(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
Wanted to do up some new vids, and despite not being to play AT ALL lately, managed to pull out some good matches thanks to the long weekend
Given Blackdevils been hazing me hard lately I took his helpful, positive, constructive criticism and made sure to sharpen up a bit. So blackdevil gets a free shout out. I even made sure to properly train my thumb to the elite on my razer, just for you BD ;D
First match was vs a 2 thief, 2 mes, 1 necro, full power team. After the first two initial 1v3’s (whoops), things pick up. For those of you who havent seen it, I caught the distortion delay bug at 7:40- always when you need it most -_-u
Also had a crazy iLeap bug out on me at 9:40.
1:20 is the rupt train pulling into station, and a heart thumping minute of action for me.
Other two matches were just some good solid roaming deeps. Solid teams meant I could do my thang~
Oh, and some stupid shyte in amongst it all too if you want to nit pick BD, your kitten nal was getting a little dated. Notice how I expertly fail to retarget the war and start casting on an LoS’d ele. That ones on me, I know you love that sort of stuff ;D
Good times.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
Thankyou for The Offspring.
Thankyou for not starting the video with a 25 minute role playing movie of your character.
Thankyou for The Offspring.
Thankyou for not starting the video with a 25 minute role playing movie of your character.
Lol, you’re welcome.
Ahm ross do you intentionally activate counterspell or just a mannerism from sword 4? Must be from sheer excitement haha
Omg you even gave BlackDevil a shout out! Maybe this is the start of friendship.
Great gameplay as usual, Ross. Love your build.
I cringe every time you heal for the centaur rune proc. Other than that, decent play.
I cringe every time you heal for the centaur rune proc. Other than that, decent play.
Lol, it’s air runes and it’s never without consideration.
Ahm ross do you intentionally activate counterspell or just a mannerism from sword 4? Must be from sheer excitement haha
If I know the block channel will go to waste, I’ll throw it out. If the target is a mesmer in particular I’ll hope to catch a phant summon (which will come even if they’re faced away from you). If I’m going to weapon swap I might throw it out quickly anyway to put it into play knowing it’ll be off cd when I come back around anyway. Its also great to land a blind on incoming melee leap skills as it puts the next second of play in my hands, which the counter after the block doesnt allow. Thieves are particularly notorious for this given that after they dive into melee range with you, they’ll start with the stabbastabba.
I’m never concerned with landing the torment, if that helps frame things a little more.
Omg you even gave BlackDevil a shout out! Maybe this is the start of friendship.
Great gameplay as usual, Ross. Love your build.
I love making friends
Ty for shout outs,
Worst enemy thieves I’ve seen this month
8:07 isn’t delay. It’s not instant because you don’t have IP. Clones need to have a target to shatter, no matter what shatter. If they don’t for about 2 seconds they will just shatter themselves. You’re waiting about 0.5-0.75 seconds before you actually press your distortion. Now there’s your problem. Don’t blame the game for bad plays. If thief was smart he would’ve just spammed backstab when your blurred frenzy was about to end since there’s a small window where you can hit the mesmer at the end of the blurred frenzy, especially if you weapon swap.
Other than that, nice job on spamming your phantasm on people who are not aware of you.
Other than that, nice job on spamming your phantasm on people who are not aware of you.
Smart play’s a smart play.
Other than that, nice job on spamming your phantasm on people who are not aware of you.
Smart play’s a smart play.
No that’s just facerolling your keyboard on people who just installed the game. If that’s your meaning of smart then the build surely fits you.
Other than that, nice job on spamming your phantasm on people who are not aware of you.
Smart play’s a smart play.
No that’s just facerolling your keyboard on people who just installed the game. If that’s your meaning of smart then the build surely fits you.
Rofl, oh BD, you’re so funny.
That build just looks soo squishy, I could never run that :<
At this point, I’m just waiting for a BlackDevil video. That’ll turn this forum into a firestorm.
It’s not instant because you don’t have IP. Clones need to have a target to shatter, no matter what shatter. If they don’t for about 2 seconds they will just shatter themselves.
I think the point is that this is bad/buggy design, particularly in the case of distortion.
