I love Mesmer, but I feel a few improvements could be made.
I don’t fully expect each one to be used, and I have no doubt some have been mentioned, but I feel better having gotten my feedback out there.
Illusionary Leap
- One of the most awkward gap closers. The range is poor, as with other gap closers, but since it does NOTHING if out of range, it suffers more for it. The clone also tends to die quite often before you can swap places, and the cast time is clunky.
- Instead of the current functionality I propose the following: It first makes a Clone. Teleporting you a small distance or not, same as any other clone, and then you AND the Clone both use a leap forward attack, similar to the Guardian’s Leap of Faith (only without the blind and possibly less damage). If you are out of range, no Clone is created but you still leap foreward (again, same as Leap of Faith)
- This would improve the ‘flow’ oh melee gameplay, as well as make it not entirely botched if the enemy moves slightly before casting.
Clone Counter
- The current three dots that fill up to tell the Mesmer how many Clones and Phantasms they have serves it’s intent to a small extent, while not totally eliminating the need to try to hunt down what clones you have active.
- I propose: Have each little bubble instead be a little Icon. For Clones it can remain a solid circle, but for Phantasms it should be an icon indicating what Phantasm is out.
- For example: If I had 2 Illusionary Duelists and 1 Illusionary Swordsman, instead of 3 Purple dots, would see 3 dots, one with a small Pistol icon, and the other with a Sword icon.
- This would serve to make clones more manageable, and mean you can tell at all times what phantasms you have, making combat management somewhat easier on Mesmer without improving or altering power whatsoever.
- As a secondary idea: Have the dots empty out as the Illusions take damage. So a Illusion missing half it’s life would have half of it’s dot emptied, similar to the player health bars (but not needing to be as smooth)
- Illusions that die as a result of thier target no longer being alive should use /bow before they die (their death coming near the end of the animation)
- this would simply provide flavor and flair, and suit the Mesmer style perfectly.
Clone vs Phantasm
- Clones that are generated semi-passively should not replace Phantasms.
- This includes Clones generated from the Scepter 1 attack, as well as the Dodge trait.
- Having to avoid these abilities as they will cut your damage down is just silly, and makes management of clones very awkward in dodge-heavy situations when you are using Phantasms for damage (aka PvE)
Moa Morph
- While I realize it is an ability carried over from Guild Wars 1, that does not mean it should be exempt from improvement and diversifying.
- There are many MANY instances of the player being turned into an animal during quests and events, so I propose that Moa Morph be replaced with an ability that has identical functionality, but turns them into a random animal, not always a Moa.
- Animals could include: Cow, Pig, Turtle, Chicken, Rabbit, Grub, Deer, and any other normally neutral animal.
That is all for now. No promises I won’t add more though.