Which first Legendary to get for mesmer?
If you have the patience, wait until those new legendaries come out
If you don’t, I recommend the legendary that attunes with your build the best. Sounds like Bolt or Sunrise.
Legendary greatswords are practically hidden by the greatsword auto letting off the bright laser and you probably won’t be using skill 5 or 3 so that pretty much just leaves skill 2 and 4 that you’ll be seeing the greatsword.
Bolt … just looks ugly. As much as I’d love to have it since I use sword exclusively, it looks like crap.
I think half the reason I rolled a warrior was so that when I got my sunrise (200g + world completion to go … kill me) I’d have a character that could wield it and look awesome (max size norn, t3 cultural and sunrise ftw, just got the last to get done) plus beng strong in all of the game modes. Well plus there was the fact that I liked the gameplay when watching it on youtube and it’s pretty fun playing too.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
@SenoZinD: New Legendaries? I heard someone mention them a bit ago, but am not up to date. When will they come out? What details are there for them on recipes and such?
@colesy: Agreed on both Sunrise and Bolt and those kitten Sunrise warriors look way too happy on youtube : ) Yet I still want one and, as Seno suggested, I may continue playing the waiting game.
I think mesmers are the hardest to decide because you can change your build and weapons all the time. I went with torch. I liked it the best and I like stealth but was still unsure when I equipped it :P. I would work on all the things you know you will need. I got all the mats for most of the gifts, that I could gather or buy off the tp. Then after you know for sure buy your dungeon token and the recipes to make the gifts you need.
There will be no new legendary weapons! ANet said in a interviewe, they will introduce new legendarys(but no weapons, it will be backpacks or something similar) – that´s also the reason why they updated the legendarys(visual).
None of them. The legendary grind literally burnt my friends out and they quit soon after getting their legendaries.
I gave up on meteorlogicus and now I’m switching focus to the tribulation mode skins, the best look for asura imo
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
None of them. The legendary grind literally burnt my friends out and they quit soon after getting their legendaries.
I gave up on meteorlogicus and now I’m switching focus to the tribulation mode skins, the best look for asura imo
Tribulation mode skins are the best XD
Already got the greatsword and shield, now I gotta work on world 2 QQ
I was thinking bout the same for my mesmer but I went for Bifrost coz imo it’s the prettiest legendary. Even though the staff isn’t the weapon I use the most for my Mesmer.
I use Sword or Focus in most of my builds tho but I still went for Bifrost.
Since Imo Staff is still a really good weapon for mesmers in general (just not for pure dps) I started looking into some builds that actually use staff and found wvw builds, spvp builds and support builds that suit staff perfectly.
Now I use Sword/focus + GS for a dps phantasm build (pve) and sword/focus + Staff support/dps build (pve) for dungeons.
For WvW I wanan try a glamour confusion build which would use Scepter/Focus + Staff.
For PvE most people go for pure zerker dps (which is imo the best thing to do in most cases in PvE.) but Staff still has a lot of other uses.
I like all 3 legendaries. Just go for what you think is the prettiest and look into builds before making one. of here are absolutely no good builds with the legendary you want, go for the 2nd one. :p
None from what’s available. If i were you i’d wait for them to add more legendaries because the current offerings don’t fit mesmers at all. I mean, a legendary pistol would be the only one that is kinda fitting mesmers, nothing else.
As a proud Bolt owner, I can recommend it. All the lightning!11
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
I love my focus its the best weapon for pve imo for mesmers, you’ll want that pull or reflect for almost all content. Just need to wait on another update to get footsteps though i do like the brighter notes it has now (still want footsteps)
I love my focus its the best weapon for pve imo for mesmers, you’ll want that pull or reflect for almost all content. Just need to wait on another update to get footsteps
though i do like the brighter notes it has now (still want footsteps)
Anomaly fits mesmer waaay more for that.
While it’s down to pure personal taste I think none of the legendaries look particularly ‘mesmerish’ The great swords are too big and as mentioned above they dont really stand out when you use them, Bifrost is nice but it’s an ele looking staff rather than a mesmer one.
Personally I think the ‘mists’ weapons fit the bill looks wise. Suitably ethereal, no so wide as you can use them for gliding practice and cheap enough so as not to grind any love for the game out of you.
I would save your money and mats for ascended armor, which hopefully will look amazing.
^Going by the look of ascended weapons, there’s a high chance of it to look totally fugly.
I dunno. My mesmer is my main. I feel like she deserves one legendary. I’m leaning towards Sunrise.
I have mesmer asura and im going for Bifrost.
I rarely use GS ankitten ot even aiming for a legendary… But if I were to, it would be meteorlogicus… Omfg that is leaps and bounds most gorgeous weapon in the kittening game.
80s: Mesmer, Engineer, Guardian.
In progress: Warrior 52.
Does it think I am trying to be slick and be racist to the people in the middle east? It says GS… And… Not. Sand n?
80s: Mesmer, Engineer, Guardian.
In progress: Warrior 52.
I dunno. My mesmer is my main. I feel like she deserves one legendary. I’m leaning towards Sunrise.
please dont, you wont even see it half the time because of the laser auto blocking it out
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I have mesmer asura and im going for Bifrost.
why would you make a legendary for an asura? the thing will look like a Fisher Price toy-.-
Rodgort for LIFEEEE
I have mesmer asura and im going for Bifrost.
why would you make a legendary for an asura? the thing will look like a Fisher Price toy-.-
Yes, the weapons are very small on asura, but its my main char and i love it + its mesmer = i have 3 more clones with that weapon that shoot rainbows, and also the foot effects are really cool, i wish i could change the race to human ( i was going to pay even for 1000+ gems in real money to do that if it was possible) but anet dont want to make that option ;( soo ill make my bifrost for my cute little asura