When to phanta
Hey guys i tecently started my mes and i run a shatter pow build s/t sc/s.
So is keeping phantasms alive good? Or bad? Im kinda lost. Ill summon 2 phantas dodge roll for 3rd then i hesitate to shatter cause i have 2 phantas out. Is it all situational? Is it better to keep them out or jst shatter them?
Try and summon the swordsman after you do a mind wrack, that way it gets 10 seconds or so to dps.
The mage is nothing. Treat it as a clone.
Generally speaking, when I have 1 phantasm out I will shatter if I feel it will help me at that moment.
When I have 2 out, I will not shatter unless it is for a very specific reason (usually traited shatter effect or MW spike combined with something else).
I will usually shatter for damage or daze if I have 3 illusions out and have at least one phantasm ready to cast.
I generally never hesitate to shatter for Distortion if I get pinned down and can’t blink.