At this point, I’m just waiting for a BlackDevil video. That’ll turn this forum into a firestorm.
lol yea seriously BlackDevil it’s been what..a year since your last vid? Your vids were pretty entertaining to watch.
At this point, I’m just waiting for a BlackDevil video. That’ll turn this forum into a firestorm.
lol yea seriously BlackDevil it’s been what..a year since your last vid? Your vids were pretty entertaining to watch.
I wish he would post though, I am prepared to be enlightened by this guy…
As Black pointed out, there wasn’t a delay bug as the clones activate the effect when they shatter. When you activated Distortion, you still had two clones up.
It’s just bad design as it doesn’t make much sense to use a defensive, long cool down ability to hit an enemy. This is where having IP shine so you get the on demand evade and time for the clones to shatter.
But okay video, you tend to use your defensive abilities for positioning in the start which is almost a no-no. Just from the footage I saw you need support with this build and plays more with high DPs classes. I don’t think I’d ever use this build but I have a hard time giving up power shatter with IP.
Average gameplay, assuming of course that average player is not very good. Blackdevil is right, you just spam phantasms on people that can’t dodge. I wish I could face you in a match man, because there isn’t a good thief in any of your videos. A good thief would shut you down.
Wait, I’m really confused on how summoning phantasms is a knock against Ross’ gameplay. Do you guys understand how dps phantasm builds work??? LOL
Also, a good thief would shut ANY Mesmer down (including you), so stating such is always a moot point.
It’s refering to the low skill cap the build requires. Especially when used against people who have no aware of what’s going on.
While thief is a counter profession to mesmer, it’s not directly shutting you down. As long as you can avoid the thief’s burst and then counter burst or get the thief off-guard, you should have a much higher chance of surviving the match and being effective as a shatter mesmer.
Though this build is just way too slow on the burst part for any half kitten d player to die against. If someone can’t avoid the burst of this damage, unless he’s stun locked by RNG, I would just straight up call the player bad.
And getting a thief off guard with this build is just the exact same as getting him on guard. Unlike shatter, you can’t instantly burst someone out of stealth. There’s a lot setup required for the burst to happen. Not something I would combine with the squishiest setup you can achieve.
Average gameplay, assuming of course that average player is not very good. Blackdevil is right, you just spam phantasms on people that can’t dodge. I wish I could face you in a match man, because there isn’t a good thief in any of your videos. A good thief would shut you down.
Wait, I’m really confused on how summoning phantasms is a knock against Ross’ gameplay. Do you guys understand how dps phantasm builds work??? LOL
Also, a good thief would shut ANY Mesmer down (including you), so stating such is always a moot point.
Relax MM. Fact is, I’ve never overstated my ability, nor this builds. These guys might have some good points to make, but they constantly loose it in their over stated, unreasonable, and unnecessary criticisms. A few posts up you’ll see me get penalized for attacking targets that are unaware of me. As though a player is only “good” in a team based conquest mode, on a burst setup, if they’re running to 1v1 an opponent who is fully aware of them and can see all their casts and attacks coming. Meanwhile every serious thief and shatter burst mes knows the strategic advantage, and power of attacking someone by surprise. It’s not just smart play, it’s bare basic playing to win.
Its great to see them pull out the bias card across the forums on people and yet be so blind to the bias of their own blatant attitudes. And guys, again, this isn’t saying you don’t have anything constructive to bring to the table, but you drop the ball constantly in ways like this. But that’s ok, there’s always room for improvement.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
It’s refering to the low skill cap the build requires. Especially when used against people who have no aware of what’s going on.
I don’t know why this is even worth mentioning. Of course a phantasm build has a lower skill cap than other mesmer builds. I think the point to realize is that when skill level is equal, most classes (outside Necro) should be able to trounce a Mesmer, power shatter or otherwise. i.e. whenever a Mesmer beats another profession, it’s because that player is less skillful. I’m speaking generally here.
While thief is a [hard] counter profession to mesmer, it’s not directly shutting you down. As long as you can avoid the thief’s burst and then counter burst or get the thief off-guard, you should have a much higher chance of surviving the match and being effective as a shatter mesmer.
Are you trying to defend the lopsided match up of thief versus dps Mesmer? This isn’t a koth arena. And why are we talking about shatter mesmer again? This is a phantasm build being displayed.
