What's Life Like For a Mesmer Main?
At this point, it is pretty much useless everywhere, except as a portal bot (and in some particular, niche situations).
I definitely feel like a dead weight on my team in dungeons, except ~maybe~ in Arah and Fractals.
You don’t even need them for portals, just use the consumable. Mesmers are dead weight trash tier class below necro.
As mesmer main, Id say im feeling quite in place, when im playing some other game. Yeah. Thats where anet want us to be. Or reroll.
Dam guys, lol…
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer
The iLeap “fix” made playing hard, so currently i feel pretty…random, i think. If they would revert that change or made the clone invulnerable for ~3s after spawn i would feel ok, again. I’d still have a hard time but that’s mainly because of other classes being too strong.
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
Obviously troll! Dont listen to him!
My Mesmer prays everyday to Lyssa that he won’t be nerfed every patch.
Even in a LS patch, they managed to nerf him.
I’m usually typing on my phone
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
Yeah the mesmer in solo roaming I think is probably the most amazing option.. can have so much fun with it…
I think in dungeons mesmers rock too with reflects stealth and time warp.
I also think in PvP mesmers can be pretty incredible if done right.
But overall they do feel a little thin as of lately.
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
That’s nice. In the mean time, the 95% of other mesmers doing large scale wvw, dungeons and PvP are complete dead weights because they are playing a class which just doesn’t fit in any current meta.
Sadly Domzz, in PvP a Mesmer can be completely obliterated. Trust me on this, the amount of counters Mesmer has is insane in sPvP.
S/D thieves are able to do what Mesmers used to do, with double the efficiency.
I myself have switched to Staff Elementalist for PvP because I figured even with my 1+ years of experience with a Shatter build, I couldn’t keep up.
I’m usually typing on my phone
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
I think in dungeons mesmers rock too with reflects stealth and time warp.
Time warp isn’t a net DPS gain, given the lack of DPS that a mesmer does (and the huge ramp up time). Sure, you can boost everyone for a few seconds… or you can just do good damage for the entire fight yourself.
Guardians can reflect just about as well as mesmers (enough to do everything in the game).
Sooo… no one brings mesmers on high-end dungeon runs, except for portal (which colesy points out can be replaced with a rather expensive consumable, so most people don’t bother with that).
Mesmer is a fun class to play. You get some really fun tricks in your toolbox. It’s fun to Portal a group into a keep. It’s fun to fake people out with stealth and teleports. It’s fun to watch PvE mobs melt under reflect. I love the flow of the class and the options it presents you. I think the class gives you a lot of room to “play smarter” than your opponent, while rewarding patience more than it rewards twitchiness. (It’s also fun to be all purple butterfiles and laser beams. Have you heard the sound that shatter makes? It’s a really satisfying sound. Even if someone beats you they’ll never look half as cool doing it.)
Mesmer is also a vexing class to play. You have a ton of quirks to learn. And they’re not really good quirks, like when you find out that Spectral Walk is way more crazy powerful than it looks at first glance. They’re quirks like “sometimes you skill just doesn’t work.” It also feels like you really have to scrounge around to find builds that are remotely useful. Because your base damage is pretty low, because Anet really doesn’t want your interrupts to be too strong, because you pretty much can’t expect balance changes other than “we nerfed a thing,” because it seems like the designers pretty much view mesmer as a niche class so it’s not a big deal that your options are limited in ZvZ or you’re thief food in SPvP.
Mesmer was my first main, but I ended up mailing necro and ele for a while before settling on necro. I really wanted mesmer to be my main, I really did, but I just can’t. I think part of the reason I was so disappointed with mesmer is that I like the class so so much from an a etheric stand point. Everything from the mobile light armor sword oriented image to the pink butterfly effects and the visual impressiveness of illusions drew me to the mesmer. But I just can’t feel comfortable playing them in my preferred game mode which is large scale WvW. I main necro almost entirely because they’re a very strong class in organized WvW, and I do aestherically like the dark caster theme as well, but not as much as the mobile strategic elegant duelist that mesmers appear to be.
