(edited by Kirito.9207)
Well.. I'm done.
… I only hope best for the Mesmer class.
Na, already dead..
I can totally feel you Kirito, I’ve made a thread with the same topic as this just earlier today. I agree with you that it’s been a down hill for this class since the release of this game dated back in Aug, 25th, 2012. I can still clearly remember this date since this is the date I finally departed from my long journey in GW1 and said hello to a world of full imaginations and high hopes in GW2. Today, it’s a bunch of disappointments, and I had my fair share of joy. The Mesmer is my main and have thousands of actual playtime on my Mesmer. As many others including myself have said this before, the Mesmer is not in a good spot right now, and it’s not just in one aspect of the game.
The game developers tried to balance other classes, but at great cost of this class’ overall effectiveness, strength, and versatility in the game. The Mesmer desperately needs more attention at this point, and should deserve compensations to make up for its many known flaws.
Over the course of almost two years, many other players whose main in other professions have already learnt and understood the mechanics of the Mesmer very well by now. Mesmer may seem like a troublesome class like thiefs as a counter part example to new players in this game, but the meta today consists of mostly experienced competitive players.
Other classes strength have grown together with player’s experience, skills and knowledge in the game overall. In addition to those gains, they’ve also received several buffs and favorable bug fixes over the course of 23 month since the official release. All in all these are the reasons why playing on the Mesmer class today can put a player at a serious disadvantage against most other stronger classes by players of equal skills
I always like to emphasis on the keyword equal skills, because that’s how the class balance should be really looked at and given proper changes. It seems that the Devs doesn’t quite get this fact. Over the years, many outcries against the Mesmer class have made the Devs severely punished the Mesmer because those inexperienced players have failed to L2P, and they were also very vocal with their wrongfully opinions. Ultimately, this is the outcome of the Mesmer today. A well known utility bot and an underdog, which is a real shame.
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate
(edited by Mystiq Angelic.8193)
You didnt hide your bump well enough, lol.
Infractions… Ah I remember the good old matchup forums. Lost count of how many silly infractions I got. I am particularly fond of the infraction where I used a couple of capital words when quouting someone that used all caps… And got an infraction for breaching the forum posting rules. When I asked why, they refered to the all caps rule.
Unfortunetly for both me and the OP, posting about posts/threads that’s been moderated is also covered by the code of conduct and subject to infraction. So there you go, another one is most likely on the way. But dont worry about it. Its just tough love from Anet.
And look at the bright side – if you do get an infraction of moderator notice about this post, that means moderators are looking at the Mesmer forums!
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
And look at the bright side – if you do get an infraction of moderator notice about this post, that means moderators are looking at the Mesmer forums!
That’s not a good thing really, just a thing. Mods are mods, not devs. They don’t have any relation.
And look at the bright side – if you do get an infraction of moderator notice about this post, that means moderators are looking at the Mesmer forums!
That’s not a good thing really, just a thing. Mods are mods, not devs. They don’t have any relation.
I know they are not related but i gotta ask, where do they base your infractions from? (i.e. bumping a bug thread)
That’s not a good thing really, just a thing. Mods are mods, not devs. They don’t have any relation.
True, but when a kitten just want to be scratched, it doesnt matter if its from a hand or rubbing against a stool.
That’s not a good thing really, just a thing. Mods are mods, not devs. They don’t have any relation.
True, but when a kitten just want to be scratched, it doesnt matter if its from a hand or rubbing against a stool.
Go back to the Charr forum.
Meanwhile, I’m going to have to get used to not having a Blink anymore.
Go back to the Charr forum.
But my Mesmer is a Norn
Go back to the Charr forum.
But my Mesmer is a Norn
NornxCharr is a thing now. Haven’t you seen Rox + Braham?
woa, i am glad i stopped playing mesmer like a month ago, i just logged it once in a while to try out playing sw/t , gs shatter
its mostly just disappointment, i can never hit the enemy with the sword 3 either cause pathing or cause it gets killed on a guardian symbol
anyway hace a nice day!
yep i feel u. i was soo frustrated with veilbotting, i made a necro and omg i can wvw and actually having fun.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
I’m fed up too. I’ll still lurk the forums and play but I’ll treat this like the casual ‘cow clicker with a few more options’ it’s intended to be, thanks LS. But any sort of actual effort or money I will never waste on GW2 again.
Skill based game:
The levels of RNG to determine end game (skins) is utterly ridiculous, but you soldier on because you enjoy the combat.
Balance? In a kitten place for god knows how long, better now but is still riddled with low risk crap because A-net doesn’t understand how to balance risk and reward… Why do you think everyone is tanky DPS? or DPS with a stupid spammy survivability gimmick. But you keep going because you enjoy your class. Even tho there is no point to bring it.