Why are there people trying to act elitist (not you Teef) crap here in the mesmer forums? Such toxicity here.
Also coming from a fellow mesmer… It’s disgusting.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Its great to see them pull out the bias card across the forums on people and yet be so blind to the bias of their own blatant attitudes. And guys, again, this isn’t saying you don’t have anything constructive to bring to the table, but you drop the ball constantly in ways like this.
This is the problem. It seems like people are sometimes shady and demeaning towards others just because they can be. It takes away from the fact that they are actually smart players with a lot of constructive advice to give others. We can do better as a Mesmer community.
Its great to see them pull out the bias card across the forums on people and yet be so blind to the bias of their own blatant attitudes. And guys, again, this isn’t saying you don’t have anything constructive to bring to the table, but you drop the ball constantly in ways like this.
This is the problem. It seems like people are sometimes shady and demeaning towards others just because they can be. It takes away from the fact that they are actually smart players with a lot of constructive advice to give others. We can do better as a Mesmer community.
I think the mesmer community has the most “egocentric” and “elitist” garbage mentality players. Remember that Scepter buff?
- All coming from fellow mesmers.
Where are we at right now with that buff?
Right? /facepalm
Not raging just #realtalk here.
Im not trying to act Elitist/Mean/Whatever on purpose (I know my account name might say otherwise), I just think that the OP bases his build too much on average play. I actually made a signet phantasm build the other day that was alright, but to say that build could replace shatter just isn’t a valid statement. I don’t think that Phantasms and interrupts in the form of dazes really go well together, and I think scepter is just awful. Its nice that OP made a fun build, but to go around saying it’s an incredible build and that top tier mesmers can’t think outside of the box… IDK.
Im not trying to act Elitist/Mean/Whatever on purpose (I know my account name might say otherwise), I just think that the OP bases his build too much on average play. I actually made a signet phantasm build the other day that was alright, but to say that build could replace shatter just isn’t a valid statement. I don’t think that Phantasms and interrupts in the form of dazes really go well together, and I think scepter is just awful. Its nice that OP made a fun build, but to go around saying it’s an incredible build and that top tier mesmers can’t think outside of the box… IDK.
Points taken.
For the scepter argument, I agree. BUT if the OP had another choice of MH (Which clearly he did not, since using two Swords would share the Same CD) he would’ve done so.
But Who is claiming that this build can replace shatter?
PS: You can act all elitist here if you want since you main a different class. I just find it weird that most people bashing the OP are fellow mesmers.
to say that build could replace shatter just isn’t a valid statement.
Darling, no one said such a thing in this thread. The only people who mentioned anything about Power Shatter has been other posters. For what reason these comparisons are popping up in this thread, idk.
Im gonna delete my first post.. honestly I actually liked the video when I first saw it, I was under the impression that Ross was really bad but it turns out his rotations and awareness were decent. I just kinda followed the hate train after BlackDevil came in. I apologize to the OP for all the shots I may have fired.
Black Devil gets a bad rep!! I think he’s a very knowledgeable player, but like Sticker has said, we have a lot of egocentric people playing Mesmer. We like to spar sometimes and it’s ok! As long as we exchange information and ideas in a helpful matter!!
Im gonna delete my first post.. honestly I actually liked the video when I first saw it, I was under the impression that Ross was really bad but it turns out his rotations and awareness were decent. I just kinda followed the hate train after BlackDevil came in. I apologize to the OP for all the shots I may have fired.
No problem Eli, thanks for being a cool dude either way. ;D
No I just dislike ross’ attitude and sadly my attitude doesn’t become much better from that.
It’s like you’re that dude that pops in once or twice to spice the discussion up a little by trolling.
You’re the one making video’s of 1v1’s in hotjoin, that allows me to comment on them. That’s just how youtube works. If you don’t like my comments, just straight up ignore me or don’t make them.
If you make a video and call me out in the same thread, you can expect me to come along and give my opinion. So I did. What do I get as response? ‘’Smart play is smart play’’.
Responds like that will bring up the unnecessary comments.