In pve, I played ele primarily for the longest time because it’s conjured burst is too over the top..
I remember once I brought my mesmer back from the dead to open Coe since it was the character I did story on, and I just couldn’t be bothered to use it in pve after playing ele and even necro. I used the meta mantra dungeon build with swords and foci and I was so frustrated that subject alpha destroyed my phantasy before they could do enough damage….
Before that, when I first hit 80 on mesmer, my first class, I ran an osicat staff shatter build for the longest time in dungeons that did no damage because I was new and didn’t know any better. That was the root of the bad taste in my mouth.
In wvw, I bring it out every now and then when our group needs a veil bot and backline ganker, but necro does so much more damage to enemy groups and survives so much more easily.
I played PU condition in pvp for a while when it got popular, but that was kind of pointless outside of hotjoin. If I play mesmer much in the future for Pve or wvw I’ll probably just do the cookie cutter staff GS build to satisfy my need for mobile magical glamourous combat before going back to my well bombing condition spamming necro or conjured weapon powerhouse ele.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
The best bit is how the quickness from time warp throws off the timing of literally everyone’s dps rotations so it’s not even that good.
My mesmer life is very uneventful. I mostly play wvw and every day usually plays out the same way.
I’ll start out by roaming for a little bit. I run into a thief. He instagibs me or he runs away when I get his health low. When the coast is clear and it doesn’t seem like they’re coming back with allies, I move on and cap some camps and sentries. Some time later I find a commander and start following them.
Our group is doing well, we’ve capped a few towers unopposed for a good while, but eventually we run into the enemy group. Almost every enemy I target is a warrior or guardian. I give up searching for a juicy bearbow ranger target and proceed to tickle the nearest warrior with my GS auto attack. Inevitably, our group is overwhelmed but I manage to escape and waypoint out with my sigil and guard stacks intact.
At the waypoint the commander has started rounding up the golems our server was stockpiling. They’re planning to attack the enemy’s keep on the other side of the map and need mesmers for porting. I start targeting some allies until I find the one other mesmer on my server. Then I look at the clock and think, “I should probably go to bed now, have fun with Driving Miss Daisy the Video Game other mesmer.”
I dread every further patch.
I constantly feel like I have to put a lot of effort in to achieve a minimum standard, in any game mode.
I feel pressured to use certain weapon sets and builds.
I do not feel useful everywhere.
I wish portal and veil did not exist – delete them from the game – suddenly a new light would be shed on pvp and wvw mesmer roles.
I wish PU would finally get nerfed back to how it used to be, with less boon uptime (2s refresh would be better) so people’s judgement about the class is not affected by one trait.
I wish main hand sword and focus were returned to their former glory – or fixed at the very least.
I wish we had a kittening direct damage ranged mainhand, especially considering scepter #2 got changed from direct damage to half torment…
I wish we were not forced into using traveler runes for the movement speed (another reason why focus needs to be fixed).
I would be happy with minimal condition removal, if all the above were sorted out.
It’s fine if you are ok not really playing 75% of the end game content (dungeons, large scale wvw, spvp), i.e., just doing LS etc. and wvw roaming. We have tons of bugs and tons of traits/skills that were nerfed long ago but have since fallen far behind other classes to the point of being very weak. Beyond that at least two of our weapon sets have bugs affecting them that are so bad they are basically unreliable to the point of being unusable (sword main and focus off).
I’m ok having to work twice as hard as the next class to beat them in a fight cause I play for fun more than to win. I’d say anyone sticking mesmer at this point isn’t playing to win as much as playing for fun. If they want o truly play to win they need to reroll.
Life as a mesmer is good if you have a mellow perspective, just play to enjoy the game in a casual way and hope that eventually Anet stops kitten your class. Otherwise, well might as well reroll.
The best bit is how the quickness from time warp throws off the timing of literally everyone’s dps rotations so it’s not even that good.
A decent rotation 50% faster is still better than perfect rotation 50% slower.
