on using that word.
Nobody has neither denied the place for sustained damage in engagements, they’ve just said that as a Mesmer, we fill that role relatively poorly. We’re better at boon stripping and bursting with our team, than we are at sustained damage over time. Your Warrior buddy is doing better sustained damage over time, and is providing a better burst. Even your boon sharing, healing Guardian buddy is likely to be doing comparable sustained damage, with each auto-attack of a Staff in a relatively tanky build based around sharing boons and healing, doing roughly 1000 damage to 5 targets on each pulse. The two of them are keeping each other (and you) alive as well, while performing sustained damage.
Are we viable, sure to an extent, but are we optimal, nope.. we’re no longer anywhere close to being optimal. Whoever is balancing us, seems to either not understand how we function, or has a personal agenda against us, because they’ve hated fighting us perhaps or whatever other reason there could be.
I do however think it’s important to play something you think is fun. And if your team is fine with you being a little less optimal, that’s good, play how you find it to be fun or you’ll just burn out. But I would definitely not be asking the question if I’m viable in a video where I’m not optimal. A Shatter build, with a Greatsword, doing the same things you are doing already, would be a better showcase of that.
Seafarer’s Rest
So, I just watched the video. Honestly, you seem to be doing an awful lot of not much at all. [See my reply 1]
Your damage is very low. [See my reply 2]
You offer close to nothing in meaningful support. Your support begins and ends with mass invisibility. You don’t use glamours, you don’t strip boons, you don’t heal, you don’t boonshare, you don’t really offer any of the support that mesmer can. [See my reply 3]
Honestly, the only thing you do is follow along and tag enemies, while I guess being another red name on the other guys’ screens. Viable? Hardly. I’d take a warrior/guardian/ele/necro/thief over you. [ see my reply 4]
I group with nev as a DnD ele alot of the times so this is my opinion : -
Reply 1
- Nev plays a very important role in our grp and is he is a highly respected within the community.
- He does not do low damage. If anything his a beast in WvW.
Reply 3
- In our 2v5 or 5v10 groups his role is just as important as his team mates. A good group has good cohesion. I say he does that well. Very well.
Reply 4
- He helps tag because a good group must not just be cohesive but also assist to down the important targets as well.
I will say Nev is an excellent Mesmer, driver and friend.
Reply 1
- Nev plays a very important role in our grp and is he is a highly respected within the community.
Note that I’m not insulting him, I’m simply pointing out how weak the play and build is.
- He does not do low damage. If anything his a beast in WvW.
I’d take your word for it if I hadn’t seen his video. However, I’ve seen his video. He does low damage, that’s not actually up for discussion.
Reply 3
- In our 2v5 or 5v10 groups his role is just as important as his team mates. A good group has good cohesion. I say he does that well. Very well.
I’m curious as to what role this is that you speak of? Marksman? Support? Burst? We’ve been over how warriors/eles would do marksman better, and this build offers no support, aoe, or burst.
Reply 4
- He helps tag because a good group must not just be cohesive but also assist to down the important targets as well.
This…isn’t really an argument? There’s nothing wrong with tagging, it’s only tagging that’s a problem.
If you think Nev does good damage, what is doing this mesmer?
As Fay said, he really does low damage. He cannot even solo burst squishy enemies, and that’s an easy job for a zerker shatter mesmer.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
If you think Nev does good damage, what is doing this mesmer?
As Fay said, he really does low damage. He cannot even solo burst squishy enemies, and that’s an easy job for a zerker shatter mesmer.
I personally prefer Vashury as my go-to gnarly burst vids:
@Fuzz and Fay
LOl Fuzz what are u doing here. U don’t know Mesmer very well hahaha..
Basically what Fay trying to say is “Don’t stay in GS for too long. Go melee and burst them” But that kind play style “Go melee and burst them” have a risk coz after u drop ur burst with Melee weapon Sword u are vulnerable and most of the time often result Death. In 1v1 it’s fine.
If u can make a kill ur team is winning so u must aim the key target. So it’s enemy Carry. But u must pass their Tank? How u gonna pass him/her? Walking normally into enemy backline? Torch is a good solution for this for Shatter IP Mes.
If GS+ S/X for IP Shatter is too dangerous then some Shatter Mes use Staff + S/X. So that mes can go in, Drop Sword burst, Go out with Staff. But this kind playstyle got countered by enemy Marksman Role coz they can poke u from afar.
For every Shatter u make from 1200 from ur target it’s not synergy with IP trait. So i tried to think Pure Marksman Build.
If you think Nev does good damage, what is doing this mesmer?
As Fay said, he really does low damage. He cannot even solo burst squishy enemies, and that’s an easy job for a zerker shatter mesmer.
Which 1 of my enemies are squishy?
Explain how a “tank” is of any relevance in Guild Wars 2 PvP. The same way talking about upper-, mid- and lower lanes is of any sort of relevance to engagements in WvW. In what way or form is any tanky character going to deny you from running straight through them, or circling around whatever minimal thing they have to deny you with (e.g., Line of Warding). Are they using a “Provoke” kind of ability on you, which forces you to keep attacking them? That skill completely flew past me in the past near two years I’ve played. In what possible way can you not walk normally into the enemy backline?