A few posts up you’ll see me get penalized for attacking targets that are unaware of me. As though a player is only “good” in a team based conquest mode, on a burst setup, if they’re running to 1v1 an opponent who is fully aware of them and can see all their casts and attacks coming. Meanwhile every serious thief and shatter burst mes knows the strategic advantage, and power of attacking someone by surprise. It’s not just smart play, it’s bare basic playing to win.
Look, this is where you are wrong if you are refering this to your own gameplay/build. I already said before (but you probably didn’t bother reading) that even if you get people off guard, there’s no way any decent player will fall for your damage. That is because it isn’t instant and your damage requires a lot of setup to actually hit.
And getting a thief off guard with this build is just the exact same as getting him on guard. Unlike shatter, you can’t instantly burst someone out of stealth. There’s a lot setup required for the burst to happen. Not something I would combine with the squishiest setup you can achieve.
Are you trying to defend the lopsided match up of thief versus dps Mesmer? This isn’t a koth arena. And why are we talking about shatter mesmer again? This is a phantasm build being displayed.
No you said:
Also, a good thief would shut ANY Mesmer down (including you), so stating such is always a moot point.
I disagree on that. Any mesmer also includes shatter mesmers. I already said before why shatter would have a much higher chance of being useful than this build.
Now you might also just understand why I think the people he fights in the video are very bad and mostly not worth showing. The only part I liked from the video was the 1v2/3 starting at around 1:30. Other than that it was just mostly spamming 453 on 1v1’s, 2v1’s and people in team fights who just started playing.
No I just dislike ross’ attitude and sadly my attitude doesn’t become much better from that.
It’s like you’re that dude that pops in once or twice to spice the discussion up a little by trolling.
If that’s how you choose to see things that’s how you choose to see things. That’s got nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. But hey, that’s ok, I understand and just accept that.
You’re the one making video’s of 1v1’s in hotjoin, that allows me to comment on them.
When you make a false comment like this it just ends up showing your negativity and/or bitterness, or whatever it is you’ve got going on. I mean, it’s not all that bad to me but like I said, it colors everything else you might have to say. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt though, maybe somehow you don’t realize you’re being slanderous and you’re just misinformed or something.
If you make a video and call me out in the same thread, you can expect me to come along and give my opinion. So I did. What do I get as response? ‘’Smart play is smart play’’.
Responds like that will bring up the unnecessary comments.
Glad you came along. I wasn’t coming at you with hard feelings. As for my response, again, I think you ended up reading something into it. Obviously you take exception with roaming DPS players rotating in and catching people 2v1 and unaware. One conclusion I’ve drawn is the possibility that you expected something in particular of a vid. Perhaps a montage of 1v1 fights where both parties see eachother coming, with narrow escapes, and ultimate decisive bursts to end things in the mesmers favor. Where’as I’ve tended to post full match vids in recent history showing the full length, ups and downs, good decisions and bad, good players and bad. Thus your expectations fall sourly short.
So when I responded with “smart play is smart play” it wasn’t to crack wise, rather not-unfriendly say something concise that reflects my view on the game, the role, playing to win, how things are/should be, etc etc etc. I don’t know why you took it as a slight because it wasn’t. Not everything’s about you BD ;D
All I would suggest is to just reread your first few reply’s to me. If you don’t see the inner troll in that then I don’t know either man. We just disagree totally on all aspects of the same class then.
p.s. if these guys are actually queueing ranked I will eat my shoe and be happy I never get q’d with such people.
p.s. if these guys are actually queueing ranked I will eat my shoe and be happy I never get q’d with such people.
No I just dislike ross’ attitude and sadly my attitude doesn’t become much better from that.
While this mentality is immature and shows a lack of social tact, I totally get it. Fact is we all choose how to react to people that we dislike. You just come off as extremely aggressive in this thread… I don’t quite see where Ross was particularly nasty. In fact, it seemed like he was trying to make light of your previous skirmishes.
More on topic slash off topic since this thread is apparently about power shatter:
I disagree on that. Any mesmer also includes shatter mesmers. I already said before why shatter would have a much higher chance of being useful than this build.