But you are somewhat correct. Whenever I have 2 wardens up, dropping tw will only mess up the perma-reflect setup. Only if people would understand that and stop begging for it…
Anet “fixed” every single skill of sword/focus since release. Some of them twice! What do you think a mesmers life is like?
Anet “fixed” every single skill of sword/focus since release. Some of them twice! What do you think a mesmers life is like?
I wish they would go back and unfix them – I liked it better when they were “broken”. :p
On a serious note – Sword+focus, such an iconic set… I realise scepter is the original counterpart to focus, but for mesmer, sword+focus feels more thematically “right” – ie, duelling with a straight sword and a fan – elegant and sophisticated, scholar’s weapons.
A shame that this set has been “fixed” so many times.
As a mesmer main i only play WvW and i solo roam a lot and well if anyone thinks we are useless then they need to l2p because as a mesmer i can dish out huge damage or shut down player with condi’s Mesmers rock but we do need to have a few things buffed and the nerf every time they patch need’s to stop BUt overall mesmers rule.
Commas and periods are your friend.
There was ONE period in that whole sentence!
Wooooow this is getting super depressing xD I personally still play my mesmer thoroughly and enjoy it for the exact reason I always have. While the mesmer may have its problems at the moment, I have a good time trying to put in extra effort, finding out new tricks to work around our own inabilities. Mesmer is fun for me because it allows me to put some thought in my play.
I have faith in that the mesmer may become viable at some point again, but am very worried about the amount of good mesmers who will be left by then after seeing the enormous pile of depression these forums have come to be.
I’m just going to agree with most of everyone here and not explain much.
It sucks.
That’s about it.
I started out with only a Mesmer in 2012 and reached level 30ish, then after a month of playing had to stop (real life stuff), and didn’t get back into the game until a few months ago. I leveled my Mesmer to 80 in a few weeks by doing the personal story and exploring mostly. Haven’t done dungeons yet because I have trouble finding a group. Well to be honest I haven’t really tried to look for a dungeon group. I usually play solo or with a few close friends (who kinda quit lately).
I love the concept of the profession (that’s why I picked it as my first profession), and there are some really inventive skills and when roaming around in PvE, I do enjoy it. Unfortunately, that’s where it ends.
I’ve read every guide, tried all the different builds, and am actually pretty good at not dying under normal circumstances. Even impressed a friend the other day how I stayed alive by using clones to distract and then kited and dodged till I whittled away at a champion by myself (it took a while).
Yet when I try to do any major group events during PvE, or WvW I feel utterly worthless. It’s not fun, at all. I can’t get in close enough to use my sword/sword which seems to do a big chunk of damage in regular pve, and my greatsword skills are a joke, they don’t seem to do any damage at all. I can do some interesting things with my focus, but only under specific circumstances. The pistol works pretty well when I don’t get hit with AOE effects. But I’ve been coming across so many fights with major AOE lately and I can’t do anything in that situation, because if I get in range to hit and actually do damage, I get killed almost instantly because I have no toughness/vitality stats at all. I’m using full berserker, btw.
I’m not an expert on the specific numbers behind all the skills and builds, etc. But from a reasonably dedicated player who plays a lot, I am not enjoying the end content at all. And that is really depressing.
I feel kind of gypped to be honest. The Mesmer is my favorite class in theory, I WANT to play this class, I put a lot of work into leveling this character, and I am not enjoying any of the level 80 stuff. I’d like to be able to get cool drops and start crafting things, but trying to do this content (as a Mesmer) is so disheartening and boring.
At this point, I’m starting to build up a few other characters to see if I will enjoy the game more as a different profession. As much as I want to play as a Mesmer I keep feeling upset that there’s all this awesome content I can access now, but I keep wishing I had a different profession to try it out with. Any suggestions which class might actually be satisfying at level 80 if I were to level a second one?
