What build for Structured PvP post-patch?

What build for Structured PvP post-patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: lazycalm.5186



I’m gonna start playing with my Mesmer in PvP, even though I heard they’re not in a great spot atm (is this true?)

While I know conditions are better atm, I’d prefer playing a power shatter free build (mainly because I don’t think I can manage shatters being new at Mesmer)

What is the most efficient PvP build after this patch? Can you post a link with traits, skills, runes and sigils please?
I’m just asking this because I’m quite new with Mesmer and I have little idea of what to use

If there is a much better condition build in comparison to power, I’ll take the condition build and give it a shot

Thank you for your help

What build for Structured PvP post-patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


PvP power shatters are the same as power shatters in WvW, except you meet more players with berserker gear so it is easier to burst them down. Not so much against tanky ones because your crit damage is less than full zerk in WvW. A typical build would be 4/4/0/0/6, where your boon strip trait comes real handy in team fights. I like 2/4/0/2/6 post-patch because it gave me long vigor that I used to have before the patch, but I still go back to 4/4/0/0/6 from time to time. I use zerker trinket, superior rune of pack with double sigil of speed to run around the map with long duration swiftness. If I play 4/4/0/0/6 I use double energy, if 2/4/0/2/6 then I use double fire. Shatter build is suitable with all types of weapons so go with your choice.

Or you can also play interruption build, which has big role in PvP where you can root and interfere enemies with 4/4/6/0/0. Maybe 6/2/6/0/0 post-patch but thieves are immune to Power Block. Which is a problem as there are lots of thieves in PvP. Interruption build is quite versatile because you can combine that trait with shatter or phantasm gameplay. Again the weapon choices are diverse, though I recommend ones with stun/daze.

Or you can play phantasm build, though the build is quite diverse and I don’t know much myself. iSwordman and iDuelist are great against single player while iZerker target a whole lot of enemies. iWarden and iMage have their individual problems. iWarlock is quite situational and while it hits hard, it may not be a reliable damage dealer.

A thing to note though, PU is not recommended in PvP. You have great survival but you won’t be able to cap points. Best leave it to dueling or solo.

What build for Structured PvP post-patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vyndieco.6187



I’m gonna start playing with my Mesmer in PvP, even though I heard they’re not in a great spot atm (is this true?)

While I know conditions are better atm, I’d prefer playing a power shatter free build (mainly because I don’t think I can manage shatters being new at Mesmer)

What is the most efficient PvP build after this patch? Can you post a link with traits, skills, runes and sigils please?
I’m just asking this because I’m quite new with Mesmer and I have little idea of what to use

If there is a much better condition build in comparison to power, I’ll take the condition build and give it a shot

Thank you for your help

Shatter mesmer is the most viable build, if not the only viable one. It’s not on a that bad of a spot right now really, Portal is very awesome utility, boon stripping trait is very useful, and halting strike is awesome. The condition mesmer build generally is PU, but imo it’s not very good except for 1v1s.

For shatter I personally like staff/gs, but i know some people run sword torch or sword focus too.