Fay isn’t saying you should go melee and burst them, although that would clearly be a part of an effective Shatter build, but the missing key word here is range, melee range, not necessarily that you should switch to Sword. With a Guardian covering you with all those boons, you can quite easily get away with getting into melee range and shattering, before using Blink, Decoy, Distortion to get out of there if need be. Obviously you can also use a Staff as a secondary, to blink out backwards, to give yourself Chaos Armor, and so on forth. Chaos Armor is a under used blast finisher-field boon as well, so your team could do well with blasting some of your Ethereal fields if you provide it to them.
Sure, you can be poked from “enemy marksmen”, but you can survive being poked, especially with a Guardian keeping you boon-fed like that. Even your Chaos Armor should be enough to withstand some pokes as you reset while doing your sustained damage at range. Being poked doesn’t hurt all that much. You got stealth utilities and invulnerability abilities to slip away with if need be.
Seafarer’s Rest
Nobody told you to go full shatter,but to give some love to power.
If sniping with GS means doing outmost 1k dmg and almost no dmg to tankish builds,that is by no mean called “Sniping” .I think the right word is “Tickling”.
If you afraid of bursts,note that I use shatter mesmer in gvgs and it is basically what all other mesmers use in gvgs,and the potencial to get burst in gvgs is higher than your play,so consider that.Good mesmers use better dmg and not tickling the enemies and from time to time using izerker as the main dmg source.
It all come to this,if you would have played with copy group of yours only the other mesmer is a good shatter mesmer,you would have lost it.
That tower fight was pretty amusing to watch. Soooo close!
Explain how a “tank” is of any relevance in Guild Wars 2 PvP. The same way talking about upper-, mid- and lower lanes is of any sort of relevance to engagements in WvW. In what way or form is any tanky character going to deny you from running straight through them, or circling around whatever minimal thing they have to deny you with (e.g., Line of Warding). Are they using a “Provoke” kind of ability on you, which forces you to keep attacking them? That skill completely flew past me in the past near two years I’ve played. In what possible way can you not walk normally into the enemy backline?
It’s not about Lane. But every lane have it’s role and playstyle that’s why i like to copy it a bit.
Tank is someone who initiate the fight if u are not ambushed. Initiation can be either Walk initiation like ur tank just walking into enemy formation or Hard initiation like Guardian Blink + Ring or WA Sword Leap. Good Tank normally will tailing Enemy Carries. Making enemy carry can’t deal damage to correct target, Lose Focus or waste their Stun break so can be killed easier. If enemy carry wasted their Important CD to ur Tank. Then ur team are free to go to make a kill easier coz less damage pressure from enemy Carries.
Sure u can walk normally into Enemy Carries. Passing enemy Tank. But normally Enemy Tank will Punish you. Either peel you from their Carry or provide some “Okay” damage to scare u so u gonna go back to ur backline. One of worst scenario Enemy Guard gonna immob or Pull u with GS then Enemy Carries gonna drop their babies in ur position.
Not sure about power. I have 2370 Power Naked with GS. Add 250 for BL Stacks, 100 for WVW Buff, 100 for Stone and another 70 for Food.
For GS#1 damage is around 800-1,2k Damage If crit vs Squishy. 500-700 Damage vs Bruiser, 500 vs Tanky or Prot Boon. All if crit and that per hit so every 0,5s.
IMO it’s about my playstyle. I always wasting all my Damaging skills to enemy coz it has fast CD. So basically i force them to waste their dodge or else u take my Phantasm damage. It’s not bad in my Team coz that mean easier for my Allies to set up a kill or Other Carry to make a damage. But the result people think Warrior carried.
Sure i can abuse my Healer to follow me but sometimes that heal should be allocate to other Member. Example my Tank to keep holding 5++ Enemies or maybe other Carry. Yes it can but… Well we will see.. Hehehe
Hmm…lots of people that are trying to put words into my mouth. Let me try and clarify my thoughts here in a concise manner.
Sustained dps has a role in roaming groups. However, due to the nature of damage and whatnot, this role is filled by a condition class…be it mesmer or otherwise.
Marksman is also a role…but not in small roaming groups. Your job is to stay mobile and fast. Enemy marksmen are killed through good awareness and mobility. You roam coherently and kill them quickly.
What you’re trying to do is fill a role that shouldn’t be filled in a small group, on a class that is bad at filling that role.
My Recommendation
As a group, learn to fight in a mobile fashion that coordinates the burst from multiple people to kill even more durable opponents instantly. If you need sustained dps, start bringing someone built for condition pressure. Stop trying to shoehorn mesmer into a role that it’s horrible at. Unlike most areas of the game, mesmer can actually be really strong in a small roaming group. You’re just playing it the absolutely worst way. Use the fantastic mobility, burst, and utility of mesmer to actually play a positive role in your group.
Edit: If you want ideas on how to do that, watch some of Joe’s shatter videos. He generally roams with a guardian for support and whatnot, and does that very well.