(edited by Penarddun.6827)
I started out with only a Mesmer in 2012 and reached level 30ish, then after a month of playing had to stop (real life stuff), and didn’t get back into the game until a few months ago. I leveled my Mesmer to 80 in a few weeks by doing the personal story and exploring mostly. Haven’t done dungeons yet because I have trouble finding a group.
I love the concept of the profession (that’s why I picked it as my first profession), and there are some really inventive skills and when roaming around in PvE, I do enjoy it. Unfortunately, that’s where it ends.
I’ve read every guide, tried all the different builds, and am actually pretty good at not dying under normal circumstances. Even impressed a friend the other day how I stayed alive by using clones to distract and then kited and dodged till I whittled away at a champion by myself (it took a while).
Yet when I try to do any major group events during PvE, or WvW I feel utterly worthless. It’s not fun, at all. I can’t get in close enough to use my sword/sword which seems to do a big chunk of damage in regular pve, and my greatsword skills are a joke, they don’t seem to do any damage at all. I can do some interesting things with my focus, but only under specific circumstances. The pistol works pretty well when I don’t get hit with AOE effects. But I’ve been coming across so many fights with major AOE lately and I can’t do anything in that situation, because if I get in range to hit and actually do damage, I get killed almost instantly because I have no toughness/vitality stats at all. I’m using full berzerker, btw.
I’m not an expert on the specific numbers behind all the skills and builds, etc. But from a reasonably dedicated player who plays a lot, I am not enjoying the end content at all. And that is really depressing.
I feel kind of gypped to be honest. The Mesmer is my favorite class in theory, I WANT to play this class, I put a lot of work leveling this character, and I am not enjoying any of the level 80 stuff. I’d like to be able to get cool drops and start crafting things, but trying to do this content is so disheartening and boring.
At this point, I’m starting to build up a few other characters to see if I will enjoy the game more as a different profession. Any suggestions which class might be actually fun at level 80?
I say roll a warrior. High DPS and heavy armor.
There’s a few bosses you can easily learn the mechanics and use blurred frenzy or your block sword skill to stay safe, but there are too many bosses that randomly throw out a 1 or 2 hit on light armored classes that make it no fun at all to be light armor and especially melee. If we don’t play berserker no groups want us, if we play the meta S/S S/F we get downed too often or it becomes too tedious to play and survive.
I agree with you on the Greatsword. The Greatsword would be fun if the AA wasn’t so poor, if the distance = damage was removed, and the AOE damage was increased.
I say roll a warrior. High DPS and heavy armor.
There’s a few bosses you can easily learn the mechanics and use blurred frenzy or your block sword skill to stay safe, but there are too many bosses that randomly throw out a 1 or 2 hit on light armored classes that make it no fun at all to be light armor and especially melee. If we don’t play berserker no groups want us, if we play the meta S/S S/F we get downed too often or it becomes too tedious to play and survive.
I agree with you on the Greatsword. The Greatsword would be fun if the AA wasn’t so poor, if the distance = damage was removed, and the AOE damage was increased.
It’s odd, I’ve actually never rolled a warrior in any game I’ve ever played. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I have an aversion toward them, the profession just never interested me in comparison to the others. But I may as well give it a try and see if I like it.
I usually use a combination of blurred frenzy and feedback to stay relatively safe, but the cooldown is long on feedback and I find getting stuck in blurred frenzy wastes time and does more harm than good. It’s kind of like doing a survival dance the entire battle. Sure I can stay alive, but I won’t be doing any damage. I do enjoy null field. I can pretty much keep myself condition free almost the entire time by dodging and using null field.
I started working with mantras the other day after I read two detailed guides on them. But they seem out of place in WvW and group PvE stuff.
I don’t know. I started an elementalist a couple weeks ago who is pretty fun, the game seems a lot easier with her than my mesmer…. and I still don’t even know what half the elementalist skills do. :/
(edited by Penarddun.6827)
It frustrates me a bit, I realllly love everything about the mesmer theme but it’s getting increasingly hard to match that view with actually playing the class. What’s worse is it’s really hard to pinpoint if it’s specific mechanics or what.
