WVW Build?
I would not recommend a hybrid build unless you have something specific in mind. Power/Toughness/Vitality (Soldier) is exceedingly useful in a zerg. You could also try Power/Precision/Crit Damage (Berserker), if feeling particularly bold.
I would trade the Sword/Torch for a staff; Mesmers are squishy creatures and ranged attacks are useful (also, the aoe boons/conditions from #5 and aoe bounces from #1). However, if you like the sword, you could try Sword/Focus for the swiftness and AoE phantasm.
Next, then, the traits. I understand you did not ask for these, but stat choice depends upon your trait/weapon choice. If you want to stick with your build, then ignore the following paragraph.
Phantasms tend to die quickly and horribly in zerg v. zerg, as do clones. I saw a build on these forums earlier today which was a clone death condition build, called the omni-clone build, or something like that. I believe it actually might have been something of a hybrid (travelers runes), with a heavy emphasis on conditions. This would be rather different from what you are currently running, I assume. Disregard it if you like.
(edited by Requiem.8769)
These are the two WvW build I keep bouncing between for roaming/havoc play:
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
Imo, for zergs, condi damage is useless. There is a lot of condi cleansing and you lost a lot of % of the final condi damage you can do.
Then, our best conditions are those ones that aren’t affected by condition damage. We can apply cripple, weakness, vulnerability and blind with no problems.
Also, mesmers have a horrible condition spam, so it’s very hard for us to reach good numbers with conditions in a moment. We cannot put more than 3 stacks of bleeding, and its a random way, we only have 2 skills that apply burn, and one it’s random on a waaay slow projectile, and the amount of confusion stacks is very low even witjh traited glamour.
Said that, the best way to success with conditions in zerg is with glamour confusion, even with the nerf it’s still the best way. This is the build I would take and the only one that can do decent job against zergs of +25 people:
With 25 stacks of might and sigil you’re doing 300 per stack. And with both Null Field and Feedback you can do pretty 1200 with confusion. But that’s the ideal situation. The damage drops a lot when not running 25 stacks of everything, full ascended trinkets and very expensive food. Both glamour skills are stationary, so if the zergs moves or enemies are spread, they are useless. And you’re only dealing heavy damage every 32s.
That’s why prefer pure power builds. The spike damage you can do is much greater without investing a lot on the build and you can do it more often. I have managed to do normally 4-5k to a whole ball zerg and spikes of 6k with the iZerker, also 3,5k with Blurred Frenzy.
Here’s a mantra build, which is better when you’re in a pug zerg:
And here, the pure phantasm build I’m running with my guild:
I’ll test these days 10/30/0/30/0 and take Far-Reaching Manipulations for a further blink to see if the lost of DPS is worth or not for a better hell situation saver.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
Ansau, what gear are you using in your mantra build?
And here, the pure phantasm build I’m running with my guild:
Inspiration VIII instead of X? Just checking…
The same as my build, paleeshi. Works perfecty with that gear. iZerker still deals goods 4k. The mantra/glamour build is just the beta version of mine when I started theorycrafting. It’s more suitable if you normally go to WvW as a random.
Dekk, yes, I just reedited the mantra build to do mine and I forgot that trait, thanks.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz