[WTA] Situational utility slot

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Hello Mesmer Community. Want to ask

If u are in a situation where Enemy Condi is not a problem or ur Team asked u “Just go more offense. We will take care Enemy Condis” What kind utility will u choose and why?

My Standard Utilities are
- Decoy (Strong for pvp, Don’t Change!!)
- Blink (Strong for pvp, DOn’t change!)
- Cleanse Mantra

So do u guys have idea to change Cleanse Mantra for this situation?

A. Raising Boon Strip
A1. Arcane Thievery = Nice boon strip but CD is too long, kitten CD
A2. Phantasm Dischanter
A3. Null Field

B. Moar damage
B1. Mirror Image = Summon 2 clone for quick shatter

C. Moar Interupt
C1. Daze Mantra = More OP with Halting strike

D. More sustain
D1. Phantasm Defender = Cut damage taken for ur P

E. I don’t do situational utility so i just keep the Cleanse Mantra

F. Feel free to write ur input in case i missed something

Thx for reading and i will wait for ur answer!
Btw i lost my internet connection ATM coz thunderstorm so pardon for my late reply! Thanks again!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Berry Pun Pup.6904

Berry Pun Pup.6904

F-f-f-feeeeeedbaaaaack, cause its ranger day/want to watch liches suicide. Or portal cause its always good.

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: kybraga.7103


Really depends on what’s going on…
Rangers/Lich =Feedback.
Elementalists and Guardians = Disenchanter.
Condition Necromancer/Engineer = Arcane Thievery (Conditions transferred to them does the same condition damage as they put on you… GW2 did that recently without a note.)
Turrent Engineer = Feedback or Null Field.

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shifty.7104


I would go with portal for quick repositioning and shock attacks.

here is a vid as an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0toq_xU1PE

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Teutos.8620


D. More sustain
D1. Phantasm Defender = Cut damage taken for ur P

No, don’t use the Defender, he is currently useless.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Feedback and Null Field have the added bonuses of allowing combos:

  • perform Leap Finishers in them with MH Sword, OH Sword, and Staff in order to gain Chaos Armor
  • perform a Blast Finisher in them with OH Torch in order to gain Chaos Amor (and give to allies)
  • shoot through it with OH Pistol’s Phantasmal Duelist to apply confusion

Ultimately, what you’re already ready is fine and solid.
With Mesmer, possibly more than any other class, you are best off:

  • Finding what you’re most comfortable with
  • Trying to adapt to what you’re fighting against

Heck, some Mesmers take no condition removal and try to avoid condition application as best they can.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

[WTA] Situational utility slot

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kodthr.7103


I will speak from experience.

I began playing Mesmer with null field in order to clean the conditions applied to me and eventually also used it offensively to remove boons from enemies.
I also tested the daze mantra but I feel like F3 and #5 of GS are enough to interrupt most of the skills (heals, rez banners, d/p thieves combo, …) that you really need to interrupt. However it can be a nice alternative but I guess some other ones are better.

Now, I always use portal. Why ?

Well, as you gain experience you will understand what you really need to dodge and conditions will not really bother you anymore (except if you get caught, in that case you certainly failed and condition removal is maybe not the only answer). Using dodges (with vigor), stealth and distortion you will soon never use a condi clean, in some cases you can still jump onto your ele/engi/shoutbow/guard and he will surely clean some conditions for you.

If you play as a team (as you mentioned in your post), portals are always something nice to use (getting a nearly dead friend out of combat, fooling the enemy team by rushing one point and take the portal to stomp the poor defender of another one).
If you don’t play with a team, you can still use your portal for selfish reasons : getting out of a lost fight, pushing far, having people back to get you and portal back mid, …

In a nutshell, I would say that condi clean is good to begin with but you will soon enough discover that you don’t really need them anyway.

P.S. : The same goes for the elite skill, I used to play mass invisibility for some rez, stealth impact and self defense, but now I run moa which is more team oriented (I don’t feel like using moa in a 1v1, especially against another mesmer, because you know, I like having a fair miror match up).