To make an example, I did the new living story with my mesmer and ranger earlier, and I just feel a bit frustrated in the fights with my mesmer. A feeling sort of like that one where you can’t find a build that fits you but you keep trying, cause you know you -can- love it.
Thinking on it, maybe it’s the phantasms. Maybe I feel like they are a bit too much passive pets and too little bending reality.
A feeling sort of like that one where you can’t find a build that fits you but you keep trying, cause you know you -can- love it.
That’s a perfect quote for a Mesmer!
How do you like your Ranger? Can you do end game content with it and have fun? Are bows useful at all or is it more a melee class?
mesmer has been my main since release and i did love the class soo much. i couldnt wait to log on to play wvw everyday after work. then confusion nerf happened and i still ha hope we would get something back. every patch i was hoping mes would be given something new for wvw.
glamour was the ultimate punishing build that was able to stop those mindless zergling. i can remember when my guild faced AVTR for the first time and blew up in purple dmg cause we didnt use much condi cleanse. we adjusted and were one of the first guilds that actually was able to deal with the mesmer deathsquad. when they joined our server, i joined their guild and omg it was sooo much fun to play, but the countelss nerfs, made mes less viable with every patch.
less and less builds were viable and the buffs to other classes whild mes received further nerfs, ruined the fun.
nowadays i gave up. i have waited for more than a year for anet to give mes something back for wvw, but i have like many of us lost faith and hope anything will ever change for this class.
the bugs are unbareable, the nerfs turned us into utilitybots which isnt fun andthe lack of aoe makes us useless in wvw.
roaming is a choice not a game mode really. somepeople like to play solo and im sure a few will still have some fun, but for anyone that likes wvw raids and zergbusting and enjoyed mesmer the way it used to be, this class is not fun anymore.
we lack a role
we lack aoe
we lack builds
welack bugfixing
we lack attention and improvements given by anet
we have to invest soo much just to accomplish 1 thing that anyother class can do too, but better
and yes perpelexity runes were a huge massive slap in the face!!!
this class shuld be turned back into the original role it had in gw1:punisher instead of a squishy, slow, bugged ai pet class!
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Mesmer is still my main and I still love it even with all of it’s quirks.
For the most part I am doing alright but it does feel like I need to work extra hard to survive in most fights than others that are playing say a thief or a war.
It could just be because I avoid pu like the plague and that seems to be our best source of well staying alive at the moment which is kind of really sad.
Avoiding PU on principle is silly.
There’s nothing dirty about a light-armor class using Protection (there’s not even anything dirty about a Guardian running Protection, really).
There’s nothing dirty about the most misdirection-oriented class in the game using stealth — the only real form of misdirection available to you (clones will never fool a good player).
There’s nothing dirty about the capstone ability of a trait line that’s all about boons and Toughness actually helping you actually survive a fight.
People whine about every single ability that doesn’t suck. It’s just that mesmers have only a few abilities that don’t suck.
So, seriously, use PU whenever it makes sense to do so. Don’t cripple yourself arbitarily.
EDIT: I wrote “Guard___ using Protection” initially and it changed it to “Guardikittening Protection.” This site is the best!
(edited by ASP.8093)
To be honest I don’t. If I run with a zerg I switch from my normal Chaotic Interupt (I play interupt mesmer) to pu. Other then that I don’t use it, I am still in the mind set that until that gets nerfed anet isn’t going to do anything to help mesmers as everyone will continue whining about that one trait.
Frankly, Dei Veien:
If (once?) PU gets nerfed, the whinging horde will simply find something else to hate about Mesmers. If a mere nerf were enough to shut fools up, we’d have been frigging well set after the WvW Confusion Debacle.
As for the OP’s question; I feel like a bleeding Investigator. Namely because with every patch, we’ve got to go over Mesmer Traits and Skills with a fine-toothed comb, just to see what ANet managed to shaft the class out of this time…
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Avoiding PU on principle is silly.
There’s nothing dirty about a light-armor class using Protection (there’s not even anything dirty about a Guardian running Protection, really).
