Which Rune and Sigil should I go for?
PvE? WvW? sPvP?
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Sigils: Air, Generosity, Energy, Accuracy, Force
Runes: Centaur, Air, Scholar, Ruby Orbs, Beryl Orbs, Divinity
I use superior rune of the undead and superior sigil of corruption as I am condition dmg build or better said glamour mesmer.
but yours id like my old build so try divinity rune
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Sigil of Rage – extremely undervalued given its usefulness in finishing downs in solo roaming/small grp play. You usually get the proc right after you down somebody from blurred frenzy and shatter burst.
Generosity is good on paper but never comes through when you need it.
Just my 2cents
The Patryns [TP]
Im a berserker GS mesmer and I run Ranger Runes.
Im still not settled on sigils but im thinking of 2 accuracy (the ones that stack to 25 for ~ 12% crit chance) on my sword/focus for quick stacking in wvw (this is my secondary set) and a +5% crit on my GS (main weapon). Ive got alot of +% dmg from traits and a ton of +% crit dmg so instead of going power happy(dont get me wrong im traited 30 in power line and am running berserkers aka power primary attribute) im aiming for high crit. Right now im ~75% crit on my GS if i have 25 stacks of perception and 95% crit dmg, still need my back piece ;-(