Seems u are recomending me for a “Ganking Team”. “We only Gank people. We don’t give time to enemy to react”
Joe is fine but again diff taste. Most of the time he use Hit n Run tactic With his Sword and Staff.
I just need to think what should i do more when weapon swap ready. Clearly staying in GS for too long is bad for Overall Team damage. But blindly go melee also dangerous in case enemy have OP AOE damage class like Nec/ Guard.
Not sure about power. I have 2370 Power Naked with GS. Add 250 for BL Stacks, 100 for WVW Buff, 100 for Stone and another 70 for Food.
For GS#1 damage is around 800-1,2k Damage If crit vs Squishy. 500-700 Damage vs Bruiser, 500 vs Tanky or Prot Boon. All if crit and that per hit so every 0,5s.IMO it’s about my playstyle. I always wasting all my Damaging skills to enemy coz it has fast CD. So basically i force them to waste their dodge or else u take my Phantasm damage. It’s not bad in my Team coz that mean easier for my Allies to set up a kill or Other Carry to make a damage. But the result people think Warrior carried.
Sure i can abuse my Healer to follow me but sometimes that heal should be allocate to other Member. Example my Tank to keep holding 5++ Enemies or maybe other Carry. Yes it can but… Well we will see.. Hehehe
You see,I get it,you let others do the killing while you pressuring ppl,but as far as I can see,if you will be in tight spot,when the warrior and the guard could not help you,you want to deal dmg yourself w/e if it’s to kill the thief who stomps the guard,or the tankish warrior that come at you(and yes tankish warrior can deal dmg to you) you will fail.Sure you can kite them all the way,and if it is your playstyle it is fine,but note that there are better proffesions for that kind of thing(e.g Ranger?).miao
Seems u are recomending me for a “Ganking Team”. “We only Gank people. We don’t give time to enemy to react” .
So uh….what are you doing exactly? Chivalrously giving your enemies time to react so they can fight back?
Lol Next Patch ranger looks so scary. Ranger won’t need to dodge coz they will just pew pew pew u from 1500 range T_T
If they react, We will react back. It’s endless loop. I;m making a Team that can take bigger numbers thkitten without forcing us to do hit n run tactic.
Why i make that? Coz i have Guard as my friend. Simple. If my friend is a thief of course i will become a Gank Team. But sadly i got Guard as my Friend. Worse part is 1of my Guard already said “I like to play Healer in MMORPG” But we want to play together? So…?
I;m not saying my COmp is the best. Every comp has it’s counter mechanic. So it just how u to understand ur comp and enemy comp. As long u can make a Victory. Any comp is find. After u make a Victory u just need to compare “What is the limit of enemy numbers u can beat?” “What is ur Team Avarage Time to make a Kill in Team Play” and “How many burst damage ur Team can make within a short of time”
Having a Good burst is fine but again. Overkill is not. If u need 20k damage to kill a target. U have 2 People. If u use 2x burst the can make 15k damage x2 = 30k. Waste 10k. Or u can choose 1Sustain DPS + 1Burst for 15k +5k damage = 20k. Since it’s Sustain after that enemy downed s/he can change target to pressure another target for a set up kill. Don’t ask me “Why not that burst Class lower his rotation so he can make another kill” it’s like asking “Can we use blurry frenzy without a Set up kill like Sword #3 leap or Stun Bullet?” Yes u can but it won’t hit anything if ur target is too far…
Also always remember counter mechanic. By Mechanic default Thief counter mes. So u have 2choice. Remove the Mes OR put Someone in ur team to counter the Thief exp a Class with Heavy AOE damage like Nec/ WA. The only safest Pick i found is only DD EL so far.
I;m not saying my COmp is the best. Every comp has it’s counter mechanic.
We’re saying that your comp is bad.
But overall, the title is a killer. Was meant to be a fun addition but the lack of proof justifying it in the video, killed your credibility.
Just let it go. Imo comments from euro servers are invalid.
Shatter burst is incredibly high damage. But I haven’t met any good shatter mesmers at T1 NA yet. Most mesmers got killed at few seconds except for pu.
Just let it go. Imo comments from euro servers are invalid.
How so?
Just let it go. Imo comments from euro servers are invalid.
Shatter burst is incredibly high damage. But I haven’t met any good shatter mesmers at T1 NA yet. Most mesmers got killed at few seconds except for pu.
Shatter mesmer is fun but there are way too many counter mechanics in order for it to be successful in 1vX or duels. So everyone takes the easy route and no one really learns to play it effectively.
Seems u are recomending me for a “Ganking Team”. “We only Gank people. We don’t give time to enemy to react” .
So uh….what are you doing exactly? Chivalrously giving your enemies time to react so they can fight back?
I also have to agree with Fay in the argument.
I’ve watched your videos before – clicking the ultimate is a big nono. Arcane thievery (I don’t know if it works better) is a joke of a skill imo. Your build would be better if you just put your points into becoming a shatter mesmer. You have a guardian with you – I’m sure he has some condi clear or use mantra of resolve (it has a small aoe condi clear as well). Use -condi duration food as well should help your case. You’d be infinitely more effective if you ran in with shatter, bursted a group, then got out and applied pressure.
(edited by Jedge.3619)