White mantle mesmer abilities should be ours
Multiple mind stabs would be really fun to use in PvE. I also think that projecting portal would be fine to bring to the game. Its not that OP imo as long as it follows the same pathing rules as everything else. Of course you could still jump to where you wanted to lay it down in order to place it down in locations where the pathing that blink uses wouldn’t work, but I don’t see a problem with allowing us to project portal entre/exeunt to any place that we could walk to within say 15,00 units.
I recall the multiple mindstab being a potential “fix” for mindstab quite awhile ago by a dev. I guess this is as far as it got.
The by-far coolest part of their design is how they’re fully invisible until you destroy their one (very meaty) clone. Then they’re super vulnerable.
I’d love that, a defense mechanic actually based on illusions.
I’d love to be able to use a portal I could initiate rather than having to preset. That would break a lot of dungeons and PvE scenarios though. Maybe it could be an unlockable skill. Say 100% world completion? (yes I have that already, multiple times )
There could be something like a flying camera (leaving the Mesmer basically helpless) that you direct to a landing spot within range.
Still, I’d rather be Kasmeer and be able to have a crowd of clones to hide in.
In Star Trek Online ( a sister game to GW2 ) The “Nakhul” have an armor set that more or less projects a clone. They are invulnerable until the clone is destroyed.
That armor is available to players through a moderately tough grind. (one of my henchies wears my set ) So the idea is not entirely out of line. I will say that PvP in STO is pretty small time. The reputation of p2w destroyed it.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
Well the PvP in GW2 is pretty small time, too.