What armor should I get for my Mesmer?

What armor should I get for my Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rahar.9872


Hey guys. Having just recently gotten my Mesmer to 80, it’s now time to gear him. But I’m at a crossroads on what to decide.

First, some details. I play a shatter Mesmer build S/P and Staff, with my own variation for condition removal. The trait lineup is 10/20/0/10/30, as it suits my playstyle best. I’d like to gear for decently hard-hitting shatters, but also be able to take a hit or two to cover for any mistakes I might make, or getting jumped by other players. In other words, a balanced setup. I primarily take part in WvW and dungeons such as AC, if that helps.

So here’s my question to you. What armor mix should I go with? And what armor do you run with in a similar build to mine? I was thinking an even mix of Knight’s and Berserker’s for high crit chance and damage, but I’d like a little more input before I settle on one decision. Feel free to ask me to clarify anything if you need more information.

Thanks for your time and input!

Edit: I’ve taken a look at the Shatter Cat guide like some people asked me to do. I’d like a little more defense than 4/6 berserker’s and all berserker jewelry, because I’ve ran about the same on a thief and disliked the one slip-up deaths. Unless Mesmer is different with all of it’s tricks (please tell me if so), I’d like to lean towards a more balanced setup.

(edited by Rahar.9872)

What armor should I get for my Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


I went ahead with the Osicat guide, since my build was similar (it’s similar to yours too!) and went for 4/6 Zerker, 1/6 Valkyrie and 1/6 Knight. Chest pieces, Pants and headpiece (I think) have higher stats than the other three armor pieces, so they’re kinda “wasted” on Berserker gear, because Berserker gear is a static % increase in crit, whereas raw stats on Knight/Valkyrie gear scale upwards on these three slots.

Also, I find that the Mesmers defenses are all activated abilities. Blink, Decoy, Dodge rolls, chaos armour, veil and what have you. I suppose that the amount of knight/valkyrie gear you get is dependant on how many of your utility skill slots you spend on defensive skills, and how many you spend on offensive ones.

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- Sun Tzu, Art of War