WELP guess what also gets neglected, for what I can only presume is living story? The class that despite having crappy luck with RNG, and the lack of skill tuned for a proper system of risk and reward, still kept me at least playing.
A-net’s system does everything they can to silence and censor players so they can easily ignore the crappy parts and pat themselves on the back. (I even used the M word to describe self gratification in a previous post, guess what got infracted? lol)
They can go on for as long as they want saying “we’re listening!” but you know what that means? It means we are going to get a minor buff to mind stab so they can have something to point to and ignore us for another year.
Mesmer’s mechanics needs a complete rework that fills the lackluster gaps that the class suffers from: Either they are being sooo tight lipped about it and they have been working and have been for a long time now. Or nothing has been done and they have no willingness to.
If it was the the former at least we’d get some communication instead of being ignored and forced infractions for bullkitten. So I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.
Pro tip a-net: In a team based game where you allow low risk to thrive, you don’t sacrifice power for utility and call it even. Especially if the concept is revolved heavily around one class.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
I was recently thinking that even if Anet reverted all the nerfs to the mesmer, they still wouldn’t be very competitive because of the power creep all the other classes got.
I was recently thinking that even if Anet reverted all the nerfs to the mesmer, they still wouldn’t be very competitive because of the power creep all the other classes got.
actually, mesmer had a ton of nerfs.
greatsword 3 would be a daze.
Chaos armour will no longer have an icd plus choas armour skill will be on demand protection.
illusionary celebrity will be lower in the skill tree
confusion will be much stronger
sword 2 will be invulnerability + lower cd.
chaos storm will have a lower cd
mind wreak will do 10% more damage.
scepter 1 does confusion.
There are still much more but these reverts will bring mesmer much more powerful overall
Guess what??? they still dont give a kitten about us.
Guess what??? they still dont give a kitten about us.
sometimes I wonder about this qq cycle. When a class gets nerfed to the ground, they will try to buff it but all the buff flat out stink. There isnt synergy to existing build and the weapon set they depend on are just terrible.
Sooner or later, anet will buff it up to op status. Then all other classes qq about it being op some of which are good reason then it gets nerfed again and hopefully still viable
The cycle continues to the next class.
Inexperienced players are always the most motivated vocal ones on the forums with complaints often asking for nerfs with invalid points. They’re the reasons why classes like the Mesmer has gotten worse and worse over the years of patch updates.
I hope Developers at Anet are smart about making the correct judgement and decisions not based on invalid complaints by mostly inexperienced players. Most of the time it’s simply a L2P issue. GW2 is an extremely skilled based game, unlike many other generic MMOs. I believe this is a good thing. The combat system in this game is superb.
What most inexperienced players don’t get is that their chosen class will improve as they gain more experience in combat throughout the game, as well as learning more about the class’ mechanics.
Quick nerfs on a profession when most player base are still learning about their own class and other classes’ mechanics is the results we see today for Mesmers, which is a real shame.
I admit I used to feel extremely frustrated fighting against a thief in the past as a Mesmer player in the first couple month of gameplay. As time progresses, I eventually learnt more and more about different builds available, Thiefs mechanics, as well as mechanics of Mesmers. My skills have improved overtime as I gain more experience in combat through playing different contents in all aspects of the game.
Never was I went to the Thief class forum and complaint and calling for nerfs. I always evaluate myself first and look for where improvements can be made on my part. I experimented many different things and that’s how I’ve come to where I am today, a competitive player.
More often than not, that’s not the case with many players. It’s always easy for them to point the problems at others, instead of going through self-evaluation processes.
Developers should always be looking for buffs to improve where is lacking, and bring them in line with things that are already presented to be viable in game. Nerfing one thing and leave the others untouched will not balance things and will actually hurt diversity in game.
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate
I wouldn’t worry too much about the devs taking poor advice from whiners on the forums. They don’t listen and act on that any more than they listen and act on our bug threads. I suppose that’s both a pro and a con.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the devs taking poor advice from whiners on the forums. They don’t listen and act on that any more than they listen and act on our bug threads. I suppose that’s both a pro and a con.
I’m not sure this is completely accurate: remember the Temporal Curtain nerf?
I wouldn’t worry too much about the devs taking poor advice from whiners on the forums. They don’t listen and act on that any more than they listen and act on our bug threads. I suppose that’s both a pro and a con.
I’m not sure this is completely accurate: remember the Temporal Curtain nerf?
I’d actually argue that it was a justified nerf. The case could be made that the current pause time is too long, but it was a nearly instantaneous 5 target aoe interrupt. That’s definitely a bit unbalanced.