There’s nothing dirty about the most misdirection-oriented class in the game using stealth — the only real form of misdirection available to you (clones will never fool a good player).
There’s nothing dirty about the capstone ability of a trait line that’s all about boons and Toughness actually helping you actually survive a fight.People whine about every single ability that doesn’t suck. It’s just that mesmers have only a few abilities that don’t suck.
So, seriously, use PU whenever it makes sense to do so. Don’t cripple yourself arbitarily.
EDIT: I wrote “Guard___ using Protection” initially and it changed it to “Guardikittening Protection.” This site is the best!
I avoid it, because Pu build isnt good in my eyes. Yeah. It has great survivability, but dmg is meh. I still prefer mantra phantasm. At least I can kill enemy’s with it ( except some of the best duel meta builds of other classes would win, but at least I can kill some noobs). From Pu mesmers people can just walk away -_-.
Avoiding PU on principle is silly.
There’s nothing dirty about a light-armor class using Protection (there’s not even anything dirty about a Guardian running Protection, really).
There’s nothing dirty about the most misdirection-oriented class in the game using stealth — the only real form of misdirection available to you (clones will never fool a good player).
There’s nothing dirty about the capstone ability of a trait line that’s all about boons and Toughness actually helping you actually survive a fight.People whine about every single ability that doesn’t suck. It’s just that mesmers have only a few abilities that don’t suck.
So, seriously, use PU whenever it makes sense to do so. Don’t cripple yourself arbitarily.
EDIT: I wrote “Guard___ using Protection” initially and it changed it to “Guardikittening Protection.” This site is the best!
I avoid it, because Pu build isnt good in my eyes. Yeah. It has great survivability, but dmg is meh. I still prefer mantra phantasm. At least I can kill enemy’s with it ( except some of the best duel meta builds of other classes would win, but at least I can kill some noobs). From Pu mesmers people can just walk away -_-.
While not actually accurate, you do have real reasons other than ‘PU bad’.
While not actually accurate, you do have real reasons other than ‘PU bad’.
I tend to exaggerate to make my point.
To be more accurate, Pu have low dmg, and it takes reeaaallyy long time to kill things with it. Maybe not walk away, but run away
PvE: I just play for the eye candy. When I’m surrounded by the same boring warriors, some basic Fire Mages and guys with some random blue spells, I feel the need to pick something with more personality. But in the end it’s not useful at all because I will not deal 13k damage in one skill or provide a lot of might/boons (haha, seriously? Reflection Mesmer?) for my allies, maybe some bugs (jk it always happens) and a dead body to be revived for sure, but thats all . Remember: it’s just for the eye candy.
PvP: It gets boring to play the same and only viable build for 2 years, you know? Really, there ins’t a lot of diversification. Maybe… PU. But well PU is the same as not playing at all so, well, as I can’t play with the “most viable build” because in the current meta it’s almost unplayable, and because I don’t have any other options to play with my mesmer in PvP, I can say thats is just for… the eye candy!
(edited by inhearth.2038)
I keep playing my Mesmer because I always find some fun quirk with it. Been my main for 1.5 years now.
Take the new living story for example. In the second Dry Top area, there’s this boss on top of a little spire that keep knocking people off at regular intervals. My PU build is hardly PvE hardcore material, but I engage anything that move anyway. And it was hilarious. All the others (maybe 6-8) kept getting knocked off the spire. Every freaking time. I just stood there in melee range and pounded him. Ooops there goes another group flying.
When he was dead, I was laughing my kitten off. Knocked down? Not even once. PU random aegis and chaos armor procs ftw :p
Maining a Mesmer is…
- Being called cheese by Hambows, minionmancers, DeathShroud necros, Turret Engies, Spirit Rangers, pistol whip Thieves, p/d Thieves and basically everyone else in the game.
- Having pugs think that we’re thieves and that feedback has zero cool down. “FEEDBACK?” “Just used it.” “OMG noob Mesmer” “For the sake of kitten I literally JUST used it.” “OMG noob Mesmer” Same thing with TimeWarp.