And again, I say that any equally skilled thief should be able to handily shut down any dps Mesmer build in a typical conquest match. Let’s throw an imaginary number of odds out there to frame my point of reference: lets say a thief has a 90% chance of beating a phantasm Mesmer. Just because his odds against shatter Mesmer are 85% doesn’t mean it’s worth mentioning that Shatter specs do better against thieves. If you want to point out the weaknesses of Ross’ build (no offense to him) there are MANY other critiques you can give over this. That’s why I called it a moot point.
No I just dislike ross’ attitude and sadly my attitude doesn’t become much better from that.
While this mentality is immature and shows a lack of social tact, I totally get it. Fact is we all choose how to react to people that we dislike. You just come off as extremely aggressive in this thread…
I don’t quite see where Ross was particularly nasty. In fact, it seemed like he was trying to make light of your previous skirmishes.
Agressive? I just tell him what he stated about the distortion wasn’t a bug at all but rather player or game related. Along with that I just gave my personal opinion about the build and the people he was fighting. You may disagree with me on that, but I don’t see how that’s agressive.
More on topic slash off topic since this thread is apparently about power shatter:
I disagree on that. Any mesmer also includes shatter mesmers. I already said before why shatter would have a much higher chance of being useful than this build.
And again, I say that any equally skilled thief should be able to handily shut down any dps Mesmer build in a typical conquest match. Let’s throw an imaginary number of odds out there to frame my point of reference: lets say a thief has a 90% chance of beating a phantasm Mesmer. Just because his odds against shatter Mesmer are 85% doesn’t mean it’s worth mentioning that Shatter specs do better against thieves. If you want to point out the weaknesses of Ross’ build (no offense to him) there are MANY other critiques you can give over this. That’s why I called it a moot point.
I’m sorry? You’re the one who started with the whole ‘’ANY mesmer’‘. Literally quoting you right there. ’’ANY mesmer’’ also includes shatter mesmer. Neither did I say this thread is about shatter mesmer, it was just a comparison vs this build and used it as argument to show you not ‘’ANY mesmer’’ is getting completely locked out. I find it incredible how you forget what you post and then point the finger the other direction.
If any mesmer, no matter what build, would get locked out of any fight when fighting equal skilled thieves like you stated, then please tell me: why do so many teams still play with a mesmer? Just cause it’s a counter it doesnt mean you instantly become worthless and locked out. That’s just straight up false. Mesmer can kill a thief and especially when caught off guard.
I would rather put my bets on a 1:10 ratio than a mere 5% with 10 being shatter. This build should never survive or kill an equal skilled thief at higher tier. This build does, however, work much better vs thieves when both players have low skill cap. Cause then the mesmer just 453’s all the time and dodges once or twice, going into stealth and the thief will just tank all phantasm damage and stuns. Guess that’s also explaining the low skill cap it takes.
Besides, it wasn’t even me who brought up the whole mesmer-thief argument. I just explained what Elitst said. Something you didn’t understand and I explained it agian, for like the 3rd time, to you. If you still don’t agree we can better just stop the discussion here.
(edited by BlackDevil.9268)
Unnecessarily shady quotes of yours in this thread. Tone is key. Ross has a trollish attitude at times like you mentioned, but you’re throwing stones while in a glass house.
Other than that, nice job on spamming your phantasm on people who are not aware of you
No that’s just facerolling your keyboard on people who just installed the game. If that’s your meaning of smart then the build surely fits you.
You’re the one making video’s of 1v1’s in hotjoin, that allows me to comment on them. That’s just how youtube works. If you don’t like my comments, just straight up ignore me or don’t make them.
p.s. if these guys are actually queueing ranked I will eat my shoe and be happy I never get q’d with such people.
The reason I brought up all mesmer builds versus thief was in response to Elitist implying that thief was only a counter to Mesmer. I clarified that thief is indeed a hard counter to every power Mesmer build. You then decided to one up Elitist and defend his position that the match up isn’t as lopsided when on Shatter… While Shatter obviously does better than phantasm against thief, I correctly pointed out to you that this is a moot point and unproductive to even bring up.
If any mesmer, no matter what [power] build, would get locked out of any fight when fighting equal skilled thieves like you stated, then please tell me: why do so many teams still play with a mesmer?
Several reasons why thief shuts out power Mesmer viability yet it’s still played:
I would rather put my bets on a 1:10 ratio than a mere 5% with 10 being shatter. This build should never survive or kill an equal skilled thief at higher tier.