- Being surprised when there isn’t a nerf in the patch notes.
- Being even more surprised when you find out that nothing was broken in the previous patch.
…Great. Yeah, absolutely great.
I main a Mesmer because I love the concept of the class. I love misdirection and illusions, but other than aesthetic/personal appeal, it doesn’t go a long way in terms of efficiency. But it’s still my favorite class and the one I’m most comfortable on.
If I didn’t love my Mesmer so much, I would probably have mained an ele.
I’d just like to add that the life of a Mesmer is a life of poverty.
Wooooow this is getting super depressing xD I personally still play my mesmer thoroughly and enjoy it for the exact reason I always have. While the mesmer may have its problems at the moment, I have a good time trying to put in extra effort, finding out new tricks to work around our own inabilities. Mesmer is fun for me because it allows me to put some thought in my play.
I have faith in that the mesmer may become viable at some point again, but am very worried about the amount of good mesmers who will be left by then after seeing the enormous pile of depression these forums have come to be.
I still play mes as well, because I Play How I Want, but objectively, it’s hard for me to argue that I’m helping a lot (outside of Fractals/Arah). It’s still fun to reflect things to death, block everything, use wardens for projectile defense, etc.
(edited by maxinion.8396)
I’d just like to add that the life of a Mesmer is a life of poverty.
Nah!! Mesmers are op tp traders! We could…like…portal from the bank to the auction! I made all my money on tp
I would’ve given you a well written 5 paragraph response but I accidentally clicked a link and it deleted my marvelous, noble prize winning comment.
EDIT: Thanks Anet
While not actually accurate, you do have real reasons other than ‘PU bad’.
I tend to exaggerate to make my point
To be more accurate, Pu have low dmg, and it takes reeaaallyy long time to kill things with it. Maybe not walk away, but run away
100% incorrect, PU doesn’t mean condition tank all the time… It’s a trait and there’s plenty of builds that use it. ( Note: first kill was Pre Naga mouse – Such clicking! )
Long to kill? I think not my friend
I’ve Main Mesmer since launch and still love the class, but sadly we’re not built for large scale fighting. We do however excel in small man fighting and roaming. If you like zergs / raids roll an Ele or some other class or keep praying that Anet will make us more viable in large scale battles. IMO Mesmer isn’t for everyone and while there’s multiple play-styles available, there’s just not as many as other professions due to the bugs and class mechanics.
[Evil] Nazarus Soulswag – 80 Mesmer
Devona’s Rest – Previously HoD / Anvil Rock
While not actually accurate, you do have real reasons other than ‘PU bad’.
I tend to exaggerate to make my point
To be more accurate, Pu have low dmg, and it takes reeaaallyy long time to kill things with it. Maybe not walk away, but run away
100% incorrect, PU doesn’t mean condition tank all the time… It’s a trait and there’s plenty of builds that use it. ( Note: first kill was Pre Naga mouse – Such clicking! )
Long to kill? I think not my friend
It was pretty long. Look. U sacrifice one phantom for your torch. U sacrifice some core dps traits for the pu trait. Your dmg is lower. Thats a given. And mesmer dmg is already to low as it is. Even for me, sometimes, it takes a while to kill some half decent enemy’s
Also…I wouldn’t call your link an example. U was killing bearbow rangers and some very bad necros, only thief u had in this video was upleveled. Show me your great dps on signet warrior, and then it would have been a good example. And this time I would prefer, if u do it without green npc help.
(edited by Sergoros.4398)
The bottom line is this.
They can nerf your Chaos Armor. They can nerf your confusion glamours. They can break your Warden. They can nerf your iLeap. They can give you a new GM trait that is beyond garbage, a total triumph of uselessness even amongst the traits that nobody ever takes. They can crank out new content that completely invalidates half your abilities.
But you’re still the prettiest, and will be forever.
Feels like being Tyrion in the Lannister family of guild wars professions.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
don’t flatter the Mesmer class that much