Neither should power shatter. And the only time it does is… guess… when the mesmer out-skills the thief! The same is exactly said for all Mesmer dps builds versus thief. I’m actually surprised that there are people who don’t agree with this frame of thought as I thought it was conventional wisdom.
Just to clarify, When I que with ross we never que unranked, just to clarify the fact you said that the vid wasn’t on ranked.
Also, judging from your tone, I think you are underestimating Ross’ skill as a mesmer too much. Am I right?
Sigh… let’s just keep it on that we disagree.
Well I can’t find ross in any of the leaderboards and I judge by what I see, not by what someone or others claim someone to be. And what I saw is already said in other posts so I suppose you can judge yourself.
Just to clarify, When I que with ross we never que unranked, just to clarify the fact you said that the vid wasn’t on ranked.
Also, judging from your tone, I think you are underestimating Ross’ skill as a mesmer too much. Am I right?
Unranked and hot join don’t exist. They’re just lies created by communists to mislead people. I know people like to say they join ranked, but I understand that to be saying “I clicked play”.
Sigh… let’s just keep it on that we disagree.
Well I can’t find ross in any of the leaderboards and I judge by what I see, not by what someone or others claim someone to be. And what I saw is already said in other posts so I suppose you can judge yourself.
I started playing PvP last November. Meanwhile life was changing to reduce my gw2 playing time even more than it had been whittled down to. In the last month I’d be lucky to get a match in on a daily basis. Since the MMR/Leaderboard reset or whatever, I see I’ve managed a total of 47 games. I know my way around Mesmer, and I’ve been contacted plenty by people with either positive feedback or requests for builds or help. Someone else volunteered me in the generalist category for Mesmer Specialization (I didn’t put myself down for anything). I don’t consider myself some elite mesmer but I know I’ve developed a long way. I’ve got plenty of “flesh” that needs to be stripped away, and there’s loads still to learn for me. The biggest problem I find I face is the simple battle of time. Little play means fewer opportunities to improve, and without frequent play it becomes harder to play on form. Discipline goes right out the window. I tell my wife how the whole thing frustrates me. Ohwell, such is life.
I don’t know how long its been since I played shatter (WvW, guild raids, so back before november) but a month or whatever ago I’d been saying to myself “Ok, for the last game of the night put the phantrupt aside and have a shatter match”. No particular reason, just for something different. So anyway I did and got this for my trouble -_-u
you really dont need to prove yourself
i think all the players who contribute to the mesmer forum should considered good or even great
i once tried to be on the leader board but 2 days not playing drop me back to the start so i gave up and i met many players who are not in the leader board and would be considered good ones and i fought ones who were in it and i won
you really dont need to prove yourself
i think all the players who contribute to the mesmer forum should considered good or even greati once tried to be on the leader board but 2 days not playing drop me back to the start so i gave up and i met many players who are not in the leader board and would be considered good ones and i fought ones who were in it and i won
Not really my concern. Never the less, there’s a ton of good mesmers out their who I have to assume are illiterate, thus why they don’t come to the forums. The point being I’ve encountered enough of them.
Never the less, there’s a ton of good mesmers out their who I have to assume are illiterate, thus why they don’t come to the forums.
Are you being ironic? o_o
Grammar natzi detected…. /facepalm.
Never the less, there’s a ton of good mesmers out their who I have to assume are illiterate, thus why they don’t come to the forums.
Are you being ironic? o_o
You do know what illiterate means right… Or…. Not…. What a joke… /double facepalm.
Never the less, there’s a ton of good mesmers out their who I have to assume are illiterate, thus why they don’t come to the forums.
Are you being ironic? o_o
You do know what illiterate means right… Or…. Not…. What a joke… /double facepalm.
lololol, this is what you get for posting under duress.
you play interrupt kittenterstyle for reasons. you need that boon remove, cause without you cant daze/interrupt at all.
it works better together.
on the other hand you clearly see the power of ip and the illusion traitline if you switch from power shatter to ci. you need to play more with your illusion, cause f2 is garbadge and f1 is weaker than in “normal” shatter. tho your shatter burst and the boonremove is favoured over your greater one vs one potential.
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